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Group #4

Project Management

COM 19-A
● Team members:
● Aisuluu
Arstanbaeva- TL
● Arslan Sultanbek uulu
● Aiana Diushenalieva
● Fatima Bekmamatova
● Natalia Klimareva
● Mirkhad Chekirbaev

Mobile Application
Food items delivery
●Name of the project:
October 2019 - May 2020
Doctor Michael Baranick
Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

Project Description
GooDel stands for good delivery!

Our project is to build the application that gets the order of food items from the customer,
reports it to the supermarkets networks such as Народный (Narodnyi), Фрунзе (Frunze) and
Globus; finds the nearest to the customer’s address supermarket (just like the Yandex taxi app
does), gets needed food items from this supermarket and gets delivered it right to the house1.
By using GooDel people save time because they can do grocery shopping online and get the food
items delivered, so they don’t have to go outside or use a car. Everything starts with something
small, therefore for the beginning, it applies only to the territory of Bishkek city since most of
the supermarkets are located there. 8 months should be enough in order to make it into reality. It
will be ready by May 2020.

“Our vision is to be Bishkek’s most customer-friendly app, where customers can get any items in
the shortest period of time from the supermarkets of their choice.”
By this we mean we see our app the most popular in the food delivery industry in
Bishkek, by using the most convenient and innovative technologies, customer services and
marketing strategies. Provide job opportunities for thousands of people and save their time.

‘‎Yandex. Taxi’, App Store, accessed 9 December 2019,

“Our mission is to give an opportunity to Bishkek citizens to do grocery shopping online.”
Our app works on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and gives an opportunity for
customers to do grocery shopping online and save time, without going outside. We work hard
every day to make GooDel the Bishkek’s most respected delivery service app. as well as the best
customer online shopping experience.

❖ Make an agreement with Supermarkets Network
❖ Create a job description
❖ Gather a team of software developers
❖ Build the app that provides high-quality service
❖ Facilitate the process of online shopping in Bishkek
❖ Advertise the app


❖ During the planning phase establishes an appointment with the Heads of TOP 3
Supermarkets Network in Bishkek (such as Globus, Фрунзе, Народный) in order to
persuade them by explaining the concept of our project.

❖ After getting the contract signed prepare job description and advertise it for available
software engineers job positions.
❖ During December check the CV of software developers who are willing to work on our
app and interview the candidates that meet our requirements. Find 3 software developers
who will work on creating the app.
❖ By the end of February get permission from 2GIS company in order to use the map of the
Bishkek city with information about all the TOP 3’s Supermarkets Network: location,
working hours and apply it to the app
❖ March-June manages software developers to build the app with a database system,
information about price, map of the Bishkek city, sales, suggestions.
❖ During the executing phase advertise the app and spread the information via social media,
websites, banners, and newspapers to the potential customers.

Gantt Chart

Figure №1: Gantt Chart created to track our progress

As shown in Figure №1, we need to do 14 tasks to achieve our goals. Some details of
how did we come up with those tasks are described below.

Task №1: Research the problem

The first thing that we need to do, is to research “What is the problem?”. Particularly,
sometimes people are unable to buy food items in the supermarket for reasons like being sick,
disabled, looking after someone in the house, and even just being busy. Sadly, in Bishkek, there
is no delivery system for supermarket products. Due to the necessity of such a service, our team

came to the idea of creating a food delivery application. We made a short description of the
project for showing it to the stakeholder. Since Dr Baranick is our stakeholder, we made an
agreement with him regarding sponsoring the process of resolving the problem.

Task №2: Make an agreement with Narodnyi, Globus, and Frunze supermarket networks
We thought that the agreement should include the requirements from both sides of the
deal. Generally, we decided to require access to the database of the products in those
supermarkets, so that we can use it in our application. By doing so, the customers will be able to
choose from the products, which supermarkets have in, and the couriers will not have to be
searching for the food item that is not available in the market.
We also thought that we might need couriers of the supermarket to deliver the food items,
because hiring someone else, would decrease our chances of getting the agreement.

Task №3: Establish weight, time and price limits for the product delivery
Before getting an order we must include some limits, which customers should follow.
● The weight limit is 15 kg. If the order overweights, the customers should pay for the
second courier too.
The critical limit of weight is 40 kg.
● The maximum time for delivering the products to the customer is 40 minutes. If the
courier is being late, the client will not pay for the delivery.
● The price of the order would be established by supermarket networks. The percentage
price of the order will be divided among couriers, owners of the application and the

Task №4: Find three software developers and conduct an interview
Since we are not able to program an app by ourselves, it would be reasonable to involve
some qualified software developers. For that, we decided to find them, to hire by the process of
interviewing and develop a new team of software developers.
We will post job advertisements throughout the Bishkek City and social media in order to
attract possible candidates for the role of our software developers. Then we will interview them.
The interview must be conducted in the original way which means hiring developers by
standardized methods: considering such criteria as flexibility, creativity, problem-solving,
communication skills and looking for the skills that meet our requirement to create and maintain
a good application. It would be a little bit complicated to conduct an interview in that way for us
since we did not experience it before, so we have to decide is whether we will ask our teachers to
help us selecting good software developers or we will find another way of conducting which
simplifies the process of selection.

Task №5: Define the requirements of an application

The requirements of the application have to be established together with 3 software
developers and 3 members of our team. The general requirements of the GooDel application are
described below:
- The user is able to view the database of the supermarkets and order the intended product.
- Couriers receive the request in time, without any delays.
- The application provides only the information, which user requests. (For instance, a user
should not be able to change the available products in the database, but he should be able
to view it.)
The details of the requirements should be clarified once the software developers are hired.

Task №6: Develop a map of Bishkek city with locations
For now, one of the most popular ways to find a map of Bishkek city is to use 2GIS or
Google Maps. An issue with these maps is that we need it to show several supermarkets, while
they can only display one particular network. So, we will be able to view only one out of three
supermarket networks.
One of our solutions to that problem was that our software developers will create a
separate map of Bishkek, or they will modify the existing maps in a way, which allows us to
view several supermarket networks and trace our couriers.

Task №7: Create the application

In this task, we have only 3 people involved - our software developers. Since we are just
starting to learn the basics of programming, we are not able to create it ourselves in the near
future. Thus, we decided that after the requirements of the application are defined, the software
developers will find the most efficient and secure ways of creating the application. For instance,
they might use third-party applications for a more secure and stable connection, because without
it, our database and the application might be in trouble.

Task №8: Design the application

We thought that designing an application is not as important as other tasks. However, we
realized that the design should be appealing to the user, because if it is not, then very few people
are going to use it.
Issues with usability and accessibility of the application should be resolved on the spot.
For instance, the application should have “colorblind mode”, which allows people to use it and
distinguish different buttons; this might resolve one of the accessibility problems, because,
without it, color blind people might not be able to use it.
Another example is regarding the usability of the application. If the application has a lot of small
buttons and ads that cover them, then this might create a problem with the usability of the

application. Thus, designers should be able to predict the usage of the software and make the
most of it.

Task №9: Write documentation for the application

“First of all, what is documentation?” - is the question asked by several members of the
group? The documentation is an explanation of how the software works, with a guide on how to
use it.
Our team thought that writing the documentation for the software is vital for future use of
the application. It will allow us to understand the full functionality of the software. In case, we
forget how does one or another part of the application work, we will use it as a guide.
Another case, in which it will be needed is if we hire new software developers. They
might be asked to update the software, and they will need the documentation of it to understand
how it works.

Task №10: Deploy the application

“Okay, so what is that?” - is another question asked by most of the group members. The
deployment means putting the application on the market. It will be free, but to sustain the
project, we might put up advertisements in it.
Our software developers will work on how to upload it using secure and efficient ways.

Task №11: Make advertisement and spread it via social media, banners, etc.
If we want our app to be popular we need more people to know about it, but how it is
going to happen? By advertisement! Nowadays it is really easy to advertise and recruit, because
of social media, websites and YouTube vloggers and etc. So according to our Gantt Chart, all of
us will work on the advertisement, which means that we will spread the information about
GooDel via
- all of our social media accounts
- short videotape about an app

- make an announcement in Supermarkets (that are our partners)
- newspapers
- print the flyers and hand out to the people
- posters and banners
- get the advertisement of our app on the big TV screen in Shopping Centers

Task №12: Use the income to partly maintain the server and the project
Basically, this task is about the money we get from the project and use them in order to
make some changes that will improve the app and make it even better.

Task №13: Constantly update the map of available shops in Bishkek

What kind of shops? Only the ones we are cooperating with (Globus, Narodnyi, Frunze).
We need to constantly update the map with the location of the Supermarkets since there are more
and more of them appearing. We have to know about all of them. Each of them has to be
registered and be displayed on our map. This way we can keep track of the nearest to the
customer’s supermarkets.

Identifying the problem

The world is changing and is always developing. Technology has a big impact on our lives,
especially nowadays. This is why people say that the 21st century is a century of technology. The
IT industry is growing so fast and is very demanding and it is going to be this way for 50 more
years for sure. The main reasons for this are that the IT industry makes our lives easier and
increases the productivity level. We took this fact into consideration and came up with an idea of
creating a mobile app.2

‘Ubiquity: 21st Century Information Technology Revolution’, accessed 9 December 2019,

Our group gathered together and brainstormed what kind of services that will help people we can
provide, what kind of mobile app we can create, how can we help others and make money for
ourselves. After some discussion, we decided to create a language app that will help people to
learn the Kyrgyz language. However, by the time we were working on vision, mission, goals, and
objectives we realized that it is not something that we would like to do. In other words, it did not
speak to us. Despite the fact that we had less than 3 weeks until the deadline, we decided to
change our project completely. Take a risk and do actions!

We went through the process of brainstorming for the second time. This time we took it
seriously. We spent some time searching for the problem and finally found it. When we ask
people what are important things in their life (excluding people) majority of them answers time
and money. In our opinion, time is more valuable, that is why we came up with the idea of
creating a mobile app that will get an order from the customers and get the food items delivered
right to the door. This way they can save some time and spend it on something else.

Our targets:

1. Working mothers, because they have children at school, children at home, their
job, housework. In Kyrgyzstan, most of the females are responsible for cooking.
We are trying to help them to manage the time and get everyone in the house full.3
2. Working Adults, that leave alone and do not have time for cooking and doing
grocery shopping.
3. Just lazy people who do not want to go to the supermarkets.

Food is really important for human beings, we just cannot survive without food. It affects
our mood, health, activity, desire to do something, etc. However, we don’t really pay much
attention and don’t really know how much time and money in total we spend on food. By saying
that I mean eating, buying, making, growing food. According to our research, most of the

Jeffrey Hays, ‘FAMILIES AND WOMEN IN KYRGYZSTAN | Facts and Details’, accessed 9 December

families do grocery shopping twice a week for approximately 1,5 hours (excluding time for a
road).45 If we count it this way we get about 4 hours per week, 16 hours per month and 192 hours
per it seems big, huh? Imagine how much you could get done if you didn’t spend this
time on shopping. Therefore, our team decided to make something that will help people to save
some time on grocery shopping and spend it on something more useful and productive. Also,
GooDel will give an opportunity to keep track of the money you spent on the purchases that
allow people to manage the budget.

Possible risks
Risk analysis helps us to reduce possible project problems and failures. By identifying the risks
we improving the probability of achieving success. The possible risks of our project are listed

❖ Rejection of the supermarkets to make an agreement about the request.

❖ Lack of corresponding software developers that meet all of our requirements.
❖ Prohibition of 2GIS organization to use the map of Bishkek in our app.
❖ The insufficient inflow of customers after the Advertisement’s spreading.
❖ Possibility of delivery expired and defective products.
❖ Bugs in the application (example: error in sending an order from a customer to a courier).
❖ Some customers might not pay for their order.

Rebecca Lake, ‘Grocery Shopping Statistics: 23 Fun Size Facts to Know’, CreditDonkey, accessed 9
December 2019,
‘Weekly Number of U.S. Grocery Shopping Trips per Household 2019’, Statista, accessed 9 December

Risk management plan
Risk №1 Rejection of the supermarkets to make an agreement about the request.

In case of rejection of only one supermarket network, we suppose it will not be so

harmful to maintain our plan. Otherwise, in case of rejection of more than one supermarket
network, we will try to connect with smaller markets or make an agreement directly with
suppliers of food products. It will not completely solve the problem, working with markets and
suppliers is less convenient; but, anyway, this decision will minimize harmfulness for the project.

Risk №2 Lack of corresponding software developers that meet all of our requirements.
We guess there is a small possibility of a complete lack of appropriate candidates. More
likely, there would be just scarce programmers. The solution to the problem is to increase the fee
to attract more professional software developers.

Risk №3 Prohibition of 2GIS organization to use the map of Bishkek in our app.
There are two organizations that have a map of Bishkek city. If 2GIS refuses our request
to use its map for commercial purposes, we will connect with another organization, which called
GoogleMap( XD )67.

‘Bishkek’, Bishkek, accessed 9 December 2019,,74.4517772,11z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s
‘Карта городов Киргизии: Бишкек, Ош и другие города — 2ГИС’, accessed 9 December 2019,

Risk №4 The insufficient inflow of customers after the advertisement’ s spreading.
If there will be an insufficient inflow of customers after advertising our app:
★ we increase the amount of advertisement in several areas of social networks by giving an
example of how our application works.
★ We will ask heads of supermarkets to do some discounts on products for customers who
ordered through the app.
★ Set a condition like if someone orders through our app, the tenth order will be free.

Risk №5 Possibility of delivery expired and defective products.

Quality and freshness of the products are one of the determinants of customer inflow,
however, sometimes, due to stuff inadvertence, there might be cases of expired and defective
product delivery. In this case, that would be fair to give a customer choose whether to return the
product and get a refund or get a new product. This should be taken into account in the process
of making an agreement with supermarkets.

Risk №6 Bugs in the application (example: error in sending an order from a customer to a

The most probable bug is that the request from the customer will not be received by the
supermarket or the courier. In this case, we will need the confirmation about the order, from the
courier and the customer, because the customer may accidentally order something, or the courier
may not receive the order (For instance, because of bad internet connection).

If we are dealing with the internal bugs of the code, we will need to use the “sum check”,
which is the technique in the Computer Science network. It allows checking if the request has
been sent, and deal with it automatically, in case of errors.

Risk №7 Some customers might not pay for their order.

Unfortunately, we can not avoid customers that do not pay for their order. And their
decision can be reasonable: delayed order, wrong or expired food items, unjustified expectations.
In this case, our solution is to establish a return policy. According to which, customers are
allowed to return the item of their choice. Items can be returned within 3 days of receipt of
delivery and screenshot of the purchase from the app. In case of a delayed order, customers will
be given a 20% discount. In any situation, we will make advances to our customers, since they
are very important for us and we want them to be satisfied by using GooDel!

The way groups were divided was random, so that means we didn’t have a choice. The
first reaction was: “What the h**l are we doing here? Why do we need it? How are we gonna do
it?”. We were totally confused. We didn’t really know each other and most of us thought it
would be hard and challenging for us to gather together, communicate and work as a team.
However, we found a lot of things in common and shared the same interests that led us to
become a cohesive team.
Our stakeholder, Dr Michael Baranick, divided us randomly: he just distributed numbers
from 1 to 6 to each student by sitting chart and the students with the same numbers were
assigned into one team. The team leader was chosen by Mr.Baranick as well. Because the day
when he decided to divide us into teams two of our group members were absent, the original
group members were different. However, there were too many of them. The more people are in
group-the more difficult it is to manage them. That is why we were told to have only 6 members.
So that means Aisuluu had to choose the ones that should leave the group, what she actually did.
But Aiana and Arslan came the other day and didn’t belong to any of the teams, so our team
decided to shelter them, LOL. This way our team was formed. The funny thing is that Arslan

wanted to create his own group and be a team leader, however after some discussions we all
agreed to be in one team with being Aisuluu the team leader. She created a WhatsApp chat so we
could discuss the project and share it with any information over there as well.
In the first two weeks, we didn’t do anything because we didn’t get the information right
and didn’t understand the topic and what we have to do. One day we realized that we need to do
something since it is our final grade. We asked Mr Baranick for an explanation of the project and
since that we took it seriously. The most convenient day for meetings was Thursday after classes
because everyone could stay that day. So we tried to stay every Thursday to discuss the project.
Our first meeting was during the English class, where all the groups had to brainstorm
about the problems and solutions. So, at first we wanted to make something that will help
students to find information about opportunities to study abroad since it is what almost every
third student in Kyrgyzstan is willing to do, but Aiana searched for more information and found
out that this website and app already exist. Someone brought an idea of creating some kind of
device with artificial intelligence that could be used in medicine. The idea was actually really
interesting and ordinary, however, because we thought that we would have to make it into reality
our team decided to pick something easier and more realistic. Mirkhad is really good at
chemistry and we were thinking about how can we use his knowledge in chemistry and apply it
to the project. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out as well since not everyone in our team
understood chemistry. To be honest, it was hard to come up with an idea and explain it to each
other. Then we started to analyze the problems in our society. And we understood that not so
many students are fluent in Kyrgyz even so it is their native language8. So Natalia suggested
creating an app that will help students to improve their Kyrgyz. Because we didn’t have any
other ideas and were running out of time because we had to show a presentation with a project
description of the lesson everyone in a team agreed with Natalia’s idea. We started developing
the idea by hitting 5Ws (What, Why, Where, When, Who). Fatima was the one who asked lots of
questions which actually really helped when we were writing the description because by
answering them we all understood the concept of our project. We showed our short presentation
with project description, vision, mission, goals and objectives and got feedback from Mr

‘Kyrgyz Language. Ancient Times, Nowadays’, accessed 9 December 2019,

Baranick. Every time we were presenting it we still had something to change. His critic was
objective. We paid attention to his feedback and used it in order to make corrections and improve
our presentation.
The week after mid-term exams was not productive at all. We thought we have plenty of
time until the deadline, so we relaxed for a little bit and did nothing until the 20th of November,
procrastinating till the very last minute.
Frankly, our first Gantt Chart was created twenty minutes before the lecture, on which we
had to present it. It is highly unlikely that we could finish it in time if our team was not working
together. So, six of us decided to sit and do it together. The main part - creating tasks, was done
in 5 minutes. The problem was that we did not know in which order we should place them. So, it
took 15 minutes to put them in order that was “perfect” as we thought. When we came to the
class, our Chart received constructive criticism. It turns out, you cannot do it perfectly from the
first attempt. As our professor described, people learn from mistakes more than they do from
At first, we tried to “fight back” and defend our position, but soon, we realized that the
professor wanted us to learn new things. He did not want us to fail, and that is why he tried to
guide us in the right direction.
After that, we started to think about what we are doing. We were asked to change some
parts of our chart.
Even though we knew what to do and how to do it, we still procrastinated to the very last
moment. We tried to agree several times what time to meet so that it would be convenient for
everyone. But unfortunately, finding the perfect time for six people is quite a difficult task. Thus,
we again began to change our chart 40 minutes before the start of the lecture.
We managed to finish in time, but when we came to the lecture, we doubted whether it
was worth showing it. The team leader explained that she was unsure whether we could describe
this topic in detail.
After a while, we understood that our project is not going to be successful because the
problem is that students don’t talk with each other in order to increase their language skills. They

can’t step out of the language barrier. The solution to this problem is to find native speakers and
just talk to them9. That means our app would not help them anyway.
3 weeks till the deadline and Group#4 changes the project! Here we came up with
another idea.
Already scribbling a new project, we began to understand what was required of us. We
got together that evening and created a new Gantt chart. It is worth mentioning that the tasks and
duration of this project were very different in comparison with the old project. Nevertheless, we
already had experience in creating a chart, so we quickly completed it.
Showing our chart to the professor for the millionth time, we found a bunch of mistakes,
inconsistencies, and commonplace flaws. There is such a saying, “Programming is 10% coding,
and 90% fixing it”10. We want to say that this statement applies not only to programming but also
to how we made our chart.
The problems were with when this or that process should go. For example, is it worth
advertising an application before its creation, or after? If you did this before its creation, then by
the time it is ready, we would have customers. But, the problem is that they might be upset when
they realize that so far nothing is ready.
What if we start advertising the application after it is created? We need to accept that a lot
of time will pass before our application becomes very relevant.
Thus, we often doubted what should happen and when. It went so far that even when writing this
essay, we changed the contents of our chart and the duration of each task several times. For
example, we doubted, “Is it worth hiring couriers, or is it better to use couriers of the
supermarket?” Another question is “Should we create a database of food items?” In the end, we
removed several of these tasks because there were easier and more suitable alternatives.

‘Overcoming Language Barriers to Communication’, Typetalk, 28 November 2016,
Sal Mangano, Mathematica Cookbook: Building Blocks for Science, Engineering, Finance, Music, and
More (O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2010).

The way it works
GooDel can be installed from the play market or App Store on your device whether it is a
computer or mobile phone. You will need an Internet connection in order to use GooDel. The
concept of this application is getting the order of food items from the customer, reporting it to the
supermarkets networks such as Народный (Narodnyi), Фрунзе (Frunze) and Globus; finding the
nearest to the customer’s address supermarket,getting needed food items from this supermarket
and getting delivered it right to the house.
The customer has an option to detect the language while using the app out of three:
Russian, Kyrgyz, English. The payment can be made via this app as well or in person after they
get the order. The currency only Kyrgyz som since it works only in Kyrgyzstan11.
By using GooDel people save time because they can do grocery shopping online and get
the food items delivered, so they don’t have to go outside or use a car. One more advantage of
this app, for example, you are at home making lunch and you have a baby. For the meal you need
eggs, but you just ran out of them and you can’t leave a baby at home, but also you can’t go
outside because the cooking process has already started. In this case, GooDel helps you!
Everything starts with something small, therefore for the beginning, it applies only to the
territory of Bishkek city since most of the supermarkets are located there.
Bishkek citizens who have the funded card from the supermarket’s network (Globus, Narodnyi,
Frunze) are eligible to use this app. The app attaches to the card number, gets the fine code and
provides you with information about season sales, bonuses, discounts and other good deals that
will make your purchase beneficial. Customers will have an option to choose the supermarket
and food items of their choice, however at first place app will give the suggestions based on the
customer’s location and previous purchases. Also, customers can write a review and rate the
quality of delivery service and mobile app’s activity.

‘National Currency of Kyrgyzstan’, accessed 9 December 2019,

Description of the process
1. Customer opens application and types in search string name of the product he wants to be
2. Search system displays the nearest branch of ‘Globus’,’Narodnyi’,’Frunze’ with prices
description and time of delivery of the product.
3. As soon as the customer presses order button, the shop gets the order and starts preparing
for sending the product to the client.
4. Customer can choose whether to pay in cash after getting the products delivered or with a
credit card.

What we have learned while we were
working on the project?
The first and the most important thing we learned is teamwork. Despite the fact that we
randomly were assigned in one group not knowing each other, we got a chance to spend more
time together and got to know each other closer. After a while, we truly became friends,
understood each other’s interests, hobbies, found something in common, learned each other’s
strengths and weaknesses. Based on it, Aisuluu who is our team leader, divided tasks among the
During the project, we realized the importance of communication skills since we had to present
our ideas and explain them to each other. Sometimes we did not understand each other but were
tolerant, patient and respectful to each other. So we asked each other for help if needed or for an
explanation about something.
During the course of Project management, we learned what it actually represents, what
project is and why we need it. On the lectures, we have learned the theory of Project
Management and applied this knowledge in practice while working on the project. Of course, we
didn’t get to the executing phase, but we still got the concept of this course.
In addition, we found out not only the process of creating the project but also how to plan
and organize our lives. Time management is also something that we took into consideration since
we had to plan meetings, stay after classes, sacrifice our lunchtime in order to gather together
and discuss the project. The month when we were working on the language app wasn’t wasted
because we learned how to write a proper description and Vision, Mission, Goals, and
Objectives, that is why we didn’t face any problems while working on the current project. We
understood how to distribute time wisely and productively.
Working on this project improved our computer skills because we were making multiple
presentations, working with Excel sheets, Word, Google Slides, Google docs, different platforms,
photo editors, Flowchart. During these 4 months, we gained new skills such as using planning,

public speaking, writing skills, paying attention to the details, being specific, critical thinking,
giving feedback, taking the objective critic, analyzing, researching and communicating.
Additionally, our team took a risk and completely changed the project topic 3 weeks
before the deadline, LOL. To be honest, we realized how important it is to get things done on
time and manage our time.
The most challenging part while working on the project was a lack of knowledge and
programming skills since we are nor able to make it into reality at the moment. However, on the
other side, it is a good project idea for the future. Who knows maybe we will make it.
In conclusion, we want to add that it was a big experience for all of us because working
on this project led us to the self-development even though sometimes it was stressful, we gained
knowledge, new skills that can be useful in the future. We understood the concepts of project
management, learned more about each other and became friends.

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