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In the weeklong celebration of the Mental Health Week, with the theme: “Mental
Health Care for All: Let’s Make it a Reality”, we had successfully raised awareness on the
importance of mental health. By working hand-in-hand with the local government unit and
the various government and non-government agencies, we were successful in providing
assistance to address the issues regarding mental health.

Issues regarding mental state should not be neglected by anyone. Everybody must
be involved in confronting the unseen enemy such as psychosocial problems. We have the
responsibility to safeguard our own mental health and also the mental health of our friends,
colleagues, relatives, and especially our immediate family members. It is our obligation to
act on every circumstances that involve mental health concerns. We must be proactive to
avoid the happening of some fateful events. Prevention is always better than cure.

In lined with the provisions and objectives of Republic Act No. 11036, otherwise
known as “Mental Health Act”, yours truly and together with Councilor Joel A. Alangsab co-
authored a city ordinance which shall address our various concerns regarding mental health
issues. Through this initiative, the city council have enacted Ordinance Numbered 29, Series
of 2021, otherwise known as the “Mental Health Care and Developmental Wellness
Program Ordinance of the City of Baguio”. The ordinance will put into place a mental health
care and developmental program aimed to address the exponential increase in the number
of persons suffering from mental health problems. It also aims to provide responsive,
socioculturally-appropriate, context-based, and timely mental health services in the
community, school, and hospital level to address the needs of individuals with psychological,
mental health, psychiatric, and neuropsychiatric concerns.

The Covid-19 pandemic that hit globally drastically affected our mental health
especially those who belong to the vulnerable sectors such as the youth, women, workers,
etc. Unfortunately, there were some who were unable to cope up with the psychosocial
effects and chose to end their life. Due to the long period of uncertainty and stress, we
realized that there is a need of a community-based program aimed at curbing the
emergence of mental health problems in the city that result to suicides especially among the

Based on our local data provided by the City Health Services Office, in 2019, we had
27 confirmed suicide cases. In 2020, we had 30 cases; and as of August 2021, we already
had 24 confirmed suicide cases in our beloved city alone. These data send an alarming signal
to everybody, the local government and private entities to take a serious look at the issues
and concerns involving mental health. In an effort to eliminate or at least decrease the
numbers of suicide cases, we have reached out to anyone who is willing to help address this
problem. Thus, we are also united with local government units of the Province of Benguet as
well as the Benguet General Psychiatry Department towards achieving a mentally healthy
environment. I am proud and happy that we are all together actively involved in this

In concluding this year’s celebration of the Mental Health Week, I would like to
congratulate everyone who was involved. I commend the facilitators of this event for your
priceless contributions during the weeklong activities. I admire you for your love and
concern for others. Continue to be a positive channel by providing continuous awareness to
mental health. I pray that your good deeds be rewarded with abundant blessings from the

Let us value life. Maintain our mental health. Choose to live.

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