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Title of Unit: Lesson Title: Duration of Lesson Date:

(suggested timeline):
WATER CYCLE *Where is water found 3 days 4th quarter
on Earth?
From Harcourt Science *What is the water
Textbook cycle?

Pages D6- D19

Design Question Focus of the Lesson (elements from other DQ’s may be used as support)
ü Introducing New Knowledge ü Deepening or ü Generating and Testing
Practicing Hypotheses
School Wide Learner Outcomes (SLOS)

Academically Responsible
Effective Users of Technology
Socially and Globally Responsible Citizens
The Leader in Me: 7 Habits of Happy Kids

Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand then to be Understood
Habit 6: Synergize
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Learning Goal/ Objective: (based on Standards )
Children will:
ü Be able to define the vocabulary based related to the lesson.
ü Explain the process of the water cycle.
ü Explain how water changes form.
Learning Targets: (write in the scale below)
2.0 Simpler Content: 3.0 Target 4.0 More Complex:
*I can define the vocabulary *I can explain the process of the *I can apply the concepts of the
related to the lesson. water cycle. water cycle to the classroom
Assessment and Monitoring: (checks for content and desired effect)
Children will:
ü Define vocabulary words related to the topic lesson.
ü Create a model of the water cycle using various materials and activities.
ü Explain the process of the water cycle.

Sequence: Instructional Strategies /Lesson Activity:

DAY 1: Introduction- K-W-L, Vocabulary
Students will be introduced to the topic of Water Cycle. In their groups, they will work together to fill out the ‘K’ and
the ‘W’ of the K-W-L chart. Each group will present their chart to the class. Students will then be given the vocabulary
and will look for the definitions suing textbook.
Vocabulary: groundwater, estuary, water cycle, evaporation, condensation, precipitation, accumulation,
Activity: Students will be given a sandwich bag in which they would have to draw a water cycle. With teacher
assistance, the sandwich bag will be filled with water and taped to the window simulating a water cycle. Students will

observe the water cycle to get hands on experience.

Check for understanding/Assessment: Go over vocabulary with the students. Fill out worksheet associated with the

DAY 2: Water Cycle, Art Activity

Review from Day 1 the vocabulary and the experiment. Refer to the activity and observe the sandwich bags and
record observation. Discuss the process of the water cycle.

Check for understanding/ Assessment: Student will answer questions in the textbook pg. D16. Review as a class.

DAY 3: Reinforcing Water Cycle.

Review the process of the water cycle as a class, refer to the sandwich bag activity and the paper plate activity.
Students will learn the ‘Water Cycle song’. They will sing and dance along with the song.

Refer back to the K-W-L chart, the students will work in their groups to complete the ‘L’ column and will present to
the class.

Check for understanding/Assessment: Student will answer questions from the textbook about the water cycle.
Review in class.

Adaptations for Unique Student Needs: (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Students who lack support
for school)
More time provided to complete assignments or provide answers. Peer & teacher assistance. Reduce the
number of items required.

Use the attached workbook practice pages.
Resources and Materials:
Harcourt ‘Science’ Textbook, worksheet, paper plates, sandwich bags, ‘Water Cycle’ Video (Attached)

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