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Junior High Mathematics
St. Theresa Catholic School

Classroom Management Plan – Guide to Success

My name is Mr. Tedore, and I am honored and excited to be your Junior High
Mathematics teacher. My goal is to assist all students in discovering that everyone has the
potential to be successful in Math.

Basic Classroom Procedures

Enter the classroom in a respectful manner and place your books at your seat. Make sure
you have your textbook open to the Lesson/Page Number posted on the front whiteboard and
have a sharpened pencil out before the Tardy Bell rings. I will permit students to go to the
restroom up until 1 minute before the scheduled start of class. After that time, I will not permit
students to leave the classroom for restroom breaks during the first ten minutes or last ten
minutes of class.

Classroom Rules
1. Be Prompt, 2. Be Prepared, 3. Be Polite, 4. Be Productive

How I will Establish Procedures/Rules

I will establish the basic classroom procedures listed above and my classroom rules by
explaining them in detail during the first few weeks of school. I think my four classroom rules
should be brief, so students are able to easily remember them. I will take time during the first
few weeks of school to define what prompt, prepared, polite, and productive mean in my class.

Disruptions in the Classroom

Students that choose to cause disruptions in the classroom by not following the set
classroom procedures or classroom rules will be given one verbal warning. If the disruption
continues, I will move the student from their table group and have the student sit in a desk not in
a table group. If the disruption continues, then I will contact the student’s parents via
email/phone call. If the disruption continues after I have contacted the parents, then I will follow
the school procedure for referral to administration. I will recognize those students that follow the
procedures and rules by thanking them during independent work time for setting a positive
example in the classroom.

Physical layout of Classroom

Table groups with four or five students at each table. I will position the tables so I can
easily stand in between all the tables and “work the room” during instruction.

Communication with Parents

At the start of the school year, I will send a welcome message to all parents introducing
myself and informing them of my goals for the school year. If I write a referral for a student, I
will communicate with their parents to inform them of the situation.

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