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Fundamental Positions of Arms in Dancing

*First Position Arms are raised forward in a circle in front of the chest with both hands
facing front with a distance of about an inch away from each other. The
arms should be rounded in such a way that the elbows are slightly below
the shoulder and the wrists slightly below the elbows.

*Second Position The arms are placed sideways extended a little below shoulder level with
palms facing up and the fingers are slightly rounded

*Third Position The R (L) arm is raised in a half circle slightly over in front of the head
while the other arm L (R) remains in second position
*Fourth Position The R (L) arm is raised in amplified position, while the other arm L (R) is
in first position.

*Fifth Position Both arms are raised to form a circle or rounded over and slightly in front
of the head, palms are slightly facing downward so that the fingertips are
just within the line of vision
Fundamental Positions of the Feet in Dancing

*First Position Feet together or feet position is executed with the heels together or close
to each other and toes apart at an angle of about ninety degrees or more.

*Second Position Feet position is apart sideways at shoulder width and heels are parallel to
each other.
*Third Position The heel of one foot is placed or close to the in-step of the other foot.
*Fourth Position One foot is diagonally forward, about a pace distance with the other foot
with toes out.

*Fifth Position One foot is placed in front of the other foot which is slightly twisted out.
The heel is close to the toe of the other foot, with the toe almost facing
sideways is in line with the heel.
Reality Check

Why do we need to learn the basic and as they say “always go back to the basics”
especially in learning the dance? Is the execution of fundamental dance steps necessary and
essential before learning how to dance a simple folk dance?

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