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Name : Defryan Yusuf

Study/Class : TRO/B
No.Tar : 21021034

Volcanic Eruption

The volcanic eruption is a well-known disaster in Indonesia. Our country is located in

the ring of fire which affects about how many volcanoes we have. The most famous of our
volcanos is Krakatau, which is known for its explosion in the past. This volcano is located
between Java and Sumatra island which is on the strait sunda. When a volcano erupts it will
bring a disaster for areas that are close from this mount. There are several impacts and causes
about why volcanic eruption can happen, such as the friction between tectonic plates and
when there’s too much lava in it,
There are 7 major and 8 minor plates on earth. Their location is very close to each
other that makes it sometimes they come into collision. When it happens, it will be followed
by earthquake or the increasing level of magma until it reaches the surface then
BOOM(explosion). The collision of tectonic plates that cause the eruption is only happens if
the tectonic plate is located under the volcano. When the eruption happens, it will spit magma
and gasses, these phenomena will create confusion and a terrifying atmosphere for the people
that live less than 10 km from the magma spitter mountain. If the eruption happens beneath
the sea, it will create a new island or there will be a tsunami if the explosion is big enough.
The magma is always building up inside its chamber, when it reaches its maximum
amount the volcano will blow its inside. This process begins with the raising of the inside
temperature then the surrounding rocks, soil, and other minerals will start to melt and become
one with magma so that the magma amount will keep increasing. When the magma storage
becomes full it will press the walls; when the walls cannot hold the pressure it will explode
then the walls will break and there will be an explosion followed by flying rock and burst of
hot and poisonous gasses, those things are the destruction component for the area nearby,
houses will be destroyed, the farm will be covered dust, and many people will die.
There are many causes of volcanic eruption, but there are 2 common reasons: the
friction of the tectonic plate under the volcano and the explosion because of the pressure of
the magma that always builds up. The eruption is very terrifying and really put us in a hard
situation, there are several ways and actions that we can take to at least minimize the impact
of this kind of disaster. We need to monitor the volcano or the tectonic plate activity, this
action should be taken to safe our citizen so that there will be a lesser victim by this

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