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revision : worksheet 1.1/1.2/1.

3 [34 marks]
1. [1 mark]
In mammals, mature red blood cells are specialized in that they lack nuclei, mitochondria
or ribosomes. Which statement applies to red blood cells?
A. No chemical reactions take place within their cytoplasm.
B. They cannot produce new enzymes.
C. Materials cannot enter red blood cells.
D. Materials cannot exit red blood cells.

2. [1 mark]
What do chloroplasts and mitochondria have in common?
A. Both are found in the cells of Filicinophyta.
B. Both contain grana.
C. Both occur in all eukaryotic cells.
D. Both are found in a Paramecium.

3. [1 mark]
The Davson–Danielli model of membrane structure proposed that membranes were
composed of a phospholipid bilayer that lies between two layers of globular proteins, as
shown in this diagram.
[Source: Cornell, B. 2016.
What evidence supported this model?
A. An electron micrograph that showed two dark lines with a lighter band in between
B. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy
C. Evidence that all membranes are identical
D. The hydrophobic regions of protein would be in contact with water

4. [1 mark]
Which living structure is an exception to the cell theory?
A. Striated muscle fibres
B. A single-celled alga carrying out all of the functions of life
C. The artificial synthesis of the organic molecule urea
D. A multicellular organism with cells undertaking specialized roles

5. [1 mark]
Which statement applies to cholesterol?
A. It is hydrophobic and found on the outside of the phospholipid bilayer.
B. It is hydrophilic and found inside the phospholipid bilayer.
C. It impacts membrane fluidity.
D. It is transported in association with glucose in the blood.

6. [1 mark]
What function is performed by the part of the cell shown in the electron micrograph?
[Source: George E. Palade Electron Microscopy Slide Collection Harvey Cushing/John Hay
Whitney Medical Library Yale University Library.]
A. Locomotion
B. Synthesis of proteins
C. Movement of chromosomes
D. Breakdown of cellular organelles

7. [1 mark]
What special property of phospholipid molecules explains their ability to spontaneously
assemble into a lipid bilayer?
A. They are hydrophobic.
B. They are amphipathic.
C. They are saturated.
D. They are hydrophilic

8a. [2 marks]
Outline how the amphipathic properties of phospholipids play a role in membrane

8b. [1 mark]
The diagram shows part of two neurons.
[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2020.]
State the name of the structure shown.

8c. [3 marks]
X indicates the movement of a structure in the neuron. Explain what events trigger this
movement and what happens next.
9. [1 mark]
Which graph represents the change in cell surface area to volume ratio with increasing cell

[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2019]

10. [1 mark]
The image shows an electron micrograph of part of a cell.
[Source: Dr. Eldon Newcomb – Emeritis Professor at The University of Wisconsin –
Which features do the two structures labelled X and Y have in common?
A. They are surrounded by a double membrane.
B. They contain 70S ribosomes.
C. They contain naked DNA.
D. They are only found in leaf cells.

11a. [1 mark]
Identify which electron micrograph shows a mitochondrion, providing one observation to
support your choice.

11b. [3 marks]
Discuss the evidence for the theory that mitochondria may have evolved from free-living
prokaryotes by endosymbiosis.
12a. [4 marks]
Draw a labelled diagram to show the fluid mosaic model of the plasma membrane.

12b. [4 marks]
Unicellular and multicellular organisms share the same functions of life. Outline four
functions of life.
12c. [7 marks]
The structure of organisms is based on organic molecules containing carbon. Explain the
cycling of carbon in an ecosystem.
© International Baccalaureate Organization 2022
International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®

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