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Blog No.1.

Trees our best friends

Trees make us healthy, that is, we keep healthy by the pure air and things we get from trees. Trees
also remove our fatigue. We get fruits, flowers, and nuts from the tree, from which we also become
rich. Trees really benefit everyone and benefit everyone. And do not take anything in return. In fact,
the tree is the incarnation of service, whose only task is to serve others.

These trees give us shade, it rains. He is the king without a crown, the tree is the makeup of the
earth. We find the tree attractive to look at. They are beneficial for us in every way. If there were no
trees, we would not get shade, we would not get pure air to breathe, no rain, fruits, flowers, dry
fruits, wood, and medicines, etc. We do not get things and the earth does not look so beautiful.
Where there are more trees, there is coldness and coldness attracts clouds for rain. Due to
rain, all the pools are filled, greenery is covered everywhere. Trees always work like servants for us.
The trees themselves tolerate sun-rain etc. and in return give us many things like shade, fruit,
flowers, etc. And do not take anything in its replacement. Therefore the tree is also called the avatar
of service. We learn from trees that we should serve others and do good to people without

Blog No.2 Corona :An eye changer to the society

The widely spread Coronavirus is proving to be one of the deadliest epidemics that the world has
experienced in its history ever. As per the database available today almost 190 countries around the
world are affected by this deadly disease. Countries like China, Italy, America, Spain, England etc.
have become the center of this Virus. The number of fatalities across the world is in lakhs. It has
totally devasted the social and economical structure of the world.

What has this Deadly Epidemic taught to us?

1.It has taught me the importance of every passing second in my life which is proving very precious.

2.It has made me know my family especially my Mom's daily tiresome chores and even the jolly
behavior of my dad.

3.To spend some quality time with my siblings.

W=.[fh-p4. More than words like Millionaire and billionaire, words like Humanity, self-discipline, and
respect are proving to be more important in our lives today.
5.The need for following a good daily healthy diet, daily hygiene, etc.
6.More than the cities the villages are proving to be the safest places amidst this epidemic and so I
feel lucky today staying in a village.
7. Got to know the importance of food rather than a portion of tasty food.
Sooooooo Stay safe ...stay healthy

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