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February 27, 2018 │2:30-3:30 PM

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. identify the elements of short story and their definitions;

2. Present a story map containing the elements of short story in the
story entitled “ Adios, Cordera”; and
3. Value the moral/ lesson implied in the story.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Spanish Short Story- Adios, Cordera!

b. References
Arcinas, M. (2016). Spanish Short Story. World Literature. Phoenix
Publishing House. The Padayon Series

c. Learning Resources
 Power Point Presentation
 Strips
 White Board Marker/ Chalk
 Bond Paper
 Manila Paper & Pentel pen

III. Procedures

1. Pre- Activity

 Prayer
The teacher will play the AVP for the morning praise.
 Greeting
The teacher will greet the students.

 Attendance
The teacher will ask who are the absentees today.

 Reminder
The teacher will remind the students regarding the deadline of the
submission of the project.
2. Review
The teacher will ask the students what they have remembered from yesterday’s
3. Motivation
The students will arrange the scrambled letters projected on the screen. Thus,
the teacher will call volunteers to answer respectively.

A. Activity
The teacher will let the students to read the objectives aloud. Afterwards, the
students will be engaged in an activity called “Arrange Me”. Thus, they will be grouped
into four (4) according to the color of strips they picked earlier. Lastly, the teacher will
give the strips in each group containing the events happened in the story and give
instructions on what to do after which.
B. Analysis
The teacher will present the topic. Thus, she will ask the students some
questions of what they have noticed from the group activity. Eventually, this is now the
time to discuss thoroughly the elements of short story, their definitions and process their
answers during the activity earlier.
After the discussion, the students will be instructed again to group themselves
through counting. This time, the teacher will instruct the students to create a story map
containing the elements of short story. Additionally, identification/ discussion of theme
will be done after the presentation.
Presentation of outputs will be done afterwards.
C. Application
As per continuation of the group activity, summarize the story using the students’
own words.
D. Abstraction
The teacher will ask the students to share the summary of the story.

The students will be instructed to get ½ crosswise and answer the following
Instruction: Identify the term/s asked in each item
1. The central idea or belief in a short story
2. A series of events and character actions
3. The time and place in which it happens
4. The perspective from which the author presents the actions and characters of the
5. A cow who had seen much of life
6-7. The two children who are in charge in guarding Cordera.
8. The father of the two children
9-10. The places where the story took place

In a short bond paper, create a story board from the story, Adios, Cordera!
(20 points)

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