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SET- A Worksheet-1

General Science (086) Term – II

Question Paper
Class – X
General Instructions -

i) All questions are compulsory.

ii) The question paper has three sections and 15 questions. All questions are

iii) Section–A has 7 questions of 2 marks each; Section–B has 6 questions of

3 marks each; and Section–C has 2 case-based questions of 4 marks each.

iv) Internal choices have been provided in some questions. A student has to
attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions.
SECTION – A (2 marks each)
1. (a) Give single word for the following:

i. A group of atoms which determine the chemical properties of an

organic compound.

ii. Compounds having same molecular formula but differ in structures.

(b) Give some examples of your answer in part (i).

(c) How can you represent butene using the property mentioned in part

2. The following periodic table gives us an insight of the trends of

periodic properties and periodicity. Observe the table and carefully
answer the following.
Group 1 2 13 14 15 16
1 A B
2 G
3 C E F D

a. Identify the element from the table with atomic number (I) 14 (II) 12.

b. Calculate the molecular mass of the compound formed when A reacts

with G.

3. Answer the following:

a. Name a method of asexual reproduction where parental identity is

not lost. Give examples of animals reproducing through this process.

b. An organism A reproduces by a method B where the organism

divides and each develop into a new A organism. This organism has
filamentous spiral chloroplasts. Identify A and B.

4. Study the diagram and answer the questions:

a. Identify the parts labelled A, B, H and E in the male reproductive

b. Write the functions of parts A and H.

5. Mendel studied the laws of inheritance through a plant. He

organized experiments to study their properties and pattern.

a. What was the scientific and common name of the plant used for

b. Why was that plant selected by Mendel specifically?


(a) What kind of the energy change takes place when a magnet is moved
towards a coil having a galvanometer at its ends?
(b) Name the phenomenon and define it.

7. In the following food chain, calculate the amount of energy available

to the secondary consumer if 10000 J energy is exposed to plants.

Plants → Rabbit → Eagle

Also, find the organism having maximum concentrates of ppm %

when a DDT of 1000 ppm % is sprayed on the plants.


8. In the following periodic table, answer the following:


a. Out of B and F, which of the two is more metallic and why?

b. Compare I, K and L on the basis of atomic radii. Why?

c. Which element has largest electronegativity in the fourth row? How

did you arrive at such an answer?


a. A compound X having molecular formula C3H8O is oxidized to form

a compound Z which turns blue litmus red. Identify X and Z. Also
draw the molecular structure of X.

b. How are propanal and acetone similar to each other? How are they

10. A parent having homozygous tall (TT) is crossed with another parent
having homozygous dwarf (tt) alleles. These plants obtained were
selfed to obtain 600 plants.

(i) Find the number of plants which were tall in the second generation.

(ii) Which plants were obtained in the 1st generation and why?

(iii) Calculate the genotypic and phenotypic ratio of 2nd generation


11. A circuit consists of a 1 Ω resistor in series with a parallel

arrangement of 6 Ω and 3 Ω resistors. Calculate the total resistance of
the circuit. Draw a diagram.

12. A geyser is rated 1500 W, 250 V. This geyser is connected to 250 V

mains. Calculate:

(i) The current drawn,

(ii) The energy consumed in 50 hours, and

(iii) The cost of energy consumed at Rs 4.20 per kWh.

13. Environment is vital for the life of all living organisms.

a. Explain the role of decomposers in the biosphere. Any 2 points.

b. What is the role of producer and consumer in an ecosystem?

c. “Aquariums need regular manual cleaning, whereas ponds and lakes

are free of organic waste.” Justify.


14. By monohybrid cross only, Mendel could first study the inheritance
of one gene in the plant. He considered only one character (plant
height) on pairs of pea plants with one contrasting trait. Later also,
through the same process of dihybrid cross, Mendel studies the
inheritance of two genes in plants.

a. What is dihybrid cross? Name contrasting traits of shape of pod.

b. Explain the laws of Mendel associated with dihybrid cross.

c. Construct a cross between round yellow seeds (RrYy) and wrinkled

green seeds (rryy) and find out the phenotypic ratio in the 1 st


c. Construct a cross between tall axial plant (TTAA) and dwarf terminal
(ttaa) and find out the phenotype in the 1st generation.

15. Ampere gave the force on a current carrying conductor placed in a

magnetic field concept.
(a) Mention the factors on which the direction of force experienced by a
current-carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field depend.

(b) Under what condition is the force experienced by a current-carrying

conductor placed in a magnetic field maximum?

(c) A proton beam is moving along the direction of a magnetic field.

What force is acting on proton beam? Which law is used?

(c) An electron beam is moving along the direction of a magnetic
field. What force is acting on electron beam? Which law is used?

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