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Kong Yiji 孔⼄⼰ (Kǒng Yǐjǐ) Kong Yiji, protagonist of short

story by Lu Xun 鲁迅.

Author: Lu Xun 作者:鲁迅 鲁迅 (Lǔ Xùn) Lu Xun (1881-1936), one of the

earliest and best-known modern Chinese writers.

The layout of the hotel in 鲁镇的酒店的格局, 鲁 (Lǔ) surname Lu; Shandong Province ⼭东省;
Luzhen, vassal state during the Zhou Dynasty (1066-221 BC)
in modern day Shandong Province. 镇 (zhèn) to
press down; to calm; to subdue; to suppress; to
guard; garrison; small town; to cool or chill (food or
drinks). 格局 (géjú) structure; pattern; layout.

Is different from 是和别处不同的: 别处 (biéchù) elsewhere.


It’s a big curved counter 都是当街⼀个曲尺形的⼤ 当街 (dāngjiē) in the middle of the street; facing the
in the street, street. 曲尺 (qūchǐ) set square (tool to measure right
柜台, angles). 形 (xíng) to appear; to look; form; shape. 柜
台 (guìtái) sales counter; front desk; bar; over the

There is hot water in the 柜⾥⾯豫备着热⽔, 柜 (guì) variant of 柜. 豫 (yù) variant of 预. 热⽔

cabinet, (rèshuǐ) hot water.

You can warm the wine at 可以随时温酒。 随时 (suíshí) at any time; at all times; at the right
any time. time.

Workers, 做⼯的⼈, 做⼯ (zuògōng) to work with one's hands; manual

work; workmanship.

I left work in the afternoon 傍午傍晚散了⼯, 傍午 (bàngwǔ) towards noon; around midday. 傍晚
and evening, (bàngwǎn) in the evening; when night falls; towards
evening; at night fall; at dusk.

For every four copper 每每花四⽂铜钱, 每每 (měiměi) often. 铜 (tóng) copper (chemistry);
coins spent, see also 红铜: ⼀块铜.

Buy a bowl of wine, 买⼀碗酒,

——This is more than 20 ⸺这是⼆⼗多年前的 ⼆⼗多 (èrshíduō) over 20.

years ago,

Now every bowl will rise 现在每碗要涨到⼗⽂, 涨到 (zhǎngdào) to go up; to rise.

to ten wen,

——Standing against the ⸺靠柜外站着, 靠 (kào) to lean against or on; to stand by the side
cabinet, of; to come near to; to depend on; to trust; to fuck
(vulgar); traditional military costume drama where
the performers wear armor (old).

Take a hot drink and rest; 热热的喝了休息;

If you are willing to spend 倘肯多花⼀⽂, 倘 (cháng) see 倘佯.


You can buy a dish of 便可以买⼀碟盐煮笋, 便 (biàn) ordinary; plain; convenient; as convenient;
salted bamboo shoots, when the chance arises; handy; easy; informal;
simple; so; thus; to relieve oneself; to urinate; to
defecate; equivalent to 就: then; in that case; even if;
soon afterwards. 碟 (dié) dish; plate. 煮 (zhǔ) variant
of 煮. 笋 (sǔn) bamboo shoot.

Or fennel beans, 或者茴⾹⾖, 茴⾹ (huíxiāng) fennel (Foeniculum vulgare). ⾖

(dòu) variant of ⾖.

To make a drink, 做下酒物了, 下酒 (xiàjiǔ) to be appropriate to have with alcohol;

to down one's drink.

If there are more than a 如果出到⼗⼏⽂, ⼗⼏ (shíjǐ) more than ten; a dozen or more.
dozen essays,

Then you can buy a meat 那就能买⼀样荤菜, 荤菜 (hūncài) non-vegetarian dish (including meat,
dish, fish, garlic, onion etc).

But these customers, 但这些顾客,

Mostly short clothes, 多是短⾐帮, 短⾐帮 (duǎnyībāng) lit. short jacket party; working
people; the toiling masses; blue collar workers.

Probably not so ⼤抵没有这样阔绰。 ⼤抵 (dàdǐ) generally speaking; by and large; for the
generous. most part. 阔绰 (kuòchuò) ostentatious; extravagant;
liberal with money.

Only those in long gowns, 只有穿⻓衫的, ⻓衫 (chángshān) long gown; cheongsam; traditional
Asian dress for men or (in Hong Kong) women's

I walked into the house 才踱进店⾯隔壁的房⼦ 踱 (duó) to stroll; to pace; Taiwan pr. . 店⾯
next to the store, (diànmiàn) shop front. 隔壁 (gébì) next door;
⾥, neighbor. 房⼦ (fángzi) house; building (single- or
two-story); apartment; room: ⼀栋房⼦, or ⼀幢房⼦.

Want wine and food, 要酒要菜,

Sit and drink slowly. 慢慢地坐喝。

Since I was twelve years 我从⼗⼆岁起, ⼗⼆ (shí èr) twelve; 12.


I worked as a buddy in 便在镇口的咸亨酒店⾥当 亨 (hēng) prosperous; henry (unit of inductance). 伙

Xianheng Hotel at the 计 (huǒji) partner; fellow; mate; waiter; servant; shop
entrance of town, 伙计, assistant.

The shopkeeper said, 掌柜说, 掌柜 (zhǎngguì) shopkeeper.

Looks too silly, 样⼦太傻, 傻 (shǎ) foolish.

I'm afraid I can't wait for 怕侍候不了⻓衫主顾, 侍候 (shìhòu) to serve; to wait upon. 主顾 (zhǔgù)
the patrons of the gown client; customer.

Just do something 就在外⾯做点事罢。 在外 (zàiwài) outer. 罢 (bà) to stop; to cease; to

outside. dismiss; to suspend; to quit; to finish.

The short clothes 外⾯的短⾐主顾, 外⾯ (wàimian) outside. 短⾐ (duǎnyī) short

customer outside, garment; short jacket.

Although easy to talk, 虽然容易说话,

But there are a lot of 但唠唠叨叨缠夹不清的也 唠 (láo) to chatter. 唠叨 (láodao) to prattle; to chatter
nagging entanglements. away; to nag; garrulous; nagging. 叨 (dāo)
很不少。 garrulous. 缠夹不清 (chánjiābùqīng) to muddle
things together (idiom); to bother sb with annoying
muddle-headed talk. 不少 (bùshǎo) many; a lot; not

They often have to watch 他们往往要亲眼看着⻩酒 亲眼 (qīnyǎn) with one's own eyes; personally. ⻩酒
the rice wine scoop out (huángjiǔ) "yellow wine" (mulled rice wine, usually
from the jar with their own 从坛⼦⾥舀出, served warm). 坛⼦ (tánzi) jug (earthenware with a
eyes, big belly and a small opening). 舀 (yǎo) to ladle out;
to scoop up.

I have seen whether there 看过壶⼦底⾥有⽔没有, 壶 (hú) pot; classifier for bottled liquid. 有⽔
is water in the bottom of (yǒushuǐ) supplied with water (of a house).
the pot,

I watched putting the pot ⼜亲看将壶⼦放在热⽔ ⽔⾥ (Shuǐlǐ) Shuili township in Nantou county 南投
in hot water again, 县, central Taiwan.

Then rest assured: 然后放⼼:

Under this serious 在这严重监督下, 监督 (jiāndū) to control; to supervise; to inspect.


The water is also very 羼⽔也很为难。 羼⽔ (chànshuǐ) to mix with water (wine); to
difficult. adulterate. 为难 (wéinán) to feel embarrassed or
awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to
find things difficult (to do or manage).

So after a few days, 所以过了⼏天, ⼏天 (jǐtiān) several days.

The shopkeeper said I 掌柜⼜说我⼲不了这事。

couldn't do this again.

Fortunately, the 幸亏荐头的情⾯⼤, 幸亏 (xìngkuī) fortunately; luckily. 荐头 (jiàntou)

recommendation is great, employment agent (arch.); job broker. 情⾯
(qíngmiàn) feelings and sensibilities; sentiment and
face; sensitivity to other's feelings.

Cannot be dismissed, 辞退不得, 辞退 (cítuì) to dismiss; to discharge; to fire. 不得

(bùdé) must not; may not; not to be allowed; cannot.

It was changed to a 便改为专管温酒的⼀种⽆ 改为 (gǎiwéi) to change into. 专管 (zhuānguǎn) to be

boring job specializing in in charge of something specific. 职务 (zhíwù) post;
warming wine. 聊职务了。 position; job; duties.

I have been standing at 我从此便整天的站在柜台 从此 (cóngcǐ) from now on; since then; henceforth.
the counter all day, 整天 (zhěngtiān) all day long; whole day.

Take charge of my job. 专管我的职务。

Although there is no 虽然没有什么失职, 没有什么 (méiyǒushénme) it is nothing; there's

dereliction of duty, nothing ... about it. 失职 (shīzhí) to lose one's job;
unemployment; not to fulfil one's obligations; to
neglect one's job; dereliction of duty.

But I always feel a little 但总觉得有些单调, 单调 (dāndiào) monotonous.

Somewhat boring. 有些⽆聊。

The shopkeeper has a 掌柜是⼀副凶脸孔, 副 (fù) secondary; auxiliary; deputy; assistant; vice-;
fierce face, abbr. for 副词 adverb; classifier for pairs, sets of
things & facial expressions. 凶 (xiōng) terrible;
fearful. 脸孔 (liǎnkǒng) face.

The patrons did not have 主顾也没有好声⽓, 声⽓ (shēngqì) voice; tone.

a good voice,

Teach people to be lively; 教⼈活泼不得;

Only Kong Yiji came to 只有孔⼄⼰到店,

the store,

To laugh a few times, 才可以笑⼏声,

So I still remember. 所以⾄今还记得。 ⾄今 (zhìjīn) so far; to this day; until now.

Kong Yiji is the only 孔⼄⼰是站着喝酒而穿⻓ 喝酒 (hējiǔ) to drink (alcohol). 唯⼀ (wéiyī) only;
person wearing a long sole.
gown while drinking while 衫的唯⼀的⼈。

He is tall and big; 他⾝材很⾼⼤; 身材 (shēncái) stature; build (height and weight);
figure. ⾼⼤ (gāodà) tall; lofty.

Pale face, ⻘⽩脸⾊, ⻘⽩ (Qīngbái) Qingbaijiang district of Chengdu city

成都市, Sichuan. 脸⾊ (liǎnsè) complexion; look.

There are often scars 皱纹间时常夹些伤痕; 皱纹 (zhòuwén) wrinkle: ⼀道皱纹. 时常 (shícháng)

between wrinkles; often; frequently. 夹 (jiā) to press from either side; to
place in between; to sandwich; to carry sth under
armpit; wedged between; between; to intersperse; to
mix; to mingle; clip; folder; Taiwan pr. . 伤痕
(shānghén) scar; bruise.

A matted gray beard. ⼀部乱蓬蓬的花⽩的胡 乱蓬蓬 (luànpēngpēng) disheveled; tangled. 花⽩

(huābái) grizzled (hair). 胡⼦ (húzi) beard; mustache
⼦。 or whiskers; facial hair: ⼀撮胡⼦, or ⼀根胡⼦; (coll.)

Although they are wearing 穿的虽然是⻓衫,

long gowns,

But it's dirty and broken, 可是⼜脏⼜破,

It seems that there has 似乎⼗多年没有补, 似乎 (sìhū) apparently; to seem; to appear; as if;
been no supplementation seemingly. 补 (bǔ) to repair; to patch; to mend; to
for more than ten years, make up for; to fill (a vacancy); to supplement.

No washing either. 也没有洗。

He speaks to people, 他对⼈说话,

People who are always 总是满口之乎者也, 满⼝之乎者也 (mǎnkǒuzhīhūzhěyě) mouth full of

full of mouths, literary phrases; to spout the classics.

Teach people half- 教⼈半懂不懂的。


Because his surname is 因为他姓孔, 孔 (kǒng) hole: ⼀个孔; classifier for cave dwellings.

From the words 别⼈便从描红纸上的“上 描红 (miáohóng) to trace over red characters (as a
"Shangshang Kong Yiji" method of learning to write). ⼤⼈ (dàren) adult;
on the tracing paper, they ⼤⼈孔⼄⼰”这半懂不懂 grownup; title of respect toward superiors.
half understood

Get a nickname for him, 替他取下⼀个绰号, 下⼀个 (xiàyīge) the next one. 绰号 (chuòhào)

Called Kong Yiji. 叫作孔⼄⼰。 叫作 (jiàozuò) to call; to be called.

When Kong Yiji arrived at 孔⼄⼰⼀到店,

the store,

All the drinkers looked at 所有喝酒的⼈便都看着他

him and smiled,

Some shouted, 有的叫道, 有的 (yǒude) (there are) some (who are...); some
(exist). 叫道 (jiàodào) to call; to shout.

"Kong Yiji, “孔⼄⼰,

There is a new scar on 你脸上⼜添上新伤疤 添 (tiān) to add; to increase; to replenish. 伤疤

your face! " (shāngbā) scar; fig. remnant of former damage;
了!” remaining trauma: ⼀道伤疤.

He does not answer, 他不回答,

Said to the cabinet, 对柜⾥说,

"Warm two bowls of wine, “温两碗酒,

Want a dish of fennel 要⼀碟茴⾹⾖。”
beans. "

Then discharge the nine 便排出九⽂⼤钱。 排出 (páichū) to discharge. ⼤钱 (dàqián) high

wen big money. denomination of banknotes or coins; lots of money;
a big sum (e.g. a bribe).

They deliberately shouted 他们⼜故意的⾼声嚷道, ⾼声 (gāoshēng) aloud; loud; loudly. 嚷 (rǎng) to

again, blurt out; to shout.

"You must have stolen “你⼀定⼜偷了⼈家的东 偷 (tōu) to steal; to pilfer; to snatch; thief; stealthily.
something from someone ⼈家 (rénjiā) household; dwelling; family; sb else's
again!" 西了!” house; household business; house of woman's
husband-to-be: ⼀户⼈家, or ⼀家⼈家.

Kong Yiji opened his eyes 孔⼄⼰睁⼤眼睛说, 睁 (zhēng) to open (one's eyes).
and said,

"Why are you so “你怎么这样凭空污⼈清 凭空 (píngkōng) baseless (lie); without foundation.

innocent..." "What 清⽩ (qīngbái) pure; innocent.
innocence? ⽩……”“什么清⽩?

I saw you stole He’s book 我前天亲眼⻅你偷了何家 前天 (qiántiān) the day before yesterday. 家的 (jiāde)
the day before yesterday. (old) wife.

Hanging to fight. " 吊着打。” 吊 (diào) to suspend; to hang up; to hang a person.

Kong Yiji flushed, 孔⼄⼰便涨红了脸, 涨红 (zhànghóng) to turn red (in the face); to flush
(with embarrassment or anger).

The green veins on the 额上的⻘筋条条绽出, 额 (é) variant of 额. ⻘筋 (qīngjīn) veins; blue veins.
forehead bloomed, 绽 (zhàn) to burst open; to split at the seam.

Argued, 争辩道, 争辩 (zhēngbiàn) a dispute; to wrangle.

"Stealing a book can't be “窃书不能算偷……窃 窃 (qiè) to steal; secretly; (humble) I.

considered stealing... a
book stealing! 书!

...The matter of scholars, 读书⼈的事, 读书⼈ (dúshūrén) scholar; intellectual.

Can it be considered 能算偷么?”

stealing? "

Successive words are 接连便是难懂的话, 接连 (jiēlián) on end; in a row; in succession. 便是

difficult to understand, (biànshì) (emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly
as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the
same way as. 难懂 (nándǒng) difficult to understand.

What "gentlemen keep 什么“君⼦固穷”, 君⼦ (jūnzǐ) nobleman; person of noble character. 固
poor", (gù) hard; strong; solid; sure; assuredly;
undoubtedly; of course; indeed; admittedly.

What kind of "Zhehu", 什么“者乎”之类, 之类 (zhīlèi) and so on; and such.

It caused everyone to 引得众⼈都哄笑起来: 引得 (yǐndé) index (loanword). 众⼈ (zhòngrén)

laugh: everyone. 哄笑 (hōngxiào) to roar with laughter;
hoots of laughter; guffaw.

The inside and outside of 店内外充满了快活的空 内外 (nèiwài) inside and outside; domestic and
the store is filled with foreign; approximately; about. 充满 (chōngmǎn) full
cheerful air. ⽓。 of; brimming with; very full; permeated. 快活
(kuàihuo) happy; cheerful.

Listening to people 听⼈家背地⾥谈论, 背地⾥ (bèidìli) behind sb's back. 谈论 (tánlùn) to

talking secretly, discuss; to talk about.

Kong Yiji had also read 孔⼄⼰原来也读过书,

books before,

But finally did not go to 但终于没有进学, 进学 (jìnxué) to advance one's learning; to enter the
school, prefecture school under the imperial examination

Can't make a living ⼜不会营⽣; 营⽣ (yíngshēng) to earn a living; a livelihood.

So getting poorer and 于是愈过愈穷, 愈 (yù) the more...(the more...); to recover; to heal;
poorer, better.

Get to beg. 弄到将要讨饭了。 弄到 (nòngdào) to get hold of; to obtain; to secure; to

come by. 将要 (jiāngyào) will; shall; to be going to.
讨饭 (tǎofàn) to ask for food; to beg.

Fortunately, he wrote a 幸而写得⼀笔好字, 幸⽽ (xìng ér) by good fortune; luckily.

good word,

Then he made money 便替⼈家钞钞书, 钞 (chāo) money; paper money; variant of 抄.

books for others,

Change a bowl of rice to 换⼀碗饭吃。


It's a pity that he has the 可惜他⼜有⼀样坏脾⽓, 坏脾⽓ (huàipíqì) bad temper.
same bad temper,

It is delicious and lazy. 便是好喝懒做。 好喝 (hǎohē) tasty (drinks).

Sat less than a few days, 坐不到⼏天,

It connects people, 便连⼈和书籍纸张笔砚, 书籍 (shūjí) books; works. 纸张 (zhǐzhāng) paper. 笔
books, papers, pens and 砚 (bǐyàn) writing brush and ink stone.

All disappeared. ⼀⻬失踪。 ⼀⻬ (yīqí) at the same time; simultaneously. 失踪

(shīzōng) to be missing; to disappear; unaccounted

How many times, 如是⼏次, 如是 (rúshì) thus. ⼏次 (jǐcì) several times.

There are no more people 叫他钞书的⼈也没有了。

who called him money

Kong Yiji has no law, 孔⼄⼰没有法, 没有法 (méiyǒufǎ) at a loss; unable to do anything
about it; to have no choice.

It is inevitable to do some 便免不了偶然做些偷窃的 免不了 (miǎnbùliǎo) unavoidable; can't be avoided.

theft accidentally. 偶然 (ǒurán) incidentally; occasional; occasionally;
事。 by chance; randomly. 偷窃 (tōuqiè) to steal; to pilfer.

But he is in our store, 但他在我们店⾥,

Behave better than 品⾏却⽐别⼈都好, 品⾏ (pǐnxíng) behavior; moral conduct.


Is never in arrears; 就是从不拖⽋; 从不 (cóngbù) never. 拖⽋ (tuōqiàn) in arrears;

behind in payments; to default on one's debts.

Although there is no cash 虽然间或没有现钱, 间或 (jiànhuò) occasionally; now and then. 现钱

from time to time, (xiànqián) cash.

Temporarily write it on the 暂时记在粉板上, 粉板 (fěnbǎn) blackboard; painted board on which to

powder board, make temporary notes with brush pen.

But within a month, 但不出⼀⽉, ⼀⽉ (Yīyuè) January; first month (of the lunar year).

Sure to pay off, 定然还清, 定然 (dìngrán) certainly; of course. 还清 (huánqīng)

to pay back in full; to redeem a debt.

The name of Kong Yiji 从粉板上拭去了孔⼄⼰的 拭 (shì) to wipe.

was wiped off the powder
board. 名字。

Kong Yiji drank half a 孔⼄⼰喝过半碗酒, 过半 (guòbàn) over fifty percent; more than half.
bowl of wine,

The flushed face 涨红的脸⾊渐渐复了原, 渐渐 (jiànjiàn) gradually.

gradually recovered,

The other person asked 旁⼈便⼜问道, 旁⼈ (pángrén) other people; bystanders; onlookers;
again, outsiders. 问道 (wèndào) to ask the way; to ask.

"Kong Yiji, “孔⼄⼰,

Do you really know 你当真认识字么?” 当真 (dāngzhēn) to take seriously; serious; No

Chinese? " joking, really!.

Kong Yiji looked at the 孔⼄⼰看着问他的⼈,

person who asked him,

Showed an air of disdain. 显出不屑置辩的神⽓。 显出 (xiǎnchū) to express; to exhibit. 不屑 (bùxiè) to

disdain to do sth; to think sth not worth doing; to feel
it beneath one's dignity. 置辩 (zhìbiàn) to argue. 神⽓
(shénqì) expression; manner; vigorous; impressive;
lofty; pretentious.

They continued, 他们便接着说道, 说道 (shuōdào) to state; to say (the quoted words).

"Why can't you even get “你怎的连半个秀才也捞 怎的 (zěnde) what for; why; how. 半个 (bànge) half
half a talent?" of sth. 秀才 (xiùcai) a person who has passed the
不到呢?” county level imperial exam (historical); scholar;
skillful writer; fine talent. 捞 (lāo) to fish up; to dredge

Kong Yiji immediately 孔⼄⼰⽴刻显出颓唐不安 ⽴刻 (lìkè) forthwith; immediate; prompt; promptly;

appeared depressed and straightway; thereupon; at once. 颓唐 (tuítáng)
uneasy. 模样, dispirited; depressed. 不安 (bù ān) unpeaceful;
unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried. 模样
(múyàng) look; style; appearance; approximation;
about: ⼀个模样; also pr. .

There was a layer of gray 脸上笼上了⼀层灰⾊, 笼 (lóng) basket; cage; flat bamboo basket used to
on his face, serve dimsum 点⼼; to cover; to cage; to embrace;
to manipulate through trickery. ⼀层 (yīcéng) layer.
灰⾊ (huīsè) gray; ash gray; grizzly; pessimistic;
gloomy; dispirited; ambiguous.

Say something in your 嘴⾥说些话; 嘴⾥ (zuǐlǐ) mouth; in the mouth; on one's lips;
mouth speech; words.

This time, it’s all the 这回可是全是之乎者也之 之乎者也 (zhīhūzhěyě) four common characters of
same. classical Chinese (idiom); fig. semi-
类, incomprehensible talk; double Dutch; all Greek to

Some do not understand. ⼀些不懂了。

At this time, 在这时候,

Everyone also burst into 众⼈也都哄笑起来:


The inside and outside of 店内外充满了快活的空
the store is filled with
cheerful air. ⽓。

At these times, 在这些时候,

I can agree with a smile, 我可以附和着笑, 附和 (fùhè) to parrot; to crib; to copy sb's action or
words; to trail sb's footsteps; copy-cat.

The shopkeeper will never 掌柜是决不责备的。 决不 (juébù) not at all; simply (can) not. 责备 (zébèi)
blame. to blame; to criticize; condemnation; reproach.

And the shopkeeper saw 而且掌柜⻅了孔⼄⼰,

Kong Yiji,

I always ask him like this, 也每每这样问他,

Make people laugh. 引⼈发笑。 发笑 (fāxiào) to burst out laughing; to laugh.

Kong Yiji knew that he 孔⼄⼰⾃⼰知道不能和他 谈天 (tántiān) to chat.

couldn't talk to them,

So I had to talk to the 便只好向孩⼦说话。


Said to me once, 有⼀回对我说道,

"Have you read a book?" “你读过书么?”

I nodded slightly. 我略略点⼀点头。 略略 (luèluè) slightly; roughly; briefly; very generally.

He said, 他说,

"Read the book, “读过书,

...I will test you. ……我便考你⼀考。

The word fennel of fennel 茴⾹⾖的茴字, 茴 (huí) fennel; aniseed.


How is it written? " 怎样写的?”

I think, 我想,

A beggar, 讨饭⼀样的⼈,

Do you also match me? 也配考我么? 配 (pèi) to join; to fit; to mate; to mix; to match; to
deserve; to make up (a prescription); to allocate.

Then turned back, 便回过脸去,

No longer bother. 不再理会。 理会 (lǐhuì) to understand; to pay attention to; to take

notice of.

Kong Yiji waited for a long 孔⼄⼰等了许久, 许久 (xǔjiǔ) for a long time; for ages.

Said very earnestly, 很恳切的说道, 恳切 (kěnqiè) earnest; sincere.

"Can't write it? “不能写罢?

...I teach you, ……我教给你,

Remember! 记着!

These words should be 这些字应该记着。


When I become a 将来做掌柜的时候,

shopkeeper in the future,

Use it for writing 写账要⽤。” 账 (zhàng) account; bill; debt: ⼀本账, or ⼀笔账.
accounts. "

I thought to myself that 我暗想我和掌柜的等级还 暗想 (ànxiǎng) think to oneself. 等级 (děngjí) grade;

my level with the rank; status.
shopkeeper is still far 很远呢,

And our shopkeeper 而且我们掌柜也从不将茴

never billed fennel beans;

Funny again, ⼜好笑, 好笑 (hǎoxiào) laughable; funny; ridiculous.

And impatient, ⼜不耐烦, 不耐烦 (bùnàifán) impatience; impatient.

Replied lazily, 懒懒的答他道,

"Who wants you to teach, “谁要你教,

Isn't it a back and forth 不是草头底下⼀个来回的 来回 (láihuí) to make a round trip; return journey;
answer under the grass back and forth; to and fro; repeatedly.
head? " 回字么?”

Kong Yiji looked 孔⼄⼰显出极⾼兴的样
extremely happy,

Tap the long nails of two 将两个指头的⻓指甲敲着 指头 (zhǐtou) finger; toe: ⼀个指头. 指甲 (zhǐjia)
fingers on the counter, fingernail.

Nodded and said, 点头说, 点头 (diǎntóu) to nod.

"Yes, yes! “对呀对呀!

…There are four ways to ……回字有四样写法, 写法 (xiěfǎ) style of writing (literary style); way of
write Huizi, writing a character; spelling.

do you know? " 你知道么?”

I'm getting more 我愈不耐烦了,


Struggling to walk away. 努着嘴走远。

Kong Yiji just dipped his 孔⼄⼰刚⽤指甲蘸了酒, 蘸 (zhàn) to dip in (ink, sauce etc).
nails in wine,

Want to write on the 想在柜上写字, 写字 (xiězì) to write characters.


Seeing that I am not ⻅我毫不热⼼, 毫不 (háobù) hardly; not in the least; not at all. 热⼼
enthusiastic, (rèxīn) enthusiasm; zeal; zealous; zest; enthusiastic;
ardent; warmhearted.

He sighed again, 便⼜叹⼀口⽓, 叹 (tàn) to sigh; to gasp; to exclaim. ⼀⼝⽓ (yīkǒuqì)

one breath; in one breath; at a stretch.

He looked extremely 显出极惋惜的样⼦。 惋惜 (wǎnxī) to regret; to feel that it is a great pity; to

sorry. feel sorry for sb.

A few times, 有⼏回,

The neighbor's child 邻舍孩⼦听得笑声, 邻舍 (línshè) neighbor; person next door. 笑声

laughed, (xiàoshēng) laughter.

Also hurry up, 也赶热闹,

Surrounded Kong Yiji. 围住了孔⼄⼰。 围住 (wéizhù) to surround; to gird.

He gave them fennel 他便给他们茴⾹⾖吃,
beans to eat,

One per person. ⼀⼈⼀颗。 颗 (kē) classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn
grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc.

After the child eats beans, 孩⼦吃完⾖, 吃完 (chīwán) to finish eating.

Still staying, 仍然不散,

All eyes are on the plate. 眼睛都望着碟⼦。 碟⼦ (diézi) saucer; small dish: ⼀盘碟⼦.

Kong Yiji panicked, 孔⼄⼰着了慌, 慌 (huāng) to get panicky; to lose one's head; (coll.)
(after 得) unbearably; terribly.

Spread out five fingers to 伸开五指将碟⼦罩住, 伸开 (shēnkāi) to stretch out. 罩 (zhào) cover; fish
cover the dish, trap (basket); shade.

Bend down and said, 弯腰下去说道, 弯腰 (wānyāo) to stoop.

"Running out, “不多了,

I am running out. " 我已经不多了。”

Straighten up and look at 直起⾝⼜看⼀看⾖, 直 (zhí) straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable;
the beans again, frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion
or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in
Chinese characters. 起身 (qǐshēn) to get up; to
leave; to set forth. 看⼀看 (kànyīkàn) to have a look.

I shook my head and ⾃⼰摇头说, 摇头 (yáotóu) to shake one's head.


"Not much, not much! “不多不多!

How amazing? 多乎哉? 哉 (zāi) (exclamatory or interrogative particle).

Not much. " 不多也。”

So this group of children 于是这⼀群孩⼦都在笑声 群 (qún) variant of 群. ⾛散 (zǒusàn) to wander off;

scattered in laughter. to stray; to get lost.

Kong Yiji is so happy, 孔⼄⼰是这样的使⼈快


But without him, 可是没有他,

Others have done the 别⼈也便这么过。


one day, 有⼀天,

About two or three days ⼤约是中秋前的两三天, 中秋 (Zhōngqiū) the Mid-autumn festival, the
before the Mid-Autumn traditional moon-viewing festival on the 15th of the
Festival, 8th lunar month.

The shopkeeper is slowly 掌柜正在慢慢的结账, 结账 (jiézhàng) to pay the bill; to settle accounts;
checking out, also written 结帐.

Remove the powder 取下粉板,


Suddenly said, 忽然说, 忽然 (hūrán) suddenly; all of a sudden.

"Kong Yiji hasn't come for “孔⼄⼰⻓久没有来了。 ⻓久 (chángjiǔ) (for a) long time.
a long time.

I still owe nineteen 还⽋⼗九个钱呢!” ⽋ (qiàn) deficient; to owe; to lack; yawn. ⼗九

money! " (shíjiǔ) nineteen; 19.

I also think he hasn't 我才也觉得他的确⻓久没 的确 (díquè) really; indeed.

come for a long time.

A drinker said, ⼀个喝酒的⼈说道,

"How could he come? “他怎么会来?

...He has a discounted ……他打折了腿了。”

leg. "

The shopkeeper said, 掌柜说,

"Oh!" “哦!” 哦 (é) to chant.

"He still steals. “他总仍旧是偷。 仍旧 (réngjiù) still (remaining); to remain (the same);

This time, 这⼀回,

I was fainted, 是⾃⼰发昏, 发昏 (fāhūn) to faint.

Stole to Ding Juren's 竟偷到丁举⼈家⾥去了。 丁 (Dīng) surname Ding. 举⼈ (jǔrén) graduate;
house. successful candidate in the imperial provincial

His house stuff, 他家的东西,

Steal it? " 偷得的么?”

"What happened?" “后来怎么样?”

"how about it? “怎么样?

Write your defense first, 先写服辩, 服辩 (fúbiàn) written confession; letter of


Then it was fight, 后来是打,

Played most of the night, 打了⼤半夜, 半夜 (bànyè) midnight; in the middle of the night.

Discounted legs again. " 再打折了腿。”

"and after?" “后来呢?”

"The legs were “后来打折了腿了。”

discounted later."

"How about the “打折了怎样呢?”


"how? “怎样?

...Who knows? ……谁晓得? 晓得 (xiǎode) to know.

Xu is dead. " 许是死了。”

The shopkeeper stopped 掌柜也不再问,


Still calculating his 仍然慢慢的算他的账。

account slowly.

After Mid-Autumn 中秋之后,


The autumn breeze is 秋⻛是⼀天凉⽐⼀天,

cooler day by day,

Look at the approaching 看看将近初冬; 将近 (jiāngjìn) almost; nearly; close to. 初冬
early winter; (chūdōng) early winter.

I leaned on the fire all day, 我整天的靠着⽕, 着⽕ (zháohuǒ) to ignite; to burn.

Also need to put on a 也须穿上棉袄了。 穿上 (chuānshang) to put on (clothes etc). 棉袄

cotton jacket. (mián ǎo) cotton-padded jacket.

In the second half of the ⼀天的下半天, 下半天 (xiàbàntiān) afternoon.


Without a customer, 没有⼀个顾客,

I was sitting with my eyes 我正合了眼坐着。 正 (zhèng) just (right); main; upright; straight;
closed. correct; positive; greater than zero; principle; to
correct; to rectify.

Suddenly I heard a voice, 忽然间听得⼀个声⾳,

"Warm a bowl of wine." “温⼀碗酒。”

Although the voice is 这声⾳虽然极低,

extremely low,

But very familiar. 却很耳熟。 ⽿熟 (ěrshú) to sound familiar; familiar-sounding.

There was no one when I 看时⼜全没有⼈。

watched it.

Stand up and look out, 站起来向外⼀望, 站起来 (zhànqǐlai) to stand up. 向外 (xiàngwài) out;

That Kong Yiji sat under 那孔⼄⼰便在柜台下对了 台下 (táixià) off the stage; in the audience. 对了
the counter against the (duìle) Correct!; Oh, that's right, ... (when one
threshold. ⻔槛坐着。 suddenly remembers sth one wanted to mention);
Oh, by the way, .... ⻔槛 (ménkǎn) doorstep; sill;
threshold; fig. knack or trick (esp. scheme to get sth

His face is dark and thin, 他脸上⿊而且瘦,

Already out of shape 已经不成样⼦; 不成样⼦ (bùchéngyàngzi) shapeless; deformed;

ruined; beyond recognition; (of a person) reduced to
a shadow.

Wear a broken jacket, 穿⼀件破夹袄, 夹袄 (jiá ǎo) lined jacket; double layered jacket: ⼀件

Cross-legged, 盘着两腿,

Put a pouch underneath, 下⾯垫⼀个蒲包, 垫 (diàn) pad; cushion; mat; to pad out; to fill a gap;
to pay for sb; to advance (money). 蒲 (Pú) surname
Pu; old place name.

Hang on the shoulder ⽤草绳在肩上挂住; 绳 (shéng) rope: ⼀根绳. 肩 (jiān) shoulder; to

with straw rope; shoulder (responsibilities etc). 挂住 (guàzhù) to get
caught (entangled); to catch (on sth).

Met me, ⻅了我,

Said again, ⼜说道,

"Warm a bowl of wine." “温⼀碗酒。”

The shopkeeper also 掌柜也伸出头去, 伸出 (shēnchū) to extend.

stretched out his head,

On the one hand, ⼀⾯说,

"Kong Yiji? “孔⼄⼰么?

You still owe nineteen 你还⽋⼗九个钱呢!”

money! "

Kong Yiji replied 孔⼄⼰很颓唐的仰⾯答 仰 (Yǎng) surname Yang.


"This... pay it off next “这……下回还清罢。 下回 (xiàhuí) next chapter; next time.


This time it’s cash, 这⼀回是现钱,

Wine is better. " 酒要好。” 要好 (yàohǎo) to be on good terms; to be close

friends; striving for self-improvement.

The shopkeeper is still the 掌柜仍然同平常⼀样, 平常 (píngcháng) ordinary; common; usually;

same as usual, ordinarily.

Smiled and said to him, 笑着对他说,

"Kong Yiji, “孔⼄⼰,

You stole something 你⼜偷了东西了!”

again! "

But he didn’t really argue 但他这回却不⼗分分辩, 分辩 (fēnbiàn) to explain the facts; to defend against
this time. an accusation.

Just said "Don't make fun 单说了⼀句“不要取 取笑 (qǔxiào) to tease; to make fun of.

"make fun of? “取笑?

If you don't steal, 要是不偷,

How can I break my leg? 怎么会打断腿?” 打断 (dǎduàn) to interrupt; to break off; to break (a
" bone).

Kong Yiji whispered, 孔⼄⼰低声说道, 低声 (dīshēng) low voice.

"Fall off, “跌断, 跌断 (diēduàn) to fall and fracture (a leg, vertebra


fall, 跌, 跌 (diē) to drop; to fall; to tumble; Taiwan pr. .

Stumble..." His wink, 跌……”他的眼⾊, 眼⾊ (yǎnsè) signal made with one's eyes;
meaningful glance.

It's like begging the 很像恳求掌柜, 恳求 (kěnqiú) to beg; to beseech; to entreat;

shopkeeper, entreaty.

Don't mention it again. 不要再提。

A few people have 此时已经聚集了⼏个⼈, 此时 (cǐshí) now; this moment. 聚集 (jùjí) to

gathered at this time, assemble; to gather. 个⼈ (gèrén) individual;
personal; oneself.

Then and the shopkeeper 便和掌柜都笑了。


I warmed the wine, 我温了酒,

Take it out, 端出去, 端 (duān) end; extremity; item; port; to hold sth level
with both hands; to carry; regular. 出去 (chūqù) to go

Put it on the threshold. 放在⻔槛上。

He drew out four pennies 他从破⾐袋⾥摸出四⽂⼤ ⾐袋 (yīdài) pocket. 摸 (mō) to feel with the hand; to
from his torn pocket, touch; to stroke; to grope; to steal; to abstract.

Put it in my hand, 放在我⼿⾥,

Seeing his hands full of ⻅他满⼿是泥, 满⼿ (mǎnshǒu) handful. 泥 (ní) mud; clay; paste;
mud, pulp.

It turns out that he came 原来他便⽤这⼿走来的。
with this hand.

After a while, 不⼀会, 不⼀会 (bùyīhuì) soon.

He finished drinking, 他喝完酒,

Then again in the laughter 便⼜在旁⼈的说笑声中,

of others,

Sit down and walked 坐着⽤这⼿慢慢走去了。 ⾛去 (zǒuqù) to walk over (to).

slowly with this hand.

Since then, ⾃此以后, ⾃此 (zìcǐ) since then; henceforth.

It was a long time since I ⼜⻓久没有看⻅孔⼄⼰。

saw Kong Yiji.

At the end of the year, 到了年关, 年关 (niánguān) end of the year.

The shopkeeper took off 掌柜取下粉板说,

the powder board and

"Kong Yiji still owes “孔⼄⼰还⽋⼗九个钱

nineteen money!"

By the Dragon Boat 到第⼆年的端午, 端午 (Duānwǔ) see 端午节.

Festival of the second

Then he said, "Kong Yiji ⼜说“孔⼄⼰还⽋⼗九个

still owes nineteen
money!" 钱呢!”

By the Mid-Autumn 到中秋可是没有说,

Festival, but did not say,

I didn't see him until the 再到年关也没有看⻅他。

end of the year.

I haven't seen him until 我到现在终于没有⻅⸺ 到现在 (dàoxiànzài) up until now; to date.
now—about Kong Yiji is
indeed dead. ⼤约孔⼄⼰的确死了。

March 1919. ⼀九⼀九年三⽉。


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