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Activity 2: Writing Activity on Traditional Media, Mass Media and New Media

1. What are the industrial or economic factors in the evolution of media from print to radio
to television?

Media has been consistently evolving, as it evolves from print to radio to

television, having bigger audiences, creative visualizations, more effective dissemination
of information and connecting people from around the world. Primarily, these shifts are
due to the technological advancements and innovations by the industry to make a better
avenue for opportunity (job vacancies, scholarships/MOOC’s, travel guides, etc.) and
comfort (online bookings/reservations, cashless payments, online shopping, etc.)
Because of the eagerness to improve the economy, more and more advancements are
being done which impact the media and the people. However, the industry and the
media are interdependently growing, but does not assure better lives for the people, an
unequal progress. As the economy expands with the help of media, poverty, on the side,
increases as well. Just as Percy Bysshe Shelley said, “The rich get richer and the poor
get poorer.”

2. What does the digitization of videos mean for information producers and consumers?

This conversion provides a better platform for both producers and consumers as
to information spread and accessibility, creative visualizations with presenting and
organizing while maximizing quality of content for the consumers, producers save with
only a lower price and less time during production and provide consumers a choice
based on personal preference among the videos. This also provide an opportunity for a
small group or an individual to begin his/her passion in producing videos with great
quality and content in different video platforms like YouTube. Disadvantages, however,
include the separation of reality from what is portrayed just to increase the creativity
factor or for the producers to lay down a perspective of their choice. An example is a
specific documentary with different visualizations from various creators. This somewhat
confuses an audience as to which viewpoint is accurate.

3. What are the pros and cons of media accessibility?

Pros include an easier access to opportunities and benefits for students looking
for scholarships, graduates seeking jobs, employees seeking online data. Accessibility to
media also helps increase productivity because of faster transactions, more information
source, instant updates and even acts as a space for entertainment, political ventures
and economic advancement. With these advantages comes the cons wherein the media
is given a power to influence behavior or even manipulate thoughts and even create a
separation between people due to different point of views. Economically, there is an
unequal access for those who are rich and poor, as it widens the gap between the two.

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