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Daily Lesson Plan Format

Name: Nana Reyes Date(s) or Days of Lesson: Day 7

Student Learning Objective(s)/Target(s) and Related Assessment(s):

Learning Target: I can analyze how setting effects word choice and language use in
writing using text and video evidence in discussions.

Language Objective: Students will compile a list of Spanish vocab words translated in
English to add to their Culture Journal. Students will also be able to identify the
colloquial language used in the text and add them to their Culture Journal with their


Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements
of a story or drama (for example: where a story is set, how the action is ordered, how the
characters are introduced and developed). (CCSS: RL.11-12.3)

- YouTube
- PowerPoint
- Photo copies of Drown
- Culture Journal

Learning Activities:


1. Students will come into class and sit down. We will do out daily check-in and
overview of daily agenda before jumping into lesson.
2. I will pull up a YouTube video on Dominican bodegas. (10 minutes)

Lesson Development:

1. We will have a brief share out about one thing they noticed about the video and
then discuss how where people grew up can affect the language they use. (5
2. I will pull up a PowerPoint as a visual aid and begin to give a brief overview of
Drown by Pedro Juan Soto. (5 minutes)
3. I will hand out paper copies of Drown by Junot Diaz and read first 7 pages aloud.
(20 minutes)
4. After reading, I will have the students write a brief summary of what we just read
in their culture journals. (10 minutes)
5. After writing the summary, we will transition into a descriptive writing strategies
mini lesson. (15 minutes)


1. Students will then have the rest of the class period to workshop their short story
project with other students, ask questions, or work on it independently. (15

Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction: Differentiate instruction for Learners.

Below, pick one modification and one extension. You will fill in one box per row.

Content Process Product Environment

Instead of
writing a
summary of
the reading,
we can have a
class summary
discussion or
have the
students pair
up and

Extensions: I can make the

content more
accessible by
having more
translations of
the story
depending on
the student.

I can also
transcripts of
the video for
students who
need it.

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