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Lesson Plan Template for Student Teaching and the CalTPA

Grade Level      7th Grade Subject Math Lesson Title: 7.4 Quadrilaterals

Preparation to Teach
Unit Theme Constructions & Scale Drawings
(Where within the unit Near end
is your lesson?)
Content Standard(s): 7.G.6: Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, volume and surface area of two- and three-dimensional objects composed
of triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, cubes, and right prisms.
ELD Standards: Collaborative- Expanding - Exchanging information/ideas: 1. Contribute to class, group, and partner discussions by following turn-taking
rules, asking relevant questions, affirming others, adding relevant information, and paraphrasing key ideas.
Interpretive - Expanding - Listening actively: 5. Demonstrate active listening in oral presentation activities by asking and answering detailed
questions, with occasional prompting and moderate support.

Productive - Expanding - Justifying/arguing: 11a. Justify opinions or persuade others by providing relevant textual evidence or relevant
background knowledge, with moderate support.
Learning Goal(s) or I can classify quadrilaterals and find the missing angle measure in quadrilaterals.
Materials, Resources, Google Slides, Printed graphic organizer, whiteboards, calculators
or Tools:
Technology Teacher: projector, iPad, tv monitor, Doceri, stylus
Integration: Student:

Adaptations/ Accommodations
Three Focus Students
Focus Student 1: English Learner FS1 gets along well with peers, actively participates in class, and asks for help when needed.
FS1 communicates well and benefits from having information presented in more than one way.

I have prepared a graphic organizer that will help frame the terms we are working with. I have
planned time for table and partner discussions which will give FS1 listening and speaking
practice. The graphic organizer will assist in the writing component of language learning.
Focus Student 2: IEP, 504, GATE,
or other identified need

Focus Student 3: A student who

has had life experience(s) either
inside or outside of school, that
may result in a need for additional
social- emotional and/or academic

Instructional Plan
Activating Background Knowledge
Instructional Strategies      Warm Up: Students classify 4 triangles. We studied triangles last week and will build on this knowledge as we move on to four
sided polygons.
Informal Assessment      Students trade papers to correct warm up. Teacher sees all warm-ups each Friday when collected. Teacher will walk around tables
to observe student work during warm up.
Student Grouping Independent Work
Time Estimate 5 minutes
Instructional Input

Instructional Strategies      Students will write the learning objective in their math notebooks along with the vocabulary term: quadrilateral.

Small Group Activity: Students will be presented with various quadrilaterals. Each table group will be assigned a letter that corresponds
to a specific quadrilateral. Their task is to identify as much as they can about their shape (name, side lengths, angle measures, parallel
lines). Then they compare their shape to the other shapes displayed. What shape is yours most related to? Which one seems the most
different from your shape? Students will have about 3 minutes to discuss with their group.

Whole Group Activity Continued: Each table will share what they noticed about their shape to the class. Teacher will distribute a graphic
organizer. Students will complete the graphic organizer for their notebook.

Think-Pair-Share: Students will draw upon previous knowledge and make predictions about quadrilaterals.

Student Notebooks/Whole Class:: Students will write key ideas in their notebook regarding sum of the interior angle measures of
quadrilaterals. Teacher will model how to solve these types of problems. Students will try one on their own and compare their answer
with their partner.

Informal Assessment      Each table will share their observations about their quadrilateral providing teacher to assess what students know and understand.
Student Grouping Small group roles: note-taker, speaker. We will also work as a whole group and as partners
Time Estimate 30-40 minutes
Instructional Strategies      Whiteboard/ Response Card Strategy: Students will be presented with quadrilaterals to classify or find angle measures. They will
work independently and then present their work when the teacher calls, “boards up.”
Formal Assessment     Teacher will walk around to observe student work and will assess responses when boards are held up. 
Student Grouping Independent practice
Time Estimate 10-12 minutes

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