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Chapter 8 Systems of Particles and Conservation of Momentum

(a) I = ∆p I = mv = 0.3 × (2 × 9.81 × 8)1/2 N.s = 3.76 N.s

(b) Fav = I/∆t Fav = (3.76/0.0013) N = 2891 N

47 · A meteorite of mass 30.8 tonne (1 tonne = 1000 kg) is exhibited in the Hayden Planetarium in New York. Suppose
the kinetic energy of the meteorite as it hit the ground was 617 MJ. Find the impulse I experienced by the meteorite up
to the time its kinetic energy was halved (which took about t = 3.0 s). Find also the average force F exerted on the
meteorite during this time interval.
1. I = ∆p; find p i and p f ; use Equ. 8-23 p i = (2 × 30.8 × 103 × 617 × 106)1/2 kg.m/s
= 6.165 × 106 kg.m/s
p f2 2
2. = p i /2
p f = p i/ 2 0; ∆p = p i(1 - 1/ 2 0) = I = 1.81 MN .s
3. Fav = I/∆t
Fav = 0.602 MN

48 ·· When a 0.15-kg baseball is hit, its velocity changes from +20 m/s to -20 m/s. (a) What is the magnitude of the
impulse delivered by the bat to the ball? (b) If the baseball is in contact with the bat for 1.3 ms, what is the average
force exerted by the bat on the ball?
(a) I = ∆p I = 0.15 × 40 N.s = 6 N.s
(b) Fav = I/∆t Fav = (6/1.3 × 10-3) N = 4.62 kN
49* ·· A 300-g handball moving with a speed of 5.0 m/s strikes the wall at an angle of 40o and then bounces off with the
same speed at the same angle. It is in contact with the wall for 2 ms. What is the average force exerted by the ball on
the wall?
1. Find ∆v; vxi = v0 cos 40o, vxf = -v0 cos 40o o
∆v = 2 × 5.0 × cos 40 m/s = 7.66 m/s
2. Fav = m∆v/∆t Fav = 0.3 × 7.66/2 × 10-3 N = 1.15 kN

50 ·· A 2000-kg car traveling at 90 km/h crashes into a concrete wall that does not give at all. (a) Estimate the time of
collision, assuming that the center of the car travels halfway to the wall with constant deceleration. (Use any reason-
able length for the car.) (b) Estimate the average force exerted by the wall on the car.
(a) Assume a car length of 6 m; then ∆t = (3/2vav) s = 1.5/(25/2) s = 0.12 s.
(b) Fav = ∆p/∆t = (2000 × 25/0.12) N = 417 kN.
51 ·· You throw a 150-g ball to a height of 40 m. (a) Use a reasonable value for the distance the ball moves while it is in
your hand to calculate the average force exerted by your hand and the time the ball is in your hand while you throw it.
(b) Is it reasonable to neglect the weight of the ball while it is being thrown?
(a) Take d = 0.7 m; find v on leaving hand and vav v = (2gh)1/2 = (2 × 9.81 × 40)1/2 = 28 m/s; vav = 14 m/s
∆t = d/vav ∆t = 0.7/14 s = 0.05 s
Fav = ∆p/∆t Fav = (0.15 × 28/0.05) N = 84 N
(b) w/Fav = mg/Fav = 0.0175 Yes; w is less than 2% of the average force
52 ·· A handball of mass 300 g is thrown straight against a wall with a speed of 8 m/s. It rebounds with the same speed.
(a) What impulse is delivered to the wall? (b) If the ball is in contact with the wall for 0.003 s, what average force is
exerted on the wall by the ball? (c) The ball is caught by a player who brings it to rest. In the process, her hand moves
back 0.5 m. What is the impulse received by the player? (d) What average force was exerted on the player by the

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