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In the past two decades, social media networks have managed to evolve from a space wherein people
can connect with others to what it is now: a platform full of possibilities. Because of its influence and
ability, social media has managed to permeate 1.96 billion lives, according to statistics. In another year,
the numbers are expected to rise to the projected estimate of 2.5 billion. The continuous increase of
users is the best indicator that social media has become more than what it was in its infancy.

Be it in developing relationships, connecting with new people, or seeking information, social media is
comprised of endless functionalities that it has become a game changer for many aspects of the society.
From growing businesses to accessible healthcare, it has proven time and again that it is more than a fad
that luckily managed to last for two decades. This article discusses eight things that social media has
changed since the launch of Myspace in 2003.


Social media network is one of the most convenient ways of marketing a business. It costs almost
nothing to study a specific niche, to get the word out, and to gain more customers. Normally, if
businesses are willing to invest money on top of time and effort into advertising, they can utilize paid
ads to get more in touch with the 1.8 billion users of Facebook. Through its many functions, they can
upload pictures, promos, and statuses, all for the sake of enticement. With platforms such as this, social
media has become a game changer in the business world. People look up stores and some even leave
reviews that can either make or break a business’ reputation.

Another way that social media has changed the way business are managed is the fact that it has become
easier and quicker to provide appropriate customer service and communication. This is an important
aspect of the business because this is how they gain loyal customers as well as build a name in the
online world. And it’s not only limited to Facebook. Twitter allows the people to watch the evolution
from a startup business as well as get regular updates on their preferred products. YouTube, with its
goldmine of audiences, allows them to get creative and visual on their promotions.

These opportunities of advertisement, promotion, and communication have been fully integrated into
the business culture. They took advantage of the versatility and accessibility of social media and turned
it into an important asset. Today, businesses no longer have to rely solely on billboards and expensive
television minutes to reach out to customers. There are no requirements in the social media platforms
in that they do not have to cater to a specific need or want and they certainly do not have to be a
specific kind of vendor. This freedom and fair chances for all are arguably the primary reasons why social
media has become an integral part of marketing and business strategies.


Dubbed as “banks of the future” by Huffington Post, social media has given the financial companies a
way to transform how they interact with their clients. “From improving customer service to allowing
users to send money to others via online platforms. New financial technology companies are using social
media data to help people get access to credit or even simply open a bank account,” they write.
Today, people can shop and pay for the products online. Services such as PayPal, WeChat, and of course,
Facebook, have started integrating social media to allow people to have greater access and leeway with
their finances. Banks are able to provide instant customer service to their clients and people can initiate
a wire transfer simply by logging in a social media platform. A mobile app known as Pockets uses
Facebook credentials to let users do multiple things with their money such as paying the bills, buying
tickets, and transferring money from one account to another. However, much as it has made it easier for
people to access and manage their money, it’s important to remember that it comes with certain
security risks.


Much to the older generation’s chagrin, the social media network has also managed to change the their
children learn and are educated. Though this comes with several side effects like its impact on
concentration and drawbacks of multitasking, BBC Active reports that many universities have taken to
the online platforms to encourage students to inquire, debate, and share content for the sake of
education. In many ways, it has become a teaching tool.

When educators realized that social media has the potential for enticing students to learn and educate
themselves, they began acquainting themselves to the platforms and finding ways to incite a discussion
over a specific topic. Facebook polls, Twitter threads, Blackboard content, and YouTube videos extended
the classroom from the four-walled area that students are apprehensive of to the limitless world that is
social media. A noteworthy result of this change is distance learning in which students can now learn
about a topic of their choice, submit their requirements, and acquire a certificate for proof no matter
where they are as long as they have internet access. Social media’s ability to connect people and allow
them to communicate was integrated to the academe in the same way that it is used by business

McGraw-Hill Education also recognized that aside from propagating educational discussions, social
media can also provide the resources needed by students to collaborate, understand, and study.
Platforms such as Google Drive allows them to work on a single document while simultaneously saving
them from the time and effort it would have taken to go to someone’s house or meet in an environment
that may not be conducive for learning and concentration. Furthermore, social media gives the
opportunity to supplement course materials by appealing to other forms of learning such as visual and
auricular. In a way, this helps the students perceive studying in a different, more positive light in that it
does not have to be boring or limiting. Indeed, social media has given the academe a new way of
connecting to their students and speaking their language.


A study has found that social media tools not only changed the way business and education are handled,
but also healthcare. “Blogs, microblogs, wikis, media-sharing sites, and virtual reality and gaming
environments” have been used to “improve or enhance professional networking and education,
organizational promotion, patient care, patient education, and public health programs.” (see: Social
Media and Health Care Professionals: Benefits, Risks, and Best Practices by C. Lee Ventola)

Technological advancements in healthcare are consistently updated and the permeation of social media
networks in its culture is one of the ways in which this is shown. Patients are able to communicate
directly with healthcare professionals through social media tools such as Skype. Applications are
programmed in such a way that they are given the details of the patient that makes remote monitoring
possible. Although this innovation comes with several drawbacks such as security and privacy risks, the
healthcare community deemed that the its benefits for patient care and accuracy are vital in their field.
That is not to say that they are simply allowing the risks to happen. Information technology
professionals continue to make these social media tools secure and patient-friendly.

Healthcare professionals are also able to utilize social media in such a way that it furthers education and
training. Virtual reality and gaming environments have provided them a space wherein they can practice
procedures without risking a patient’s life. Cascading relevant information and sharing experiences
through accessible tools such as WordPress and Blogger have benefited not only these professionals but
also the patients and their families. Wikis have information regarding drugs and procedures that have
been crosschecked through credible sources. From professional training to direct patient
communication, social media has paved a way for healthcare to be more accessible and accurate.


With major news agencies and political blogs shared hundreds of times on social media networks, it’s
easy to see why it has also changed the awareness of common people. Some use Facebook and Twitter
as an immediate source of updating themselves with current events. Others use it to increase the
awareness about certain situations and topics. An example of this is the “Ice Bucket Challenge.” People
were challenged to douse themselves with ice cold water to raise the awareness about a disease known
as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Indeed, logging on to social networks is akin to getting connected
with the rest of the world.

An obvious effect of the way social media has given new meaning to awareness is how people have
become more opinionated. Discussions are initiated, debates are sparked. People can hide behind
anonymity while others take accountability of what they say. Forbes reports that even millennials have
become more politically involved, engaged, and informed. Nowadays, politicians have a harder time
bending the truth because people are no longer as ignorant as they were decades ago. Through real-
time conversations and greater access to resources, people have begun to ask questions and voice out
their concerns.


The conception of social media is the result of minds trying to conceive a way for people to connect with
their loved ones despite the glaring distance between them. This seemingly simple rationale behind the
social media network has changed the people fundamentally view distance. While it’s true that it can
never replace being physicalLY close to the people who matter, the mountains and oceans separating
them from one another has never been more insignificant. Today, children can reach and interact with
their parens who are working hard overseas, lovers no longer have to rely on snail mail to communicate,
and people have been known to have the ability to make friends with others from another continent.
This paradigm shift has caused people to reduce distance into nothing but a number.

Piggybacking on how social media has changed the way people have become more aware of the
situation outside their own homes, knowing what is happening in other countries have been found to
affect them in such a way that crises feels closer to them (see: Exploring the Effect of Perceived Distance
on Sharing of Crisis Information in Social Media by Rongjuan Chen). Distance is no longer an excuse to be
blissfully unaware of what others are going through. Social media has allowed relationships to form
despite being miles away from one another, to eliminate the distance that once prevented people from
reaching out to those in need.

7. HELP!

Another vital way in which social media has changed the world is its role in disaster response. Agencies
and departments no longer rely on one-way communication through posting bulletins and disaster
information. The Scientific American writes that “researchers have now started publishing data on the
use of social media in disasters, and lawmakers and security experts have begun to assess how
emergency management can best adapt.” Every hurricane, flooding, bombing, and other disasters
sparked a fast-paced information exchange between agencies connected to those in crisis and the
billions of people who can help through donations or cascading the news to those who can help.

Heather Leson from the World Economic Forum wrote, “digital responders or digital humanitarians
immediately log on when news breaks about a natural disaster or human-created catastrophe.
Individuals and teams “activate” based on skill sets of volunteer and technical communities (VTCs).
These digital responders use their time and technical skills, as well as their personal networks in an
attempt to help mitigate information overload for formal humanitarian aid in the field.”


What with what was mentioned previously about how social media has changed the world, it is obvious
that it has also managed to redefine communication. With platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest,
the social media network makes it clear that communication does not need to be limited to one form.
People have learned to interact with others through photos and videos without the need for words.
Furthermore, according to the Millennial CEO, “another big change that has occurs is that there is now
no filter on the way we speak.” This also implies the changes in how they use language. While some
people take comfort in abbreviations, others have mastered the skill of summarizing their entire day
within 140 characters.

The rise of social media has caused the world to see communication in a new, less one-dimensional
light. Social skills have become less important compared to how people use their language and getting
their message across in as few characters as possible. Emojis have started taking over the way we
express ourselves. Photos are shared multiple times depending on how people interpret it. This
dichotomy in how social media impacted the way people communicate illustrates how it is a double-
edged sword and how any user is susceptible to risks as much as they are bound to reap the benefits.


Given the many ways in which social media has managed to reshape definitions and fostered
connections, it is undeniable that it has become an important part of the daily lives of different people.
For many, taking away social media also means depriving them of education or sabotaging their
business strategies. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other platforms have become more than just sites
that allows people to connect with others. It has become a source of information regarding current
events, connecting to healthcare professionals, raising awareness, and improving disaster response.
Social media has become so ingrained in the society that statistics do not show a decline of users
anytime soon. With that said, it is important to remember that despite the benefits, social media still
has risks when it comes to security, privacy, and credibility. It pays to use it wisely.

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