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Functions of Audio Visual Materials in teaching and learning process:

There are various function of Audio Visual Materials is teaching, learning, research, entertainment
and so on. Some of them are listed below:
1. Reduce Verbalism:  Audio Visual Materials supply a complete basis for conceptual thinking; they
give rise to meaningful associations. Hence they offer the best antidote solution available for the
disease of verbalism. Words are wonderful, they are easily produced, reproduced, stored and
transported. But the over use or excessive use of words can result in serious problem. The problem of
verbalism can reduced the verbalism significantly in the areas of teaching, learning, research,
entertainment and so on.
2. Make learning permanently: The quality of the learning experience profoundly influences the
“performances”. We can readily see how much Audio Visual Materials offer in terms of vividness and
power of impression. So the qualitative rich Audio Visual Materials experience has important
learning. Audio Visual Materials give vividness to the learning situation.
For example: A film on Rabindranath Tagore provides a vivid picture of his life and literature.
3. Had interest and involvement: Interest is a so much a part of Audio Visual Materials. Attention is
the true factor in any process of teaching and learning. Audio Visual materials aids help the teacher
in providing proper environment for capturing and sustaining the attention and interest of the
students in the classroom works. This is how Audio Visual Materials ensures the involvement in
teaching and learning.
4. Stimulates self-activities: Report to experiment indicates that self-activities can be fostered by
the skillful utilization of Audio Visual Materials. Audio Visual Materials stimulate encouragement in
preventing crime of a local community improving recreational facilities etc. There for by using Audio
Visual Materials we can stimulate our self-activity.
5. Direct pent-up interest: Today’s new communication media can make a truly enormous impact
upon viewer’s learners and listeners. The degree of the impact depend upon the mental set of the
viewers, listeners, learners.
6. Develop continuity of thought: The continuity of thought that is fostered when verbal
abstractions are coupled with visual and auditory explanations, the attention getting power of audio
visual materials and their simplicity combined to help the students think consecutive about a subject
in his or her area.
7. Developed meaningful vocabulary:  The contemporary development of audio visual materials
introduce large and specialized vocabulary. Since audio visual materials supply a concrete basis for
conceptual thinking. It enriched the words by meaningful concept to the students, audio visual
materials not only correct confused or inaccurate or misleading conceptions but place the correct
responses concretely before the students.
8. Enlarge the range of possible experience:  Audio Visual Materials can enable us to cut through
the physical limits of time and space in a unique manner.
For example: The use of Audio Visual Materials provide a touch of reality to the learning situation by
seeing a film show exhibiting the peoples of  Japan region, students learn it more effectively in about
two hours than by spending week to weeks by reading and by traveling.
9. Teach efficiently:  Efficiency in teaching means the economy of times or energy and increase
vividness. Audio Visual Materials representation is more effective than an article or lecture of the
same subject. In this way Audio Visual Materials help the teacher to teach the student in a very
meaningful and smooth way. As a result of these trends students of the respective teachers can learn
a topic or a lecture clearly.
10. Add highly useful variety: Monotony can be a powerful deterrent to learning. If the lecture of a
teacher can be delivered through a slide show or PowerPoint by the projector instead of verbal
speech than the possibility of grasp the essence of the lecture could easily be understood by the
11. Best motivation: Audio Visual Materials are the best motivators. Students learn with more
interest and zeal. They become more attentive.
12. Clear images: Clear images are formed when we see, smell and test. At least of all the images
are constructed through the direct implementation of Audio Visual Materials.
13. Encouragement to healthy classroom interacts: Use of Audio Visual Materials in classroom can
encourage both the students and teachers to interact with each other more effectively.

Audio Visual Materials are important to all circle of learning that start from the lowest to the highest,
including informal education that starts at home and then the nursery, primary, secondary, tertiary
and University. So AVMs are recognized and accepted as essential means of increasing the
effectiveness of teaching, learning and research purpose.
AVMs can contribute much to teaching and research by stimulating interest, providing valuable
information and expanding the horizon of experience.
Audio Visual Materials (AVMs) are those things can be understood by observing visual aspect of

With the dramatically change of technology, now Audio Visual Materials are used in library and
information center, various organizations, institution which are related to providing and
disseminating information services towards their respective clients.
Types of Audio Visual Materials: Broadly Audio Visual Materials are three types.
1. Auditory Materials: Auditory means of or relating to the hearing. This include:
 Recordings
 Tele-lecture
 Radio
 Sound Films
 Telephone, etc.

2. Visual Materials:
Visual Materials are those materials which we see and can be understood by observing the visual
aspect of any object. They include:
 Projected materials- slide, film-strips, film
 Illustrated books
 Chart
 Picture
 Maps
 Globes
 Atlas
 Poster
 Models
 Drownings
 Cartoons, etc.

3. Audio Visual Materials: Audio Visual Materials are the combination of Auditory and visual
materials. This may includes:
 Telivision
 Film
 Motion Picture
 Video tapes
 Printed materials with recorded sound
 Demonstration.
Importance of Audio Visual Materials:
The use of Audio Visual device in teaching and learning has increased in the past few years due to
the technological developments. Technology make the teaching and learning more interesting for
the students as well as teacher. As a result a number of audio visual materials used in this sector.
Audio Visual Materials has a great impact on teaching and learning in education.
 Audio Visual Materials can create all of the reading materials more effective and attractive to all
students in a class room.
 All the learning materials can be represented properly with accurate illustration with the help of 
Audio Visual Materials.
 These bring variation and diversity among the learning material for the convenient of the
 AVMs provide learning experience which could not have been provided more easily with
traditional materials.
 These can make a real contribution that will be useful and effective in realizing learning goods.
 Audio Visual Materials (AVMs) creates better relationship between the students and teacher in the
 These can change human behavior significantly.
 Research work without Audio Visual Materials (AVMs) can’t bear any fruitful results to the
research scholar.
 For expending experience, AVMs play a dynamic role.
 AVMs contribute to the group learning situation.
 AVMs reinforce and add effectiveness to teaching procedures
 AVMs remove the extraneous matter of learning materials and get to the essence of it
 AVMs help to cut through the physical limits of time and space in a unique manner.
 AVMs supply a concrete basis for conceptual thinking.
 The attention getting power of AVMs, there ability to stimulate interest and there simplicity
combine to help the student think consecutively about a subject presented in the class room.

Audio Visual Materials is an techniques and which involves the sense of vision as well a s hearing. It is
usually used in presentation prepared by the businessman to show graphs on the study of the
company, college/university students to their reports and especially the teacher who use audio visual
materials to clearly explain the lesson to the students.

Audio Visual Aids:

Audio visual aids are any device which can be used to make the learning experience more concrete,
more realistic and more dynamic.
Audio visual aid is the combination of two media:
 Auditory aids: Any instructional device that can be heard but not seen. E.g. Tape record,
Microphones, Ear phones etc..
 Visual aids: Any instructional device that can be seen, but not heard. Slide, film strips etc..
Purpose of Audio Visual Aids:
 Best motivation.
 Clear image.
 Save energy and time.
 Antidote of the disease of verbal instructions.
 Capture attention.
 reinforcement to learner.
 Positive transfer of learning.
 Gain & hold student interest.
 Increase understanding and retention.
 Stimulate the development of understanding and attitudes.

Functions of Audio visual aides:

 They supply a concrete basis for conceptual thinking and hence, reduce meaningless word
response of students.
 They have high degree of interest for students.
 They make learning more permanent.
 They offer a reality of experience which stimulate self activity on the part of pupil.
 Develop continuity of though; this is especially true of motion pictures.
 They provide experience not easily obtained through other materials and contribute to the
efficiency, depth and variety of learning.
Use of Audio Visual materials in education:
 Students will gain knowledge of the latest in evolving theoretical and practical application in the
communication field utilizing various resources and methods of inquiry.
 Students will grow intellectually in their oral and written communication and critical thinking skills.
 Student will become aware of the ethical and spiritual implications of communication on a diverse
and global level.
 Student will be knowledgeable of the latest in technology, software applications, and visual
communication skills with the ability to demonstrate the skills in using technology.

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