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Parallelogram and Its Properties

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Ralmond SJ Roca

Editor: Patricia Ulynne F. Garvida

Reviewer: Michael R. Lee

Layout: Ma. Fatima D. Delfin and Michiko Remyflor V. Trangia

Management Team: Neil Vincent C. Sandoval

Education Program Supervisor, LRMS

Michael R. Lee
Education Program Supervisor, Mathematics
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the properties of parallelogram. The scope of this module permits it to be used
in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence
of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to correspond with
the textbook you are now using.
After going through this module, you are expected to determine the conditions
that make a quadrilateral a parallelogram and uses properties to find measures of
angles, sides, and other quantities involving parallelograms.

What I Know

Answer the following problems, write the letter of your answer before the number.
1. Which among the following groups of A. Quadrilateral

quadrilaterals in the Venn diagram B. Parallelogram

identifies all the parallelograms? C. Rectangle E. Square D. Rhombus

A. A and B C. B, C, D, and E
B. C, D, and E D. A, B, E, G, and F G. Trapezoid F. Kite
2. Which is NOT sufficient to prove that a quadrilateral is a parallelogram?
A. A pair of opposite sides are congruent and parallel.
B. Both pairs of opposite angles are congruent.
C. Both pairs of opposite sides are congruent.
D. The diagonals are perpendicular.
3. Based on the markings, which of the following quadrilaterals must be a

Quadrilateral 1 Quadrilateral 2 Quadrilateral 3 Quadrilateral 4

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 2, 3, 4 C. 1, 3, 4 D. 1, 2, 4
4. Can you prove that quadrilateral ABCD is a parallelogram for what is given?
Given: ABD  CDB, BDA  DBC, A  C
A. Yes, both pairs of opposite angles of the quadrilateral are congruent.
B. No, opposite sides of the quadrilateral are congruent
C. Yes, the diagonal bisect two angles.
D. No, the given information is not enough.
5. In parallelogram ABCD, ∠𝐴 = 115°, what is the measure of its opposite angle?
A. 115° C. 75° D C
B. 85° D. 65°
6. The perimeter of parallelogram RSTW is 48 cm. If RS = 17 cm,B how long is
𝑅𝑊 ?
A. 7 cm B. 14 cm. C. 24 cm D. 31 cm. A
7. Quadrilateral FAIR is a parallelogram. To find the values of x I
x 1
and y, it is necessary to solve a system of linear equations.
x+2y 3 5
Which of the following pairs of equations should be used?
A. x = 15; 3y = x + 2y C. x = 3y; x + 2y =15 F y R
B. x = x + 2y; 3y = 15 D. x + 3y = 15; x + 2y = 15

Parallelogram and Its
1 Properties
In this lesson, it is important that you know the properties of parallelogram. This
skill will help you solve problems involving parallelograms.

What’s In

In Grade 8, postulates and theorems on triangle congruence were discussed. Let

us recall some of these postulates and theorems which will be used to prove properties
and theorems on parallelograms.

SSS Congruence Postulate:

If three sides of one triangle are congruent
to three sides of another triangle, then the
two triangles are congruent.

SAS Congruence Postulate:

If two sides and the included angle of one
triangle are congruent to two sides and the
included angle of another triangle, then
the two triangles are congruent.

ASA Congruence Postulate: (Angle-Side-

If two angles and the included side of one
triangle are congruent to the two angles
and the included side of the other triangle,
then the two triangles are congruent.

AAS Theorem:
(Angle-Angle-Side theorem)
If two angles and a non-included side of
one triangle are congruent to two angles
and a non-included side of one another
triangle, then the two triangles are

Given a parallelogram ABCD, answer the questions below by

checking YES or NO for each question.

Properties of Parallelogram YES NO

The following questions concern the sides of a parallelogram.
Do the opposite sides appear to be congruent?
Do the opposite sides appear to be parallel?
The following questions explore the angles of a parallelogram
Do any angles appear to be congruent?
Do any angles appear to be supplementary?
Do any angles appear to be right angles?
The following questions address statements about the diagonals of a parallelogram.

Do the diagonals appear to be congruent?
Do the diagonals appear to be perpendicular?
Do the diagonals appear to be bisecting each
DO the diagonals appear to be bisecting the
angles whose vertices they meet?

Are you confident with your knowledge of parallelogram?Now, it is time for

you to check on your answers in the discussion about parallelogram below.

What is It

A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides parallel.

▪ Properties of Parallelogram according to sides
DEFINITION: A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with
both pairs of opposite sides parallel.

THEOREM: If a quadrilateral has 2 sets of opposite

sides congruent, then it is a parallelogram.

Proof for Theorem

Prove: If a quadrilateral has 2 sets of opposite sides
congruent, then it is a parallelogram.

Find the measure of the sides of parallelogram ABCD.
The measures of the opposite sides of a parallelogram
are equal. Thus, sides AB = DC and AD = BC.
2𝑥 + 7 = 3𝑥 – 2
3𝑥 – 2 = 2𝑥 + 7
𝑥 = 9
𝐴𝐵 = 2𝑥 + 7
𝐴𝐵 = 2(9) + 7 Since, AB = DC then DC = 25.
𝐴𝐵 = 25
𝐴𝐷 = 𝑥 + 1
𝐴𝐷 = 9 + 1 Since, AD = BC then BC = 10.
𝐴𝐷 = 10
Properties of Parallelogram according to angles
THEOREM: If a quadrilateral has 2 sets of opposite
angles congruent, then it is a parallelogram.
Proof for Theorem
Prove: If a quadrilateral has 2 sets of opposite angles congruent, then it is a parallelogram .

THEOREM: If a quadrilateral has consecutive angles

which are supplementary, then it is a parallelogram.
Proof for Theorem
Prove: If a quadrilateral has consecutive angles that are
supplementary, then it is a parallelogram.


1. Find the measures of the angles of parallelogram ABCD.

The measures of the opposite angles of a parallelogram
are equal. Thus, m ∠A = m ∠C and
m ∠D = m ∠B.
𝑚 ∠𝐷 = 𝑚 ∠𝐵
5𝑥 − 10 = 3𝑥 + 22
2𝑥 = 32
𝑥 = 16
𝑚 ∠𝐷 = 5𝑥 – 10
𝑚 ∠𝐷 = 5(16) – 10 Since, m∠D = m∠B, then m∠B = 70°.
𝑚 ∠𝐷 = 70°
Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary, therefore, the sum of the measure
of ∠A and ∠D is 180°.

𝑚∠𝐷 + 𝑚∠𝐴 = 180°

70 + 𝑚∠𝐴 = 180° Since, m∠A = m∠C, then m∠C = 110°
𝑚∠𝐴 = 110°
2. Find the measures of the angles ∠D and ∠C of
parallelogram ABCD.
Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram are
supplementary, therefore, the sum of the measures
of ∠D and ∠C is 180°.
∠𝐷 + ∠𝐶 = 180°
(2𝑥 − 13) + (3𝑥 + 28) = 180
5𝑥 + 15 = 180
5𝑥 = 165
𝑥 = 33
∠𝐷 = 2𝑥 – 13
∠𝐷 = 2(33) – 13
∠𝐷 = 53°
Since, ∠D + ∠C = 180° and ∠D = 53°, then ∠C = 127°.

▪ Properties of Parallelogram according to diagonals

THEOREM: If a quadrilateral has diagonals which
bisect each other, then it is a parallelogram.
Proof for Theorem
Prove: If a quadrilateral has diagonals that bisect each
other, then it is a parallelogram.
THEOREM: If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram,
it has diagonals which form 2 congruent triangles.
Proof for Theorem
Prove: If a quadrilateral is a parallelogram, it has
diagonals which form two congruent triangles

1. Given parallelogram MNLF. The diagonals ML
and N intersect at O, MO = x + 10, LO = 2y – 2,
FO = 2y + 9, NO = 3x + 1. Find the measures of
segments MO, NO, LO, and FO.
Two diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other,
therefore, 𝑀𝑂 = 𝐿𝑂 and 𝐹𝑂 = 𝑁𝑂.
• 𝑥 + 10 = 2𝑦 – 2 2𝑦 + 9 = 3𝑥 + 1
𝑥 – 2𝑦 = – 12 – 3𝑥 + 2𝑥 = – 8
• Solving the system of equations that results from the above equations:
𝑥 − 2𝑦 = −12 – 2𝑥 = – 20 Adding the two equations to eliminate y.
– 3𝑥 + 2𝑦 = – 8 𝑥 = 10
– 2𝑥 = – 20
𝑥 – 2𝑦 = −12
10 – 2𝑦 = −12 Solving for x and y.
• −2𝑦 = −22
𝑦 = 11
𝑀𝑂 = 𝑥 + 10
• 𝑀𝑂 = 10 + 10 Since, MO = LO, then LO = 20.
𝑴𝑶 = 𝟐𝟎

𝑁𝑂 = 3𝑥 + 1
• 𝑁𝑂 = 3(10) + 1 Since, NO = FO, then FO = 31.
𝑵𝑶 = 𝟑𝟏
2. Given parallelogram EFGH. Find the measures of
angles ∠HEF, ∠EFH, ∠HFG, and ∠GHF.
The measures of the opposite angles of a parallelogram
are equal. Thus, m∠HEF = m∠HGF, and since m∠HGF = 55
then, ∠HEF = 55°.
The sum of the angles of triangle ΔEFH is 180°. Therefore,

𝑚∠𝐻𝐸𝐹 + 𝑚∠𝐸𝐻𝐹 + 𝑚∠𝐸𝐹𝐻 = 180
55° + 34° + 𝑚∠𝐸𝐹𝐻 = 180
89° + 𝑚∠𝐸𝐹𝐻 = 180°
∠𝑬𝑭𝑯 = 𝟗𝟏°
Since sides EH and FG are parallel and the diagonal HF is a transversal, the pair of alternate
interior angles ∠EHF and ∠HFG are congruent, therefore,

𝑚∠𝐸𝐻𝐹 = 𝑚∠𝐻𝐹𝐺
𝑚∠𝐸𝐻𝐹 = 34
∠𝑯𝑭𝑮 = 𝟑𝟒°
Also, sides EF and HG are parallel and the diagonal HF is a transversal, the pair of alternate
interior angles ∠EFH and ∠GHF are congruent, therefore,

𝑚∠𝐸𝐹𝐻 = 𝑚∠𝐺𝐻𝐹
𝑚∠𝐸𝐹𝐻 = 91
∠𝑮𝑯𝑭 = 𝟗𝟏°

What’s More

A. Answer the following items if the given property belongs to parallelogram by checking
YES or NO for each question.
Properties YES NO
1. Two pairs of opposite sides are parallel.
2. The diagonals are congruent.
3. The diagonals bisect each other.
4. The diagonals are perpendicular.
5. Pairs of opposite sides are both congruent and parallel.
6. Only one pair of opposite sides are parallel.
7. Any two consecutive angles are supplementary.
8. It has four right angles.
9. All sides are equal.
10. Diagonals bisect the opposite angles.
B. Fill in the blanks to make the statements true.
1. The opposite angles of a parallelogram are ________________.
2. The ________________ of a parallelogram bisect each other.
3. The opposite sides of a parallelogram are ________________.
4. Each diagonal of a parallelogram separates the parallelogram into ______________.
5. A ___________ of a parallelogram is a segment joining two nonconsecutive vertices.
6. Two angles of a quadrilateral are ____________ if the angles share a common side.
7. The consecutive angles of a parallelogram are ______________.
8. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with both pairs of opposite sides
9. Given a quadrilateral in which both pairs of opposite sides are equal, then the
quadrilateral is a ______________.
10. A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if one pair of opposite sides are both
______________ and ______________.
C. TINA is a parallelogram. State the theorem that justifies each conclusion.
1. TAN  NIT ______________________ T I
2. TO  NO ___________________________

3. IT  AN ____________________________
4. mATI + mTIN = 180 _________________________
D. Complete each statement. A N
5. If IN = 15, then AT = _______.
6. If mANI = 110, then mITA = ______.
7. IF TN = 26, then ON = _______.
8. If mTAN = 75, then mTIN = _______.
9. IF AO = 18, then OI = ______.
10. If mATI = 2 (mTIN), then mANI = _______.
E. Find the value of x.
11. If TI = 3x – 5 and AN = x + 9, then x = ____________.
12. If TA = 3x + 4 and IN = 4x – 3, then x = ____________.
13. If mA = = 5x + 5 and mI = = 3x + 15, then x = ___________.
14. If TA = 8 and IN = , then x = __________.
15. If mT = = x – 40 and mN = , then x = ________

What I Have Learned

A parallelogram is a special type of quadrilateral that has equal and parallel opposite
sides. The given figure shows a parallelogram ABCD which as AB parallel to CD and AD
parallel to BC. Also, AD = BC and AB = CD.
Properties of Parallelogram according to:
▪ Opposite sides are parallel
▪ Opposite sides are equal/congruent
▪ Opposite angles are equal/congruent
▪ Any two consecutive angles are supplementary
▪ Diagonals bisect each other
▪ Each diagonal forms two congruent triangle

What I Can Do

This activity can serve as your Performance Task.

Solve the following problems.

1. In parallelogram PQRS, P = (5x + 15) , Q = (17x −11) , find R and S .
2. One angle, A, of parallelogram ABCD is (x + 10) °, its opposite angle measure
(3x – 2) °. What is the measure of B?
3. In parallelogram PQRS, P = (2 x ) and R = (3x − 35) find all the angles of the
4. The perimeter of parallelogram EFGH is 54 in. If EF is 5 in. less than EH, find
the lengths of all four sides.
5. The perimeter of parallelogram RSTW is 48 cm. If RS = 17 cm, find the lengths
of the other sides of the parallelogram.
6. Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram have measures (4x – 5)° and 75°
respectively. Find the measures of the angles.
7. Two consecutive angles of a parallelogram are in the ratio 3:1. Find the
measure of its angles.
8. The ratio of two sides of a parallelogram is 4:7. If the
perimeter is 88 cm, find the lengths of the sides.

9. For what value(s) of x and y will make
quadrilateral FAIR a parallelogram?
10. If in parallelogram FINE, m  F = (x + 4) °,
m  I = (3x + 10) °, m  N = 140°. Find the measures of all the angles.


Answer the following problems, write the letter of your answer before the number.
1. Which Venn diagram is NOT correct?

A. C.

B. D.

2. Which of the following conditions is NOT sufficient to prove that a quadrilateral is a

A. Two pairs of sides are parallel.
B. Two pairs of opposite sides are congruent.
C. Two angles are supplementary.
D. Two diagonals bisect each other.
3. Based on the markings, which of the following quadrilaterals must be a

Quadrilateral 1 Quadrilateral 2 Quadrilateral 3 Quadrilateral 4

A. 1 and 2 C. 3 and 4
B. 2 only D. 1 and 3
4. Based on the information in the diagram, can you prove that the figure is a
parallelogram? Explain.
A. Yes. Two opposite sides are both parallel and congruent.
B. Yes. Opposite sides are congruent.
C. Yes. Opposite angles are congruent.
D. No. You cannot prove that the quadrilateral is
a parallelogram
5. In parallelogram ABCD, ∠𝐶 = 83˚, what is the measure of its opposite angle?
A. 7˚ C. 97˚
B. 83˚ D. 277˚
6. The perimeter of parallelogram LOVE is 74 cm. If OV = 23 cm, how long is 𝐸𝑉
A. 14 cm C. 46 cm
B. 23 cm D. 51 cm


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