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Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is used as an alternative of fresh or virgin aggregates word- wide.
UK, USA, Japan, Canada and other developed countries have well established procedure, guidelines and
standards to classify and to reuse recycled asphalt materials. In India and other developing countries
sufficient standards and guidelines as well efficient procedures are not available to characterize the
reclaimed asphalt materials. Now it is highly required to classify the available RAP materials for further
use in road construction. Reuse of these materials can reduce 25-30% cost of highway projects.
Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) materials can be characterize by different ways, such as sources of
RAP, gradation characteristics of RAP, physical and chemical properties of RAP aggregates, recovered
bitumen percentage and properties of recovered bitumen etc. This study was conducted to characterize
the RAP material on the basis of its Origin or Source and Gradation Characteristics of RAP aggregate.

Large quantities of Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials are produced during highway
maintenance and construction. Apart of this can be used in new hot mix asphalt concrete and rest is
available for other uses. If these materials could be re-used inbase and sub-base of the roads, resulting
in minimization of environmental impact, reduce the waste stream and also transportation costs
connected with road maintenance and construction activities. The properties of RAP materials can be
improved by blending of aggregates and by addition of chemical stabilizers. In recent years there was a
gradual increase in construction and demolition wastes. It has resulted in waste disposal problem due to
shortage of available landfills. Reuse of these materials after proper recycling can be the right solution
for the same. There will be a reduction in cost about 25 to 30% by reusing the recycled road aggregate
generated at same site. Before using such materials the mechanical properties must be tested and
suitable blending is done if required. The most used recycled materials are Reclaimed asphalt pavement
(RAP) materials and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). The generation of RAP and RCA result in an
aggregate of high quality and grading. Due to coating of asphalt on the aggregate of RAP it reduces the
water absorption in aggregates.

Large quantities of Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials are produced during highway
maintenance and construction. A part of this can be used in new hot mix asphalt concrete and rest is
available for other uses. If these materials could be re-used in base and sub-base of the roads, resulting
in minimization of environmental impact, reduce the waste stream and also transportation costs
connected with road maintenance and construction activities. The properties of RAP materials can be
improved by blending of aggregates and by addition of chemical stabilizers. Reclaimed Asphalt
Pavement is a method by which bituminous pavements are constructed using reclaimed materials
obtained from existing pavements. An analysis of previous research paper shows that Reclaimed Asphalt
Pavement of various different percentages have been used in the construction of bituminous pavement
varying from 15 to 70%. In few cases up to 75% of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement has been successfully
used. The construction of a new pavement or design overlays involves a big consumption of aggregates
material of different sizes along with binder materials. These mains to high cost of project. Because of
disallowed imposed on mining in various regions and heavy load on natural resources, it becomes totally

necessary to recycle the pavements. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement is a new construction technique in
which aggregates from an existing pavement are distributed and are reused in the construction of a new
pavement. Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement decreases the cost of the project marginally. The purpose
of using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement is more justified as from the past
experience it has been observed that construction strength parameters either of same or better quality
are produced by Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement mixes when compared to standard pure mixes. The
calculation in the cost of project is directly proportional to the percentage of Reclaimed Asphalt
Pavement used though an ideal percentage should be analyzed which gives the optimum strength
parameters and economics.

With increased demand and limited aggregate and binder supply, HMA producers have began using
reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) as a valuable component in HMA. As a result, there has been
renewed interest in increasing the amount of RAP used in HMA. While several factors influence the use
of RAP in asphalt pavement, the two primary factors are economic savings and environmental benefits.
RAP is a useful alternative to virgin materials because it reduces the use of virgin aggregate and the
amount of virgin asphalt binder required in the production of HMA. The use of RAP also conserves
energy, lowers transportation costs required to obtain quality virgin aggregate, and preserves resources.
Additionally, using RAP decreases the amount of construction debris placed into landfills and does not
deplete nonrenewable natural resources such as virgin aggregate and asphalt binder. Ultimately,
recycling asphalt creates a cycle that optimizes the use of natural resources and sustains the asphalt
pavement industry. In order for it to be successful, recycled asphalt pavement must be cost-effective,
perform well, and be environmentally sound. To ensure that these requirements are met, FHWA
promotes the following:

• The use of recycled material in the construction of highways to the maximum economical and practical
extent possible with equal or improved performance.

• The use of RAP in HMA because RAP can have a large economical, environmental, and engineering
impact in pavement recycling. The use of RAP may grow by increasing the number of highway
construction and rehabilitation projects that use RAP, as well as by increasing the amount of RAP used in
specific projects. To meet these goals, the following tasks were identified:

• Establish a public and industry working group.

• Create funded and coordinated research and demonstrations projects.

• Research deployment and technology transfer for information dissemination and education.

Through the establishment of a public and industry working group known as the RAP Expert Task Group
(ETG), one of the top needs for increased RAP use was identified in updated literature on the state of
the practice and guidelines for mix design and construction of recycled asphalt pavements.

There are four major asphalt production cost categories: (1) materials, (2) plant production, (3) trucking,
and (4) lay down (i.e., construction). Materials are the most expensive production cost category,

comprising about 70 percent of the cost to produce HMA (see figure 2). The most expensive and
economically variable material in an asphalt mixture is the asphalt binder. It is most commonly used in
the intermediate and surface layers of flexible pavement to provide tensile strength to resist distortion,
protect the asphalt pavement structure and subgrade from moisture, and provide a smooth, skid-
resistant riding surface that withstands wear from traffic.(3) As a result, the most economical use of RAP
is in the intermediate and surface layers of flexible pavements where the less expensive binder from
RAP can replace a portion of the more expensive virgin binder.

Traditionally, many State transportation departments have limited the maximum amount of RAP used in
surface layers, certain mixture types, and, in some instances, large or critical projects. Although many
HMA producers continued to use RAP, the amount was typically less than 15 percent because there
were no binder grade changes or additional tests required for these lower percentages. Additionally,
there was no significant economic incentive for using larger percentages of RAP. However, in 2006 and
again in 2008, there were sharp increases in asphalt binder costs as well as diminishing supplies of
quality aggregate. As a result, utilizing greater amounts of RAP became a priority in the HMA industry
once again. With changes in construction materials economics, stricter environmental regulations, and
an emphasis on “green” technologies (e.g., warm mix asphalt (WMA)) and sustainable pavements, the
highway community is reassessing the economic and environmental benefits of allowing higher
percentages of RAP in premium pavements and asphalt surfaces while also maintaining high-quality
pavement infrastructures.




Taha et al (1999)[4] studied laboratory evaluation of RAP and RAP-virgin aggregate mixtures as road
base and sub-base materials at Oman and found. From the literature survey it was observed that the
RAP material can be recycled and utilized in the base course with new or virgin aggregates to an extent
of 10 to 100% RAP (Taha et al 1999, 2002, Thammavong et al 2006)[4, 8, 9] in presence of stabilizing
materials like fly ash, lime, cement, foamed bitumen and RBI Grade-81 etc. which improves the strength
and durability of the RAP mix. To check the suitability of RBI Grade-81 stabilization in base layer Kumar
et al (2010)[5] studied the soil and aggregate stabilization using RBI Grade-81 stabilizers for subgrade
and base layer and found that RBI Grade-81 stabilized aggregate layer is suitable as a base layer.

With increased demand and limited aggregate and binder supply, Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) producers
have begun using reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) as a valuable component in HMA. As a result, there
has been renewed interest in increasing the amount of RAP used in HMA. Materials are the most
expensive production cost category, comprising about 70 percent of the cost to produce HMA. The
most expensive and economically variable material in an asphalt mixture is the asphalt binder. It is most
commonly used in the layers of flexible pavement to provide tensile strength to resist distortion,
protect the asphalt pavement structure and subgrade from moisture, and provide a smooth, skid-
resistant riding surface. As a result, the most economical use of RAP is in the intermediate and surface
layers of flexible pavements where the less expensive binder from RAP can replace a portion of the
more expensive virgin binder.

Cement as stabiliser act as a binder material. While sufficient amounts of cement should be specified to
provide adequate structural support for the pavement surface layer, the addition of excessive amounts
of cement can cause cracking of the affected layer.

LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS- The experimental research was basically designed to test and
determine the maximum dry density, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Unconfined Compressive
Strength (UCS) of RAP material specimens at the suitable gradation and different dosages of cement,
acting as a stabilizer For finding out the materials suitability for experimental research, it is high priority
that the same shall convincingly meet the criteria for their physical characteristics like Impact Test,
Abrasion Test, moisture content and Bitumen Content. The minimum criteria have been specified in
MORT and H Section 400.
Abrasion test and impact test results of RAP show lower values as compared to virgin aggregates.
This can be attributed to the protective layer of bitumen over RAP aggregates, which ensures the RAP
show better toughness and hardness Moisture content in RAP was higher than virgin aggregate, owing
to the material left dumped in the open. Bitumen content is adequate in the RAP material. This was
tested using centrifuge extractor test.

Comparison of Physical Characteristics of RAP and Virgin Aggregates. Table 1

Test Rap Virgin aggregate

Abrasion Test 18.44 % 21.33 %
Impact Test 14.69 % 20.43%
Moisture Content 1.73 1.205
Bitumen Content 4.166 %

Material Gradation by Job Mix Formula Because of pulverization caused due to removal of asphalt
pavement, the gradation is disturbed. To get desired gradation and percentage of additional
material required to be mixed with RAP material; job mix formula is adopted. The test results are
shown in Table 2.

Sieve Size, % Passing MORT and H Limits

mm (Section-400-Bases(Non-
bituminous), Table 4)
RAP 12.5 mm Fine Sand Desired Lower Limit Upper Limit
virgin Grading
40 100 100 100 100 95 100
20 99.5 99.34 100 99.71 45 100
9.5 44.80 18 100 66.56 35 100
4.75 21.64 0.32 100 56.23 25 100
0.60 3.62 0.06 52 27.10 8 60
0.30 2.1638 0 41 27.17 5 40
0.075 0.83 0 12 6.25 0 10

By job mix formula, the suitable proportions of RAP material, 12.5 mm passing coarse aggregates
and fine sand are estimated by Solver in Excel, which shows approximate proportions of 28%, 22%
and 50 % respectively. For the sake of ease and optimum utilization of RAP material, we take the ratios
in the proportions of 30%, 25% and 45% respectively.

The grain size distribution curve was plotted on a logarithmic scale. The gradation of RAP can be
compared to that of virgin aggregate, although with a higher content of fines. The gradation of RAP is
better as compared to the virgin aggregates, as depicted by the Grain Size Distribution curve.
RAP material, new aggregate and sandare mixed in the obtained proportions as per Job Mix Formula.
Mix (RAP + virgin aggregates + fine dust), 12 kg overall, passing the 20 mm IS sieve were taken. This mix
was distributed in four samples, weighing 2.5 kg overall. The samples were mixed thoroughly with
different amounts of water to give a suitable range of moisture contents. Then, the method for
testing was followed as per IS: 2720 Part-8 for materials susceptible to crushing. . Modified proctor
compaction test is carried out as per IS: 2720 part-8 for 0, 3 and 5% stabilizer dosages (using for
materials susceptible to crushing as specified in the code). Each procedure was done thrice with cement
varying as 0%, 3% and 5%.Water content was varied with 4, 5, 6 and 7% and corresponding maximum
dry density is calculated after plotting graphs of MDD vs OMC.
The test was conducted and moisture density curves were plotted for different cement dosages.
The test results are shown in Table.3

Dosage of stabilizer(cement) % Optimum Moisture Maximum Dry
Content(OMC)% Density(MDD) gm/cc

0 6.2 2.104
3 6.5 2.09
5 6.6 2.075

CBR test is done to ensure cement’s contribution in the strength gaining. For evaluating the
strength of RAP mix, CBR test is performed as per IS: 2720 part-16 for 0, 3 and 5% cement
dosages immediately after preparing the sample. However, soaked CBR test is to be
conducted on untreated RAP mix (0% cement). The strength of the RAP mix increases with
increase in curing period. To study this increase, CBR tests are to be carried out on RAP mix
cured for 4 days. The test results have been tabulated in Table 4.

Cement Dosage in % CBR (%)

Unsoaked 4days soaked
0 51 44
3 42 61
5 38 71

1. Marshal stability -This is defined as the maximum load carried by a compacted specimen at a
standard test temperature of 60˚C. 2. Flow This is a measure of flexibility, measured by the change in
diameter of the test sample in the direction of load application between the start of loading and the
time of maximum load. 3. Compacted density of the mix (CDM) 4. Voids in the mix (VIM), meaning the
percentage of air voids by volume in the specimen. 5. Percentage voids in mixed aggregates (VMA) It is
the volume of inter-granular void space between the aggregate particles of a compacted paving
mixture, including the air voids and the volume of bitumen not absorbed into the aggregate. VMA-
value is expressed as a percentage of the total volume of the mix. For each of the five mixes, samples
were prepared for nine different bitumen contents of 5.5%, 6.0%, 6.5%, 7.0%, 7.5% and 8.0%.

DISCUSSIONS- The mix design was performed for Bituminous Concrete. Here, the suitable proportions
of the mix were decided by the Job Mix Formula. These proportions came out to be 61%, 35% and 4%
for RAP, virgin aggregates and filler respectively. The 50% Fly Ash mix was found out to give
satisfactory results, and limits within the standards. Also, Fly Ash being a waste material is utilized
here effectively, which will contribute significantly in reducing the environmental disturbance.
Although, Control mix (0% Fly Ash+100% OPC) was found to give more stability and lesser flow value,
but still this mix cannot be preferred. This is because the pavement surface layer needs to be a little
bit flexible and not too much stable. So, 50% Fly Ash mix was found to be the optimum mix. The
optimum binder content for the mix came out to be 6.7%.

CONCLUSIONS - a) The optimum dosage of the blend, as per job mix formula, comes out to be 28, 22
and 50% for RAP, virgin aggregate and fine sand respectively. b) Maximum dry density is achieved in
the range of 6-7% water content for 0, 3 and 5% cement dosages. c) CBR value increases with increase
in dosage and curing period of 4 days.4 days soaked CBR value comes as 71% for 5% cement, which is

attributed to the bondage of cement with adequate water. d) UCS values come out in increasing order
with dosage as well curing period. It’s value is 1021 kPa for 5 % cement and 14 days curing e) The RAP
material can be further tested for finding out the Resilient. Modulus, and suitably the base/sub-
base layer can be designed with the help of various software using IRC: 37-2012 f) The mix design of
surface course was performed for Bituminous Concrete. Here, the suitable proportions of the mix
were decided by the Job Mix Formula. These proportions came out to be 61%, 35% and 4% for RAP,
virgin aggregates and filler respectively. The 50% Fly Ash mix was found out to give satisfactory
results, and limits within the standards. g) Control mix (0% Fly Ash+100% OPC) was found to give
more stability and lesser flow value, but still this mix cannot be preferred.

2.2 Performance of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Material in Asphalt Mixtures-

Bhanuprasad K et al studied that utilization of RAP in design of asphalt mixtures will be an economic and
environmental solution (World Bank, 2008; Copeland A 2011; Zaumanis et al., 2014; Tebaldi et al.,
2018). There is 23% energy saving by using RAP material (Chiu et al., 2008).

He collected RAP material from a 15-year-old National Highway (NH-3) section near Nashik,
Maharashtra, India. The virgin aggregates were obtained from Kesara near Hyderabad, India and the
bitumen was obtained from Mumbai refinery. The bitumen was modified in the laboratory using a high
shear blender for 60 minutes and after cross-linking it was blended using a low shear blender for 30
minutes. The RAP material was extracted using Soxhlet extraction apparatus to find the binder content
and to get the aged binder for further testing. The aggregates obtained after extraction was subjected to
sieve analysis and the results are given in Table 1. The RAP material was subjected to fractionation to
remove excess fines which otherwise would result in poor workability.

Aggregate Gradation of the RAP material

Sieve size Percent Passing Standard

(mm) (average) Deviation (%)
26.5 100.0 0.0
19.0 97.4 1.2
13.2 89.4 8.9
9.5 77.0 7.5
4.75 48.1 1.5
2.36 43.4 3.7
1.18 31.9 2.4
0.60 23.1 1.0
0.30 18.2 1.6
0.15 6.6 1.2
0.075 3.0 1.0
The largest standard deviation observed was 8.9% (passing 19 mm) but found to be within the limits of
1.0% to 9.0% as mentioned in NCHRP report number 752 (West, et al., 2013). Hence, it can be concluded
that the gradation will be within the specified limits even for 100% RAP material. The Soxhlet method of
extraction yielded an average RAP bitumen content of 3.2% by weight of asphalt mixture from four

trials. The solvent obtained after extraction was recovered to perform basic tests on RAP binder. Table 2
presents the test results for RAP binder, softer grade PMB.

Properties of RAP and PMB binders

Binder Tests\ Type RAP binder PMB Test Method

Penetration, dmm 15.5 62.1 ASTM D5

Softening Point, ⁰C 89.1 50.6 ASTM D36

Viscosity at 135 ⁰C, 5266 1240 ASTM D4402


Figure 1 presents the viscosity temperature relationship of the softer grade PMB, RAP binder, and their
blends (30:70, 40:60, and 50:50).

Exponential (7% SBS PMB)
7% SBS PMB + RAP binder 30%
Exponential (7% SBS PMB + RAP
binder 30% )
7% SBS PMB + RAP binder 40%
Viscosity cP


120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210

Teperature ℃
FIGURE 1: Viscosity of RAP and PMB binders

Virgin and RAP aggregates were tested for physical properties and the values obtained are tabulated in
Table 3. The obtained values were compared with Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRT&H)
book of specifications (2013) published by the Indian Roads Congress (IRC).

TABLE 3: Properties of RAP and Virgin Aggregates

Properties Virgin aggregates RAP Permissible limit

Impact value % 24.2 19.8 ≤ 27

Crushing value % 23.8 18.7 ≤ 24

Abrasion Value % 28.9 26.8 ≤ 35

Specific Gravity 2.670 2.580 2.5-3

Water absorption (%) 0.2 1.4 <2

Asphalt mixture was designed in accordance with Asphalt Institute Manual Series-2 (MS-2)
using the Marshall method of mixture design. The RAP added specimens were prepared with
30, 40 and 50% RAP material. The asphalt performance tests, namely, moisture sensitivity tests
in accordance with AASHTO T 283, the Indirect Tensile Fatigue Test (ITFT) in accordance with
EN:12697-24 (2018) and the Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test (HWTT) in accordance with
AASHTO T 324 were carried out on asphalt specimens with and without RAP material.
Job Mix Formula (JMF)-
Virgin aggregates were added with RAP material of 30, 40 and 50% to get the desired gradation
as specified by MoRT&H for BC 1 gradation. The gradation of RAP aggregates, blend of RAP
and virgin aggregates and the MoRT&H limits are plotted in Figure 2.
As per AASHTO M 323 (2010), the guidelines for selection of virgin bitumen for RAP mixture
was based on the assumption that RAP bitumen completely blends with virgin bitumen. As there
is no direct method for evaluating the extent of blending (Bonaquist, 2007, Copeland et al.,
2010) in the present study it was assumed that RAP binder completely blends with virgin binder.
Hence, the binder content of 1.0, 1.33 and 1.67% by weight of RAP was considered as the
contributor for the mixture performance. RAP material was placed in the oven at 140 °C for 2
hours to simulate the double barrel drum. Aggregates were super-heated considering the heat
transfer during mixing operation. Asphalt mixture was prepared at a mixing temperature of 160
°C for 180 seconds in a Hobart mixture, as generally adopted 120 seconds mixing time was not
sufficient for coating the RAP aggregates.

Marshall Specimens having 100 mm diameter and 63.5 ± 2.5 mm height were prepared at the rate of 3
specimens per binder content and at 5 different binder contents for arriving at the optimum binder
content (OBC) without RAP. Similarly, 45 specimens were prepared for 30, 40 and 50% RAP asphalt
mixtures. The specimens were extruded from respective moulds and placed in water bath at a
temperature of 60 ⁰C for about 30 minutes. The specimens were tested for Marshall stability and flow
values at a loading rate of 50 mm/min. The Marshall Parameters at OBC for specimens with and without
RAP are presented in Table 4.

TABLE 4: Marshall Parameters at OBC for specimens with and without RAP
Parameter 0% 30% 40% 50% MoRT&H

Bulk Density (kg/m3) 2.382 2.386 2.391 2.385 -

Air voids (%) 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3-6

VMA (%) 14.01 13.91 13.75 13.96 Min. 11

VFB (%) 71.4 71.2 70.9 71.3 65-75

Marshall Stability, kN 11.8 12.0 12.3 13.8 Min. 9

Flow (mm) 3.2 2.8 2.7 2.5 2-4

Marshall Quotient (kg/mm) 368 428 455 552 250- 500*

OBC (%) 5.2 5.4 5.5 5.6 -

* As per IRC: SP:53-2010, the Marshall quotient is to find the stiffness of the specimen

It can be observed from Figure 3 that the OBC of different proportions of RAP shown in Table 4
corresponds to 4% air voids. The bulk density, VMA, VFB, Marshall stability and flow of these specimens
are presented in Table 4. All the specimen fulfilled the minimum Marshall Stability criteria of 9.0 KN and
also satisfied the air voids, VMA, VFA and flow requirements specified by the MoRT&H specifications.
However, the mixtures with 50% RAP did not fulfil the requirements of Marshall Quotient (Marshall
stability/flow) as stated in IRC: SP: 53-2010, guidelines on use of polymer modified bitumen. The
Marshall quotient mentions about the stiffness of asphalt mixture and it is similar to Indirect Tensile
Coefficient, followed in Japan for RAP asphalt mixtures (Hirato, 2014). However, considering the
Marshall quotient as the criteria, maximum RAP that can be used without rejuvenator shall be limited to

0% RAP
6 (0% RAP)
30% RAP
5 (30%
% Air Voids

4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0
% Binder Content

FIGURE 3: Bitumen content vs. Air voids


The laboratory performance of asphalt mixtures with 0, 30, 40 and 50% RAP material were
tested for the indirect tensile fatigue testing, rutting and moisture damage. Based on the test results
obtained from the present study, the following conclusions were made:

1. Asphalt specimens with 50% RAP material showed Marshall Quotient value greater than 500,
compared to asphalt specimens with 0, 30 and 40% RAP. The aged RAP binder could be the main
reasons for increase in stiffness. The effect of softer grade PMB with 7% of SBS did not help in reducing
the stiffness for 50% RAP material.

2. Compared to 40 and 50% RAP asphalt mixtures, specimens with 0 and 30% RAP showed
better performance. It can be concluded that softer grade PMB will not be sufficient to improve the
fatigue behaviour of 40 and 50% RAP asphalt mixtures.

3. The asphalt specimens with 50% RAP showed lesser rut depth and this could be due to stiffer
binder in RAP.

4. The asphalt specimens with 50% RAP were less susceptible to moisture damage compared to
the mixtures with 0, 30 and 40% RAP material.

5. From the results it can be concluded that 30% RAP can be added for better performance while
40% RAP material can be added for better resistance to rutting and moisture damage using a softer
grade PMB. It can also be concluded that 50% RAP has lesser resistance to fatigue damage even with the
use of softer grade PMB.

2.3 Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Material in Asphalt Mixture-

Md. Akhtar Hossain et al studied the Effect of Water Submergence on the Characteristics of Bituminous
Mixes Using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of
water on the use of reclaimed asphalt pavement materials in bituminous mix and to determine the
optimum percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement materials with virgin pavement materials and
optimum days of water submergence according to the Marshall Mix design criteria based on medium
traffic condition. To achieve the objectives of this study the basic properties tests were performed on
the studied materials and then Marshall Test was conducted on asphalt mixtures with different
percentages of reclaimed asphalt pavement materials with optimum bitumen content determined for 100%
fresh aggregate. The different percentages of reclaimed asphalt pavement material in asphalt mixtures are 0%,
10%, 20%, 30% and 40%. Marshall Criteria was satisfied up to 20%. Then the specimen prepared with
20% reclaimed asphalt pavement material was submerged in water at 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 days. Optimum
days of water submergence were 15 days on the basis of Marshall Mix design criteria.

Brajesh Mishra et al studied the Use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Materials in Flexible
Pavements. In this study sample of Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials were collected and
analysed for suitability of their usage in flexible pavements. Their characteristics including gradation,
California Bearing Ratio(C.B.R).Aggregate Impact value, Aggregate Crushing value, Specific gravity,
Flakiness & Elongation Index, Loss Angles Abrasion value, Water absorption and soundness were
determined and compared to the MORTH specifications. Form the study it was found that the RAP
materials can be effectively used in the soil subgrade, sub-base and base of the flexible pavements
resulting in reduction of the construction cost. The main objective of the study is to find out suitability of
Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials to be used in construction of flexible pavements. To
perform experimental investigations to assess the values of related parameters and their technical

Siksha Swaroopa KAR et al studied the impact of recycled asphalt pavement on properties of foamed
bituminous mixtures. This study presents results from a study where foamed bitumen mixtures
conforming to Indian specifications were evaluated. For this purpose, foamed bitumen mixtures using a
different percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement and bitumens were prepared. Initially, the foaming
characteristics of virgin bitumens were evaluated to optimize for optimum water content and foaming
temperature. In the second stage, mixture design was conducted to optimize for foamed bitumen

content in foamed bitumen mixtures containing a different percentage of reclaimed asphalt pavement.
Finally, these foamed bitumen mixtures were evaluated for their mechanical properties. The results
from this laboratory study indicated properties of foamed bitumen and foamed mixtures are
significantly influenced by properties of bitumen, the quantity of bitumen, and reclaimed asphalt
pavement. Among the different mixtures, a mixture containing 50% reclaimed asphalt pavement
exhibited best results in resilient modulus and resistance to moisture damage tests. A mixture
containing 80% reclaimed asphalt pavement also shows acceptable strength and resistance to water
susceptibility. Thus, it is possible to design high-quality bituminous mixes using higher reclaimed asphalt
pavement percentages, which meet the required volumetric and desired performance criteria.

Burak Sengoz et al stated the Performance Evaluation of Warm Mix Asphalt Mixtures with Recycled
Asphalt Pavement. This paper shows the feasibility of utilizing four different WMA additives (organic,
chemical, synthetic zeolite and natural zeolite) with different rates of RAP. Following the determination
of optimum RAP content corresponding to each WMA additive, Marshall Analysis, indirect tensile
stiffness modulus and fatigue behavior of HMA and WMA involving RAP were analyzed and compared
with control specimens. Hamburg wheel tracking device was also utilized to evaluate the permanent
deformation characteristics of mixtures containing optimum RAP content. In this research, RAP has been
used (at contents of 10–50%) within both HMA and WMA mixtures. Each type of WMA mixture has been
prepared with an optimum rate of WMA additive that is based on the recommendation of
manufacturers (organic additive at a rate of 3%, chemical additive at a rate of 2% and two types of water
containing additives at a rate of 5% by weight of the bitumen). The mechanical performances of the
samples were evaluated by Marshall Stability test. Following the determination of optimum RAP content
regarding each mixture involving four different types of WMA additive, indirect tensile stiffness modulus
(ITSM) and fatigue behavior of WMA and HMA containing optimum RAP content were analyzed and
compared with control specimens. Hamburg wheel tracking device was also used to determine the
rutting properties of mixtures involving optimum RAP content .

Maulik Rao et al studied the utilization of recycled asphalt pavement in the Urban Area at Surat,
Gujarat, India. The main / primary objective was to justify the cost of milling and to make it viable option
so that the same can be used effectively. Some practical options to use the RAP material in urban areas
are discussed in this study and thereby achieving economy in the construction besides solving the raised
level of roads, effective disposal of RAP and above all using the principles of environment friendly Green
technology that is: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The practical study shows the definite impact on
replacement of virgin material for various road constructions. The CBR values increasing to 2, 3.8 and 6.8
% respectively by 20, 40 and 60 % RAP mixing in black cotton soil surely work for improved sub-grade.



3.1 Scope & Objectives of Study-

Design of The overall objective of the present study was to design and evaluate laboratory performance
of bituminous mixes containing different percentages of RAP. Specifically, the objectives of the present
study were to:

1. Determine the Physical properties of Conventional aggregates and RAP aggregates and the
constituent mixtures.

2. Determine the optimum bitumen content for bituminous mix samples.

3. Bituminous concrete (BC) with different percentage of RAP (i.e., 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) using
Marshall Mix design method.

4. Examine the effects of using RAP in bituminous mixtures in terms of stability and flow value by using
Marshall Mix design method.

5. Compare the test results with the performance of the traditional control conventional asphalt mixes
in laboratory with addition of RAP material and without addition of RAP material (conventional modified

3.2 Material Used-

3.2.1 Aggregate-

The amount of aggregate in asphalt concrete mixtures is generally 90 to 95 per cent by weight and 75 to
85 per cent by volume. Aggregates are primarily responsible for the load supporting capacity of a
pavement. Aggregate has been defined as any inert mineral material used for mixing in graduated
particles or fragments. It includes sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, screenings, and mineral filler.
Aggregates are collected from Binota stone crushing plant near Chittorgarh. Sizes of aggregates
collected are 6mm, 10mm, 20mm, stone dust from same quarry. Which are used for mix design by
performing varies tests to determine its strength of aggregates.

3.2.2 Binder-

Asphalt is a constituent of petroleum with most crude petroleum containing some asphalt. Crude
petroleum from oil wells is separated into its fractions in a refinery by a process called distillation.
Viscosity grade VG 30 bitumen sample was collected from plant .

3.2.3 Recycled Asphalt Pavement ( RAP) –

RAP is collected from road which is a link between Chittorgarh to Udaipur. The top layer of the
pavement was removed for the construction of existing new roads. By making some transportation
arrangement, these RAP material have been brought to the lab by using some hand tools, we crushed
that RAP materials into small pieces.

3.3 Test on Material Used

3.3.1 Physical Properties of Aggregate -

The aggregates were evaluated for various physical properties in accordance with the Indian Standard
specifications and The following Table No 01 presents the test results of physical characteristics of
aggregates used in the present work.

3.3.2 Binder –

Bitumen grade (VG -30) was used as binder in the mixture design of Bituminous Mix throughout the
work. The test results are tabulated in Table No 2.

3.3.3 Aggregate Gradation –

Aggregate gradation is one of the most basic laboratory test done which aims to determine the
percentages of different size of aggregates to be used in the mix. After the basic tests, the aggregates
are further used in the determination of the proper blend to give a good mix consisting of different size
of aggregates. The gradation of different sizes of aggregates (20 mm, 10 mm, stone dust, and lime as a
filler) used in this study are presented in the graph No 1 and graph No 2 shows the plot of gradations.

Graph No 1 Aggregate Gradation

Graph No Lime & stone dust

3.3.4 Asphalt Content in RAP –

The asphalt content in collected RAP material was determined using two different methods: chemical
extraction using centrifuge device and ignition oven. The asphalt content in RAP determined from
chemical extraction using centrifuge device and ignition oven was found to be 4.96% and 5.40%,
respectively. The reported results are the average of five samples. The ignition oven predicted AC on
higher side compared to centrifuge extraction method. It might be because the high temperature (i.e.
540°C) in ignition oven may burn fine aggregates in RAP, resulting in high AC content. In this study,
average of both the methods, 5.2%, is considered for design of mixes containing different percentages
of RAP. The AC content is RAP is relatively high, indicating that the RAP is rich in asphalt content and
hence a significant cost saving can be expected. The AC content in RAP helps to determine quantity of
neat binder to be added in the mix. Bitumen content in RAP is shown in Table 3.

3.3.4 Sieve Analysis of RAP Aggregate–

The gradation of RAP aggregates in presented in Table 4 and in graph 03 The RAP aggregates had
approximately 4.3% and 67.8% passing from 0.075 mm and 4.75 mm sieves.

3.3.5 Marshall Stability Test: Sample Preparation-

First approximately 1200 gm of different sizes of aggregates and filler (lime) as per the blended design
gradation are taken, and heated at the temperature 170-190oC. The bitumen was then heated at 150°C.
A fixed amount of bitumen quantity was then added in aggregates. The aggregate and binder are mixed
at mixing temperature ranging from 130°C-160°. Thereafter, the mix is compacted by giving 75 blows on
either side at compaction temperature ranging from 170 ℃-190 ℃.A compacted specimen of thickness
63.5 ± 3 mm and diameter 100 mm are prepared. The above procedure is repeated for other bitumen
contents. Test Matrix for Sample Preparation for Marshall Mix Design for HMA shown in Table 05 and
Figure 01.

Marshall Stability Test



4.1 Design of Blended Aggregate Gradations -

The bituminous concrete mixes of Grade I with four different percentages of RAP (i.e. 10%, 20%, 30%,
and 40%) were designed in the laboratory. Prior to prepare a mix, the blended aggregate gradation was
obtained to keep it within the limit of gradation of BC Grade 1 as per MORTH guidelines. Several trials
were made while keeping percentages of RAP content fixed for a selected amount. Table 06 shows
percentages of different types of materials (i.e., 20 mm, 10 mm, stone dust, filler, and RAP). The
percentage of filler (lime) was kept constant as 2% by weight of aggregates. The blended gradation for
each combination is shown in Table 07 and graph 04. The design blended aggregate gradation for
different percentages of RAP was within the limit of specified BC grade -1 gradation. It can be seen that
stone dust reduces significantly with addition of RAP content.

4.2 Mix Design of HMA RAP Mixes -

The bitumen samples were prepared taking bitumen content in range of 4.5% to 6.5% of an interval of
0.5%. The design blended aggregate gradation was used for this purpose. The additional amount of neat
binder was estimated in case of RAP mixes. The Marshall moulds were prepared at each of the bitumen
content and their volumetric properties were determined. The bitumen content of a mix was found by
taking the average of bitumen content corresponding to maximum stability, maximum unit weight and
4% air voids. The OBC of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of RAP mixes was found to be 5.63%, 5.8%, 5.6%,
5.6%, 5%, respectively. The volumetric properties of mixes at OBC satisfy design requirements as shown
in Table 08. The addition of RAP results in saving of significant amount of binder. For example, addition
of 40% RAP may result in approximately 41% saving in quantity of binder. The Marshall stability of a mix
increases with addition of RAP. Table 09 and Table 10 show the bitumen and aggregate saving by
addition of RAP, respectively.



5.1 Summary -

The construction of highways with RAP materials is not as popular in India as it expected to be, due to
lack of laboratory and field performance data. Furthermore, agencies and contractors are not enough
trained and confident on quality of RAP materials and to design mixes containing RAP. Generally it is
thought that RAP is a poor grade material which may negatively impact quality of pavements and
consequently wastage of significant amount of money. Nonetheless, studies conducted over the years in
different parts of the world showed that performance of bituminous mixes containing RAP can be equal
and better than the performance of virgin bituminous mix.
The present study was undertaken to design and evaluate performance of bituminous mixes containing
different percentages of RAP. For this purpose, RAP was collected from Raichur to Mantralayam road
near yaragera. The preliminary laboratory tests on the collected RAP such as aggregate quality,
gradation and bitumen content were conducted to ensure its quality. The bituminous concrete (BC) with
different percentages of RAP (i.e., 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%) were design as per the standards and
specifications provided by Ministry of Road Surface and Transportation (MoRTH).

5.2 Conclusion-

The following conclusions can be drawn from the results and discussion presented in this study.

1. The impact, crushing, and Los Angeles values of selected virgin aggregates in this study were found to
be within the limit (i.e., less than 30%), indicating the suitability the aggregates for construction of roads.

2. The penetration softening point, viscosity, and ductility values of collected VG30 binder were found to
be within the limit as per IS codes, and hence found to be appropriate to use for construction of

3. The asphalt content in collected RAP was determined from chemical extraction using centrifuge
device and ignition oven was found to be 4.96% and 5.40%, respectively. The average of both the
methods, 5.2%, was considered for design of mixes containing different percentages of RAP.

4. The Optimum bitumen content of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% of RAP mixes was found to be 5.63%,
5.8%, 5.6%, 5.6%, 5%, respectively. The volumetric properties of mixes at OBC satisfy design
requirements. The addition of 40% RAP may result in approximately 41% saving in quantity of binder.
The Marshall stability of a mix increases with addition of RAP.


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