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Project Work 1

Greetings and welcome to your first ever Project Work :)

To help you understand some of the things we’ll be learning and practicing next week, we’ve put
together two super engaging online courses and project work activities. We hope you enjoy learning
every bit as we did. Happy Learning!

Name of Course/Activity Related Activities Points

First Weekend Sessions Project 2: Values Display (Optional)

Online Course 1: Living a Life of Completing the Online Course: Watching 10

Purpose videos, completion of quizzes, and sharing
comments on reflection questions

Project 1: Finding your ‘Why’ 13

Learning Group Assignment

Online Course 2: Teamwork Completing the Online Course: Watching 10

videos, completion of quizzes, and sharing
comments on reflection questions

Project 1: Video Awards 7

Bonus Project Mindset Survey 5

Total Points (40+5) 45

Online Course 1: Living a Life of Purpose (10 points)
Goal: To understand what does it mean by living a life of purpose and how can you live a life where you
can make a difference in the world

1. Click on the link
2. Enroll in the course and immediately start the lecture
3. There are lectures, reflection questions, DIY activities in the course
4. Please note that we will be tracking your comments and your performance on the quizzes. And
we will be incorporating this into your score (8 points)

Project 1: Finding your ‘Why’ (13 points)

Goal: Identifying your personal and professional goals and discovering your ‘why(s)’ for each of those
goals. It will help you reflect, question, and refine your direction for life (all details given in the course).

Part of this activity is to be performed in the learning group meeting. It is advised to complete the
individual half of the activity before meeting with your learning group.

Instructions (Individual Work) (8 points):

1. Make a table that lists down your personal and professional goals separately (example shown on
the next page).
2. Write 1or more goals for each category (personal and professional).
a. Both personal and professional goals are equally important for your development. You
can take help from your reflections in the life map that you created in last week’s session
for help.
3. After listing down all your goals, think and reflect on why you have those goals for yourself.
a. This part will require you to think deeply and question yourself again and again, why do
you aspire for these goals? On average, you may have to ask why 5 times before you get
to your core reason.
b. For example, if you want to become a CSS officer, ask yourself why. Keep asking until
you think you’ve reached the core reason.
i. I want to become a CSS officer because I want the power
ii. Why do you want the power?; So that I’m able to do things that I can’t right now
iii. Why do you want to do these things?; So that I can help people in need
iv. At this point your “why statement” becomes “so that I can help people in need”
c. Another example, if you want to get a high paying job, ask yourself why
i. I want to get a high paying job
ii. Why do you want to get a high paying job?; So that I can make lots of money?
iii. Why do you want to make money; So that I can buy my parents a home
iv. Why do you want to buy your parents a home?; So that I can repay them for all
the sacrifices they’ve made for me
4. Once you have your ‘why’ figured out, write it down in front of the goal in the third column in the
5. Following is an example of the table you need to make and bring to the learning group

Build a house for my parents

Start a well paid job


Instructions (Learning Group) (5 points):

1. Watch the Simon Sinek video “Start with Why”
2. The main idea of this video is the importance of understanding the reason for doing anything in
life. Not just that reason which comes to you at first thought, but the reason that has been
achieved by deduction, analysis, critique and questioning. It is very important to always start with
this question “why” rather than asking how or what as they are only subservient to the why.
3. Discuss the following questions among yourselves. Don’t spend more than 10 minutes on this
a. Why has Apple been so successful in selling products that other brands have been selling
as well?
b. Why is it important to start with “Why”?
4. Take out your personal and professional goals table and keep it in front of you
5. One by one, each member should go through their personal and professional goals (2 max) and
the ‘why’ statement behind that goal
a. At every goal and why statement collect feedback from peers on how it could be
b. For those giving feedback, ensure that the why statement really is the core reason for the
c. Go back to the whys you have written in the table and change them according to the
feedback. Remember to make it as specific as possible.
6. Use the feedback to finalise your goals and why statements in the table you created
7. Include the goals table in the Project Work submission on Google Classroom
8. Take a screenshot of your learning group discussion and paste it in your project work document
along with your table.

Grading Criteria
Your work will be assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Identifies at least 1 personal and professional goal
2. Provides a detailed response on the “why” for the goal in very specific terms
3. Fellow has uploaded a screenshot of their learning group meeting which shows their presence.

Project 2: Values Display (Optional)

Goal: Revisit the values you identified for yourself from the Online Course 0 Knowing Yourself by
making a display item, which serves as a reminder to help you be more mindful of these values, and to
share these values with your community.

Next, it's time to let your creative side loose! For this project, you must create something that will remind
you of the values you decided for yourself from the Online Course 0 “Knowing Yourself”. You can create
a painting, a wall-hanging, poster, paper weight, absolutely whatever you want. You need to only keep
the following in mind:
1. The creation must display at least 3 values clearly, you can have more than 3 if you want.
2. It should be something that catches the eye, and helps you remind yourself of the values that
make you who you are.
3. Optional: it can include short descriptions of what the values mean for you

Once you have completed the masterpiece, you must do the following:
1. Take a picture of the creation. You can search the internet about mobile photography for tips on
ensuring that it is the best picture you can take.
2. Upload the picture on your social media (Facebook, Instagram etc.) with a description of what
these values mean for you. Don't forget to tag Amal Academy!
3. Take a screenshot of your post and include it in the Project Work submission on Google

Online Course 2: Teamwork (10 points)

Goal: To understand the value of working in a team, how you can become an effective team member
and how to overcome some of the challenges of working in a team.

1. Click on the link
2. Enroll in the course and immediately start the lecture
3. There are lectures, reflection questions and projects in the entire course
4. Please note that we will be tracking your comments and we will be incorporating this into your

Project 1: Video Awards (7 points)

Goal: To better understand how communication can make a difference in how we interact as a team
player and how people trust us

Time for the Video Awards, where you get the chance to be a social media star! All you have to do is
complete the following tasks to enter the competition:
1. Create a fun 60 second video on one of the following tips about being an MVTP of
Communication from the online course.
a. Be Specific
b. Over Communicate
c. Respond With Urgency
d. Clarify Expectations
2. You should be communicating in English in the video and so it is a good idea to prepare a short
script beforehand.
3. We encourage you to research on the tips beyond the content already shared with you.
4. Keep in mind that only one award will be given for each of the 4 tips, so choosing a tip that
seems unpopular might increase your chances of winning ;)
5. Upload the video on the Batch Facebook Page with a very brief description of the tip with the
hashtag #AmalAwards
6. Watch and leave comments on at least 3 other videos from your peers

The winners will be announced in the session!

Grading Criteria
Your work will be assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Fellow presents the information clearly without getting stuck in between.
2. Fellow also uses gestures to present (body language is visible and formal/semiformal)
3. Content of the video is relevant and directly related to the tip chosen and appropriately explained.
4. Fellow has gone the extra mile to research beyond the content in the online course.
Please help us improve by sharing your questions, thoughts and filling out the survey at the end of the
1. If you have any questions or problems, please email the facilitation team
2. If you have internet problems, please let us know so that we can think of other ways to support
you in completing the course

Bonus Project: Mindset Survey (5 points)

Goal: To help the Fellowship Curriculum Team and yourself track your growth and progression over the
course of this fellowship journey.

As you are committing to a journey geared towards your growth and self-development. In the following
three months as we continue to participate in a highly interactive program, we want to help you reflect
and visualize your personal and professional development within this process. The following survey will
help us and help you in evaluating how you are growing every month. Please bear in mind that the
survey results will be kept highly confidential and will only remain between you and your fellowship team.

Survey Link: Mindset Survey - Amal Career-Prep Fellowship

Note: Attach a screenshot in your PW document after completing the survey, in order to get the bonus
score added to your grades. Please know that you will not receive the score without your screenshot.

Remember: we will be giving out the “Most thoughtful project Award!” to someone who goes the
#extramile, and submit a really quality project this week (this award would look great on your resume
btw :)

DEADLINE: The above activities are to be submitted on Google Classroom and Medium by Saturday 8

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