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Ministry of Education and Science

Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University

Theme: “Divorce should be avoided for the sake of the children”
Group: LA-2-18(3)
Done by: Zhunusova Tabiiat
Checked by: Bektur kyzy Gulzat

Bishkek - 2022

1. The main reasons for divorce.
2. The effect of divorce on children.

Divorce - the breakup of a marriage - according to research, ranks one of the highest
places on the scale of stress. This is a dramatic moment in the life of a family, when the
established relationship of a couple collapses, when two people, as a result of family
conflicts or the realization of emotional estrangement, decide to leave in order to live
apart or resume the search for personal happiness. The situation of divorce is associated
with difficult emotional experiences, with the need to divide property, and if a couple
has children, then it hurts them too. For Russia, divorce is not new: according to
statistics, on average, every fifth marriage breaks up.
Over the past decade, the worldview of people has changed a lot. In modern society,
most people have changed their attitude towards divorce, believing that only it can be a
way out of the current circumstances. For people entering into marriage, there is always
a way out - this is a divorce, in case they are not satisfied with family life. Many do not
understand, or do not realize, such a simple truth that a family is a union of not only
lovers, but also people united by one goal, who must strive for this goal, and together
solve problems that arise in the process of forming a family.
The relevance of the topic of this work is primarily due to the fact that in recent years
in our country the number of divorces has been growing, while the number of marriages
has decreased, and out-of-wedlock births have led to an increase in the number of
single-parent families. According to demographers, about half of men and women
divorce during their lifetime: on average, two out of every five registered marriages
break up. More than 30% of divorces occur in young families that have existed for less
than 5 years.
The purpose of the work: to study the causes, influence on kids and consequences of

I. The main reasons for divorce

More than 9,000 marriages break up in Kyrgyzstan every year. This figure only
reflects officially divorced couples. The number of divorced is even higher if we
include the divorces of couples who lived without marriage registration and separated
without a trial.
This year, compared to last year, both the number of registered marriages and the
number of divorces have increased in Kyrgyzstan, said the head of the demographic
statistics department of the National Statistical Committee. From January to May 2021,
20,315 couples registered marriages - 1.6 times more than in the five months of last year
Statistics of marriages concluded in January-May of this year:
Osh region - 4,303;
Jalal-Abad region - 3,964;
Bishkek - 3,681;
Chui region - 2,741;
Batken region - 1,686;
Issyk-Kul region - 1,431;
Osh region - 975;
Naryn region - 789;
Talas region - 745.

In Kyrgyzstan, from January to October 2021, 10008 couples officially

divorced. This is 2,794 divorces more than in the same period in 2020, when the
number of divorces was 7,214. The National Statistical Committee provides such data.
According to it, divorces in 2021 accounted for a quarter of registered marriages. For 10
months, 42 thousand 33 couples have registered relationships in the country.
Most divorces took place in Bishkek – 2136;
Osh region - 1611 divorces;
Chui region - 1795 divorces;
Jalal-Abad - region 1623 divorces;
Issyk-Kul region - 863 divorces;
Batken region - 690 divorces;
Osh city – 507 divorces;
Naryn region 410 divorces;
Talas region 373 divorces.

According to statistics, every third marriage breaks up in Kyrgyzstan. And, although the

case of each family is unique in its own way, the reasons pushing for a decisive act are,
as a rule, the same. There are many reasons why life with a loved one becomes
unbearable - from everyday incompatibility to serious disagreements in resolving vital
1. Violence (physical and moral)
Physical violence is a historical way of discriminating against women. The main
crimes are violence motivated by jealousy and sexual violence. Domestic violence in
Russia is growing every year - the media are increasingly reporting on the facts of
violence and crimes on family grounds. 93% of women consider a situation where a
husband often beats his wife and children as a valid reason for divorce. In one case, we
are talking about moral violence in the family, in the other - about physical. Even if the
reason for the divorce was drunkenness or beatings, then it turns out that it is too
difficult to raise children without a husband, most women fail to find another spouse,
and if one does, it can be worse than the first. Even if the reason for the divorce was
drunkenness or beatings, then it turns out that it is too difficult to raise children without
a husband, most women fail to find another spouse, and if one does, it can be worse
than the first.
2. Drunkenness
Drunkenness is also one of the main reasons that destroy the family. It is hard to live
with an alcoholic husband, remembering what a wonderful person he seemed at first,
right after the wedding. Many financial problems immediately arise - the salary goes to
the purchase of alcohol, in addition, an employee who is noticed in drunkenness most
often becomes a candidate for dismissal. A lot of additional everyday problems fall on
the shoulders of the wife - in such a situation, leaving her husband becomes an act of
3. Economic reasons
The social causes of divorce are just as important. 20% of women recognize that the
husband is not able to provide for the family as a valid reason for divorce. However,
among men, almost half (45%) consider constant reproaches from their wives about this
as a valid reason for divorce. The situation when a husband reproaches his wife for the
fact that she earns little is not typical. According to gender stereotypes, the main
breadwinner of the family should be a man. Many wives "saw" their husbands for
"beggarly" earnings. Husbands often react to reproaches extremely sharply, although
wives, as a rule, simply want to make them earn more. Conflicts in families arise not
only because of insufficient income, but also because of excessive, unjustified expenses.
4. Parent intervention
Parental intervention complicates family life, but it can lead to divorce when one of the
spouses takes their side. 44% of men believe that they should divorce a wife who
supports her parents' interference in family life. It happens that a husband leaves his
wife because she considers less with him than her mother. However, later he realizes
that he acted recklessly. Either the ex-wife and mother-in-law do not let him see the
child, or the second wife supports her mother in the same way as the first, or both.
5. Infringement on personal freedom, pressure
Most people (31% of men and 32% of women) justify divorce when marriage has
too limited the personal freedom of the husband (or wife). Opinions on this issue almost
do not depend on either gender or marital history.
Almost half of the respondents (44% of men and 47% of women) consider divorce
acceptable if one of the spouses forces the other to change his appearance, regardless of
his (or her) tastes. In this case, there are neither significant gender differences nor
statistically significant differentiation between groups with different marital

II. The effect of divorce on children.

The attitude of children to the divorce of their parents, as a rule, is purely

negative. Even if there has been no love between adults for a long time, kids still prefer
mom and dad to live together. Thus, the impact of parents' divorce on children can be
described as a shock.
At the age of up to six months, babies practically do not notice the absence of one of
the parents and quickly forget it, if they are surrounded by maximum care from other
relatives. Even a baby during the divorce of parents is able to experience psychological
At the age of six months to 2.5 years, due to the absence of a father or mother, the
child's mood can often and dramatically change, whims appear and there may be
problems with falling asleep and playing activities, speech. At the age of 2.5 years,
children sometimes experience psychological shock, often even serious.
The behavior of children 3.5 - 4.5 years old when their parents’ divorce becomes
more embittered, anxious, aggressive.
A child of 5-9 years old may experience quite a strong depression on this
occasion. 5-7-year-old children react sharply to the divorce of their parents; there is
increased irritability in the child and an increase in the level of anxiety. Very often at
preschool age, the kid blames himself for the divorce of his parents and it is often quite
difficult to dissuade the child. Fears appear in a child when father and mother are in
conflict, openly or cannot establish contact with each other to resolve issues that
concern the child. Parents cannot compromise when the father can visit the child in
what ways he will be involved in his life. 
However, the most serious consequences for a child from the divorce of parents is
the upbringing of a child in an incomplete family. The departure of one of the parents
can negatively manifest itself already in early adolescence. In addition to fears, parents
often complain about the aggressiveness of the child, frequent crying, the baby may
have a sleep disorder, and a decrease in cognitive processes. Experts believe that every
fifth child with neurosis experienced separation from his father.
Trauma in a teenager manifests itself differently than in children of other age
groups. Teenagers experience the hardest divorce of their parents. A teenager can avoid
communication, build superficial communication, withdraw, experience strong negative
emotions, or, on the contrary, start large companies and show rigidity in relations with
other people. A teenager's performance at school decreases, discipline is violated, some
people have the idea of running away from home, suicide, and conflicts with friends


Divorce plays a dual role in relation to marriage. It can act as a means of moral
elevation of marriage, the assertion of equality between a man and a woman, if it is
directed against the remnants of the past in marital relations, exploitation and moral
humiliation of one of the spouses, but it can also become a kind of antipode of marriage
if it is a consequence of these remnants, moral immaturity spouses...
Divorce has ceased to be exceptional and has become a common, ordinary
phenomenon. Accordingly, the exactingness in choosing a partner is reduced.
Of course, the question of what influence the attitude of the type “as a last resort, you
can get a divorce” has on this choice requires empirical evidence. However, the fact that
a third of divorces occurs in families that have existed for less than a year, another third
- from a year to five, that divorce has become a problem for young families, to some
extent already confirms the conclusion made.
1) The consequences of a divorce have an extremely negative effect on the health of
both former spouses: divorced people get sick on average twice as often as family ones,
and live less. After a divorce, the risk of diseases in divorced people increases by 30%
worsens the psychological state.
2) However, the most important social consequence of divorces is children. Former
spouses often set the child against each other, because of which the child develops
aggressiveness, unfriendliness, depression, resentment, negative behavior, etc.

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