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Exercise 1.

1. Hetain Patel represents Indian, British and Chinese culture and Yuyu Rau
represents the culture of Taiwan.
2. Hetain Patel’s works have been exhibited in 75 group exhibitions, solo
projects and performances. For example, in 2015 he made a life-size
sculpture of himself called Letter to Spider-Man.
3. He has involved his father to work on some projects on “father’n’son
relations” topic, like To Dance Like Your Dad.
4. The installation Fiesta Transformer shows us that Hetain’s identity was
formed both by his Indian origin and by popular culture.
Exercise 2.
1. b
Exercise 3.
1. Articulating emotion in powerful rhyming verse.
2. Multiple tales matter and empower us.
3. Self isn’t constant, the infinite is.
4. A question of soul, not soil.
Exercise 4.
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. e
5. c
Exercise 5.
When I read the descriptions of the talks, I was impressed with ideas of the
talk by Julian Baggini. He, as I got it from the text, suggested that people are but
combinations of ideas, experiences, opinions and so on. We just decide in what
way we, in particular, want to move on. But still, our unique identity is a set of
common parts.
After watching I realized that I was almost completely right about the idea of
the talk. Yeah, there is no “me” in me, actually, but everything I consist of forms
that “me”. My choices, my likes and dislikes, my mistakes, my thoughts – they are
me. I am nothing without them. Just a blank page, tabula rasa. However, it isn’t
bad at all. It just means that you and only you can choose your own unique way of
liveng and form yourself from the bottom to the top. You can literally change
everything in you and still this new one would be you.

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