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The Power of Language

Xuxan Rodriguez

ENGL 420

Los Angeles Pacific University

26 April 2022

The study of language is really important in our life. Language not only helps us look

more professional but it also helps us communicate with other people and it allows us to

create a clear understanding. This happens not only in English but also in any language you

can think of. In today's day it is still important to be able to communicate with others, It is

even more important now than ever before.

Language has become a huge part of our life. From the months that we are in our

mother womb we are introduced to language through listening to what our mother or father

says until we are old. Language has become more important now than ever before because in

the past most people knew each other from family and friends and that was mostly how

people found jobs or met someone special. Now, we use our computers and phones to text

and communicate with others without actually having to talk. This loses our ability to

communicate with other people. Therefore, if we create students who are well knowledgeable

and able to not just work a computer and electronics but also knows how to communicate, it

creates a well knowledgeable person who will grow up and do amazing things in life.

Language helps us communicate but also helps us be more clear for other people to

understand us when we speak or are trying to prove a point or express their feelings and


I want to be able to make sure all my students are able to understand the importance

in language to be able to understand how this could make a huge difference in their life later

in their life. I want them to understand that having good communication skills and being able

to be heard and understood is what will make a difference. I will also incorporate

communication skills in my classroom. I also believe reading improves grammar in such a

huge way and I want to be able to introduce great books to their library making it fun to read

and understand new vocabulary. I also think writing can do great things and I would like to

introduce a lot of fun writing in my classroom. I want my students to not just succeed in their

life and work but also are able to express themselves and their beliefs.

Now, it is important to be able to communicate and not forget about face to face. I

also think it is important now to be able to communicate what you believe and what needs to

be changed to be a person who makes a change in society. I also believe that young people

are not taking it seriously nowadays because people believe they spend all their day on their

phones or playing video games, but I believe they could make a huge impact.

In conclusion, I want to be able to create a classroom full of students who understand

the importance of language. I want to create little humans who will grow up and make a

change in the world. I also want to create a classroom full of students who are knowledgeable

and are ready to make a chaNge.

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