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Leopard Class

Week 1- 1.6.20
Weekly English
Term 6- Week 1- 1.6.20

Good morning,

I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable half term. The weather was gorgeous, I
hope that you all managed to get outside and enjoy the sunshine.

Like last term, I will provide 5 different English ideas for the week. They will focus
on developing the children's Year 2 English skills. The children will have had
experience already of these skills in class, so it is an opportunity to strengthen and
continue to build on these. I aim to put a mixture of activity ideas, worksheets to
print off or other verbal ideas that do not require printing.

Each activity could take up to 30/40 minutes.

Have fun and enjoy. Any problems please do contact me via email.

I look forward to hearing about how it goes.

Mrs Sealy, Mrs Smith and Mrs Wild
Lesson 1- Recount of the holidays
In todays lesson I would like the children to write a detailed recount of what
they did over the holidays. You could choose to write about one of the days
or you could write about various activities from across the week.

Below is a good video by the author Michael Rosen describing recount

writing and giving examples.

I look forward to reading your

recount of your holiday and
finding out what you have been
up to.
On the following pages I have included some useful resources to help
support your recount writing and an example from Mrs Smith.

Don’t forget to write in the past tense, explain what happened- when, who
with, where and why. Write the order that the events happened.
Mrs Smiths example
Lesson 2- Setting description
In todays lesson the children are going to use their ‘ senses’ to describe what
they might be able to hear, see, feel and smell from a rainforest picture.

I have attached a video link to help show in more detail what a rainforest is like
to help support writing.

On the following pages are some photographs of the rainforest- choose one of
those photos and describe what you see, might hear and smell and then write
it underneath the picture in a paragraph.

You might want to complete todays work to the sounds of the rainforest by
following the link below for rainforest music.
Lesson 3- Alliteration Activity
In todays lesson I would like the children to use alliteration to describe
rainforest animals. Below is a short video explaining alliteration.
• First pick a rainforest animal or reptile
• Then think of adjectives starting with the same letter as your animal or
reptile to describe it e.g. snake- slithery, scaly, slimy (You could use a
thesaurus to help you find words starting with the same letter)
• Finally write a short sentence with alliteration for your chosen
animal/reptile. Remember the first letter of each word starts with the
same letter

Mrs Sealy example:

Lazy leaping lizards like licking lovely lollipops
Mary monkey makes mudpies on Monday morning.

Can you think of any more?

Lesson 4- I see, I think, I Wonder writing
In todays activity I would like the children to use pictures as stimulus
to get them talking and thinking about what they see, what they
think and wonder regarding a certain picture.

On the following pages are some pictures taken from a rainforest.

First have a discussion about one of the pictures- what can you see?
Where do you think it is? What is happening in the picture?

Then choose a picture and answer the questions- I see,

I think, I wonder.

What? I wonder? Why? Who? I see? I think?

I wonder if?
Lesson 5- Mind Map and questions
In todays lesson I would like the children to write/draw a mind map of
what they already know about the rainforest or if they have already
completed this as part of the half term holiday activities- as an
alternative they could write a list of things that they would like to find
out about the rainforest or write questions that they would like
answered about the rainforest.

For example:
I would like to find out about:
Animals- what animals live in the rainforest? How many different types
of animals are there? Are any of the animals/reptiles dangerous?
Weather- What is the weather like? How hot does it get in the
rainforest? How much rain falls?
Examples of mind maps
Mind map worksheet

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