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tdemt Nanme : Shiunoi Noayon S ASTr)

N o m e : Childreñs Acaclemu Ashor t-gon,Mumbo

Clas Secendany6th) Roll No- 3 8
SSay p : Give, 5 sugqesb'ons to make cnline
Closse more intencstiaa ovaj lable to au
childrea acrcss the country

line Educatis a. is the utilizabon of

elecronic applicabians lcosninq processes.The
&pidemie has smi tten almost alloneas o human_
t e including EduCebion: ConsequEatly,Ohene is-|
oneed to aduace online educabon bdau
h e 6ovennmeat o Tndia has launched the
Bhanek Pad he Online Compaiqn t decrease
the losS in educabon io this epoch ot the
ATthough the provisions of the onlioc
educoson has been mede by the Goueno ment
t h e pcivate educaton ceatres, the ane Some
proamobcal drauobacks along uoith the beneh ts
of online edu cation:lt aets bocicq, Monotoous
ends up beinq a mona loque udhene the
techens inpuds etkorts a e not weu
ppreciouked following ane a tes SuggeshionS o
make online educotso more Crecaive
Finsty, the modules of the teachehs Should
hove more creoltine tools to teach foceq us ma
presetations, video clips, pictoes short Klms
will make the stu dents leann their concepts
bette elfhiieatly The visuals i l l help them
retain & reqiste the Lon Cept&koeuledae of
the topic tor a engen pen icd i t h the
abi litu to recolleck easily
Seo nd ly, the Session S must be inckce
Session playS need to be
MeaningStudets inthe
include.d as the have vitod role to play
of vieuOS This boosts their
egandinqexpres ion
Cuniosity erpress their
enSwe mgximum
tncownoqing them oill
pbupabion Y make the

by o l gbbaldy By this inclus ivityit
talk 2 be Pan t
venyone uoith oa Safe poce to
of the discussio0
Additio0ally, use ot antitieiod inte)liqence
ishe to teoch & eoNO: In
most ettecbive ooy

nenodo goue>nment teachen grosped the

tondness of hen students byteochincqthe
Sola system through cugmented readity
Children will feel the expenience of lookicq
undenstundioq the concepts with a 3-D aspect
Ihis is u ndobtediy the caost fauowed
method of teaching.
Not to ocget, incusion of regudan debates
quzteg or discussiooS about the topic in the
Class. The Tntennet is flooded wi th uwebsites
Conductinq quizues which Con be shoaedoith the
student to quickly judge heir undcnstcndinq
on the topicAski sfudents to prepcne tor
discussion debetes aften atpic is o health
e y to inuole os mauny peopla OS possible in
the octiuity Pebabing is an old schcol oay to
prepone tllk oven tte topic Students choose
the proor the con side debate sith eech othen
t ithene byprouidioqelanity te the entire Ckss
These debates diseucsiogs outomabcal!y promt
the students to studu hande 2 undenstons the
Concept e l t o íncreose their due patipabion in the
Lastly ? most importantty, there is a need to
conduct requan daubt sessions fee d bech
SSionS.Cive do bt sesssons othopen pace *
ime to ask
cunythim that is not cean to
o the subject
topic) i l
ense awck revision of the topic While
heni nq
othens dovbts & its explan ions, sthe Students
u e s o get cloi ty. I will also help s tudents
to jot down points which they could hGve
missed dwiinq the previous sessions. Regudan
eed back sessioos ollow the teachenste
Sudents to undenst and the leanninq goP trom
beth eds Feed bacl from the students
help the
eachensndenstond the needs of Ehe students
insight on how to impreve the productiuity of
the sessioo:The uoungen qeneeto n have a lot
mofe clanítu on uwhot theuwant & wouwd
be cole b express it ony f they Cne comfortoble
t put the Suggestions Encownaging of theic tree
expressionof thaughts is really import cnt
shoud be taken Sen iousy
S e enough,lsolsing ut he situabion today ,it
can be Said hat the futune of onli oe educahis
Jny bright i t is bringinq a revo luboy in The
feld of educabo0:

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