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Should We Support the Rise of Digital Entertainment Platforms?

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, entertainment platforms have become a

ubiquitous part of our lives. With the rise of digital platforms, the way we consume entertainment has
transformed significantly. While some argue that these platforms offer convenience and accessibility,
others argue that they contribute to a sedentary lifestyle and have negative effects on mental health.
Therefore, the question arises: should we support the rise of digital entertainment platforms? In this
essay, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of digital entertainment platforms and
ultimately determine whether or not we should support their continued growth.

One argument in favor of supporting the rise of digital entertainment platforms is their ability
to offer convenience and accessibility to a wide range of content. With the click of a button,
individuals can access an almost infinite variety of digital entertainment, from music to movies,
television shows, and games. This convenience means that people can enjoy entertainment on their
own terms, at their own pace, and from almost any location, without the need to physically visit a
store or other entertainment venues. Another advantage of digital entertainment platforms is their
ability to democratize the creation and distribution of content. With platforms like YouTube, anyone
can create and upload content, giving a voice to people who might not otherwise have had one.
Additionally, digital platforms allow creators to reach a global audience, breaking down traditional
barriers to entry and opening up new avenues for creativity and innovation.

Furthermore, digital entertainment platforms can provide a boost to the economy, creating
jobs and generating revenue for businesses that produce and distribute content. These platforms offer
new opportunities for content creators, such as streaming services that provide a steady income
through subscription services or ad revenue. Additionally, digital entertainment platforms can create
opportunities for entrepreneurs to start their own businesses or for small independent studios to get
their content in front of a wider audience.

However, the rise of digital entertainment platforms has also been associated with negative
effects on mental health. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can lead to increased feelings
of loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Furthermore, the content on digital platforms can be addictive,
leading to decreased productivity and a sedentary lifestyle. Another argument against supporting the
rise of digital entertainment platforms is the concern over the concentration of power in the hands of a
few companies. With platforms like Google, Amazon, and Facebook dominating the digital
landscape, there is a worry that these companies will have too much control over the flow of
information and the types of content that people are exposed to. In light of these issues, it's clear that
supporting the rise of digital entertainment platforms is not a straightforward decision. Rather, there is
a need for balance and regulation to ensure that these platforms are providing benefits to society
without causing harm. This could include measures such as limits on screen time, content moderation
to reduce the spread of harmful or misleading information, and efforts to promote more diverse voices
and content creation.

In conclusion, while there are certainly advantages to supporting the rise of digital
entertainment platforms, it's important to recognize the potential downsides as well. To ensure that
digital platforms are a positive force for society, we must take steps to regulate and balance their
influence. By doing so, we can ensure that these platforms continue to provide benefits to individuals
and society as a whole, while minimizing the risks of negative effects on mental health and the
concentration of power in the hands of a few large corporations.
Briones, Jacob Lance Carlo D.
10 – Newton
Internet Matters. (2022). Social media benefits.

European Commission. (2021). How do online platforms shape our lives and businesses?.

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