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Name: Phạm Thùy Linh

Student ID: 11196343

Class: Advanced International Business 61B

Task: Do you favor for or against abortion ban?

An embryo from the very beginning has the potential to become a human but
cannot be considered a human. More importantly, the fetus at this time cannot be
autotrophic, self-sustaining, and be a part of the mother's body. So, it is not
considered that people have the right to make decisions, women have full authority
to decide what they will do with their bodies.

Some people think that abortion is dangerous, should be banned to reduce the
abortion rate. Banning abortion cannot reduce the abortion rate, but it also
unintentionally promotes illegal undercurrent abortion. And once "hidden",
accompanied by many dangers and complications: perforation of the uterus, large
intestine and small intestine, infection and abdominal necrosis paralyzing the
intestine. According to WHO World Health Organization estimates, 13% of all
pregnancy-related deaths are due to unsafe abortions, an estimated 47,000 per year.
Overall, the safest way to prevent dangerous abortion is to legalize it.

The absolute ban on abortion can be said to severely punish innocent victims of
rape and incest for taking control of their own bodies, forcing them to have
children. Moreover, the pregnancy must be created by two people, absolutely
forbidding a woman to have an abortion is contrary to the spirit of gender equality
when all the responsibility of the pregnancy is attributed to the woman, even when
the woman has agreed to have sex or been forced. For those who are not ready to
accept the child, this affects the economic factors, let alone the more serious
consequences of health or life complications of childbirth while the mother’s
physical health is not guaranteed. In general, the absolute power of the abortion
law deprives women of their freedom of choice, goes against the spirit of gender
equality, goes against the value of being a woman, pushes them into the position
that women have no right to decide the future.

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