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My Talent for Tutoring Others

One talent that I learned I had was tutoring others. It all started in middle school when I was in Math class, and we were learning about a specific math

topic. I was supposed to go to advanced math that year but because the class was full already, I was not in it. However, since my classmates started to have trouble

doing math, I decided to help them and all of sudden I helped most of my class. Later on, I started teaching others, so they understood the assignments and the teacher

asked if I wanted to tutor by helping students. This talent helped me realize how important it is to be patient, positive and showing empathy.

One of things I learned from my talent is patience. Patience is not a quality you get all of sudden, instead it is something you have to work on constantly.

Especially if you were to teach others since you have to go over certain topics many times if someone doesn’t understand. In addition, you can’t rush people to learn it

fast, it is to the speed of the person you are teaching, which leads us to have to dedicate a lot of time towards the person so they can learn. Therefore, to be a good tutor

you need to have patience with others.

I also have learned that it is important to have a positive mindset. Having a positive mindset is important so you can help others believe that they can do it.

This in return will help them be confident and help their grades of a certain topic improve massively. Not only is it important for the student but also for the teacher

since it will make it easier for them to teach them while enjoying doing so. For that reason, it is important to constantly be positive to benefit everyone.

Furthermore, one of the last few things I learned was that it is also important to show empathy to others. Empathy means to relate to other people, that

could either be of things you have gone or think it feels like. This is such an important quality to have, since having this will help you be patient because you

understand what the student is going through. Apart from students learning, they also have their personal life which might not always be easy, which affects them in

their entire life, including learning. Therefore, having in mind what they live makes you want to help them even more in a way they understand.

Overall, my talent of tutoring has taught me to show patience, positivity and empathy. This, as a result, will help me in the future of my life to be a person

who can work with others in whatever job I decide to do. Although I do not know exactly what job I will be working in, having these qualities will help me fit in and

gain the respect of other people.

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