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Welcome To CE 413


J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag

B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (RUET)
Department of Civil Engineering
Daffodil International University.
Design of FEC Column
Problem-1 :
Determine the desired parameters for the following Fully Encased Composite Column.
Given Data : Span Length = 14 ft

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of Fully Encased Composite Column (FEC)
Given Data :
Given, Normal wt. of concrete = 145 lb/ft3
Concrete compressive strength , fc’= 5 ksi
Yield strength of reinforcement, Fyr =60 ksi
Geometric and Material properties of composite section are:
As = 13.3 in2
bf= 8.02 in d = 10.1 in
tf= 0.62 in Fy= 50 ksi
tw= 0.35 in
Ec= 3,900 ksi
Isx= 248 in4
Isy= 53.4 in4
J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU
Design of FEC Column
1) Material and detailing limitation:

1.1) Concrete strength 3 ksi ≤ 𝑓𝑐 ′ ≤ 10 𝑘𝑠𝑖

f’c = 5 ksi → 𝑜𝑘

1.2) Yield stress of structural steel, Fy ≤ 75 𝑘𝑠𝑖

Here, Fy = 50 ksi < 75 𝑘𝑠𝑖 → 𝑜𝑘

1.3) Yield stress of reinforcing bar, Fyr ≤ 75 𝑘𝑠𝑖

Here, Fyr = 60 ksi ≤ 75 𝑘𝑠𝑖 → 𝑜𝑘

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of FEC Column
Transverse reinforcement limitations: 2.4) Concrete cover : ( for tie)
2.1) Tie size and spacing limitation: Minm cover required = 1
#3 @12” c/𝑐 max Here.
Here , #3 @ 12” c/𝑐 tie are used → ok Concrete cover for tie = 2.5 - *
8 1
8 2 8
2.2) Additional tie size limitation: = 1.625 in
#3 bar used for #8 longitudinal bars → ok 1′′
>1 → ok
2.3) Maxm tie spacing:
Smax = 0.5 ∗ 24” = 12”
Here, S =12” ≤ 12” (Smax) → ok

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of FEC Column

2.5) Tie as lateral support of longitudinal bar:

Here main perimeter ties provided for corner
bar. And bars located 8.5” clear on each side from a laterally
supported bars. Hence additional diagonal sloped tie provided
for intermediate bars → ok.
Longitudinal and structural steel reinforcement limits:
𝐴𝑠 13.3
3.1) = = 0.023 > 0.01 → ok
𝐴𝑔 24∗24
3.2) Asr/ Ag = 8*0.72 / 24*24 =0.0109 > 0.004 → ok

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of FEC Column
3.3) Asr/ Ag = 0.0109 < 0.08 → ok
3.4) Minimum number of longitudinal bars:
At least 4, provided 8 bars → ok.
3.5) Clear spacing between longitudinal bars
Clear distance ≥ 1.5 db or 1.5” = 1.5”
Here, provided = 9.5 – 1 = 8.5” > 1.5”→ ok
3.6) Clear spacing between longitudinal bars & steel cores :

Clear distance ≥ 1.5 db or 1.5”= 1.5”

Here provided clear distance = h/2 - d/2 – 2.5” - db/2
= 24/2 - 10.1/2 – 2.5” - 1/2
=3.95” > 1.5” → ok
Design of FEC Column

3.7) Concrete cover for longitudinal reinforcement :

The cover required for column tie was more than 1.5’’. So, by
inspection, longitudinal reinforcement cover is also more than
1.5’’ → ok.

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of (FEC) Column
Required compressive strength


Pr = P u Pr = P u
= 1.2 DL+1.6 LL = 260+270
= 1.2*210+1.6*780 = 1040 kip
= 1560 kip

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of FEC Column
Solution: Available compressive strength
Nominal axial compressive strength,
Pno = 0.85 Acfc’+FysrAsr+FyAs
Here, Ac= Ag – As - Asr
= 24*24 - 13.3 - 8*0.79
= 556 in2
⸫ Pno = 0.95*556*5 + 60*8*0.79 + 50*13.3
= 3407.2 kips ≈ 3410 kips
Moment of inertia of reinforcing steel:
𝑛 𝑛
About x-axis of composite section , Isrx = 𝑖=1 Isri + 𝑖=1 Asri 𝑒𝑖 2
𝑛 𝑛 2
For y-axis Isry = 𝑖=1 Isri + 𝑖=1 Asri 𝑒𝑖
For this problem, Isry = Isrx = Isr
Now, Isri = π db4 / 64 = 0.0491
Isry = 8* 0.0491 + 6* 0.79* 9.52 + 2* 02* 0.79
= 428 in4
J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU
Design of FEC Column
Again , Ig = Icx + Isrx + Isx
or, Icx = Ig - Isrx - Isx
= 24*243/12 – 428 -248 = 26972
Icy = 24*243/12 – 428 -53.4 = 27200 in4
Since, y-axis is the weak axis of the steel section for the steel section.
Moment of inertia about y-axis should be taken,
Now, C1 = 0.1 + 2* As / Ac + As ≤ 0.3
= 0.1 + 2* 13.3 / 556 + 13.3 = 0.147

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of FEC Column
Now, EIeff = EsIsy + 0.5 EsIsry +C1EcIcy
= 29000*53.4 + 0.5*29000*428 + 0.147*3900*27200
= 23348360 ksi
≈ 23300000 ksi
⸫ Pe = π2 EIeff / (KL)2 = π2*23300000 / (1*14*12)2 = 8147 kips ≈ 8150
P0 / Pe = 3410 / 8150 = 0.418 < 2.25
⸫ Pn = P0 [ 0.658𝑃0/𝑃𝑒 ] = 3410*(0.658)3410/8150
= 2862 kips ≈ 2860 kips

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

Design of FEC Column
Checking adequacy of the composite section :
ΦC = 0.75
ΦC Pn ≥ PU
ΦC Pn = 0.75*2860 = 2145 kips > PU = 1560 kips → 𝑜𝑘
Ωc = 2.00
Pn / Ωc ≥ pu
Pn / Ωc = 2860/2 = 1430 kips > PU = 1040 kips → 𝑜𝑘

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

J. M. Raisul Islam Shohag, Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, DIU

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