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GCU College of Education



Teacher Candidate: Jacqueline Medina

Grade Level: 2nd
October 6, 2022
Unit/Subject: Kid writing
Instructional Plan Title Shaping Personal Narratives
Lesson In a few sentences, summarize this lesson, identifying the central focus based on the content/skills
summary and you are teaching.
focus: Shaping personal narratives
How do we create a story from our life?

Classroom and Describe the important classroom factors (demographics and environment) and student factors
student factors: (IEPs, 504s, ELLs, non-labeled challenged students), and the impact of those factors on planning,
teaching and assessing students to facilitate learning for all students. The class has twenty-five
students. There are fourteen girls and eleven boys in the classroom. The classroom consists of a
majority of Blacks or African Americans and five Hispanic students. In the classroom we have two
students who receive speech services and two ELL students. When planning I will make sure to
incorporate differentiation strategies that will support both my speech and ELL students.
Students will be provided with audio videos in their native language and just in general to help
them understand what is being asked of them. Also incorporating graphic organizers to help them
plan out their thoughts.

National / State Identify the relevant grade level standard(s), including the strand, cluster, and standard(s) by
Learning number and its text.
Standards:  W.2.3 - Write narratives in which they recount a well elaborated event or short sequence of
events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal
event order, and provide a sense of closure.
Specific learning target(s) / objectives: Teaching notes:
Specify exactly what the students will be able to do Clarify where this lesson falls within a unit of study.
after the standards-based lesson. Previous Unit was on Finding something to write about
1. The students will know writing using their heart map organizer. This prepares them to begin
personal narratives the writing process and plan out their thoughts which will
The students will be able to help them when thinking of a personal event to write for their
choose from many remembered narrative.
details of personal life
experience to shape a high
quality narrative
The students will know W.2.3 -
Write narratives in which they
recount a well elaborated event
or short sequence of events,
include details to describe
actions, thoughts, and feelings,
use temporal words to signal
event order, and provide a
sense of closure.
Agenda: Formative assessment:
Identify the (1) opening of the lesson; (2) learning and Identify the process and how you will measure the progress
teaching activities; and (3) closure that you can post toward mastery of learning target(s).
as an agenda for the students that includes the I will measure the progress toward their writing piece using
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approximate time for each segment. the kid writing rubric.

Opening of the lesson (10-15 mins) : I will read an

example of a personal narrative and then go into
discussion questions asking what they notice and what
do they think ? How is this writing personal what
clues led you to this conclusion?
Learning and teaching activities: we will watch a
BrainPOP video on personal narratives. Students will
turn and talk about what they learned from the video
and compare it to the piece I read are they the same
and how?
Then the students will discuss two-three things they
can write about (Turn&talk, think/Pair/Share)
Academic Key vocabulary: Function: Form:
Language: Include the content-specific terms Clarify the purpose the Describe the structures or
you need to teach and how you language is intended to ways of organizing
will teach students that achieve within each subject language to serve a
vocabulary in the lesson. area. Functions often consist particular function within
Personal narrative – will taught of the verbs found in the each subject area. What
through modeling my example of a standards and learning goal kinds of structures will you
personal narrative. statements. How will your implement so that your
Experience- - will play a video students demonstrate their students might demonstrate
retelling an experience or memory understanding? their depth of
from someone else’s life understanding?
Details- will be taught using a Students will demonstrate
read aloud where they can pull their understanding by being We can create a word wall
their prior knowledge of main and able to recall and describe a after mini lesson and
supporting details to help us personal event in their life discussion of vocabulary.
define what a detail is and why it both verbally and through Also, we will create an
is important. And be able to recall writing about it. anchor chart so these words
details in a story or personal are available throughout the
experience. classroom for them to use
during their writing process.
All words will be presented to ELL
students in their native language. For my ELL students we
will have pictures along the
word wall and words in
their native language

Instructional List ALL materials, equipment and technology the teacher and students will use during the lesson.
Materials, Add or attach copies of ALL printed and online materials at the end of this template. Be sure to
Equipment and address how you will teach the students to use the technology in Section II. INSTRUCTION.
Technology: 1. Smartboard
2. Kid writing journals
3. Word wall
4. Anchor chart of student’s memories and vocabulary
Grouping: Identify grouping strategies that will support your students’ learning needs.
Lows- will draw a picture and label their personal experience.

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Students with gifted Abilities (SWGA): can go in depth of their personal experience and how it
impacted them. Draw a picture to match.
Paired buddy grouping: Pair a high-flier with a mid or low so they can build off of each other
while also building confidence in writing.
ELLs: Students will be able to use and connect the word wall into their writing.

A. Opening
Prior Identify how this lesson connects to previous lessons / learning (prior knowledge of students) and
knowledge students’ lives.
connection: Students will be building off the previous lesson on Finding something to write about (using their
heart map they made with their ideas)
Anticipatory Identify how this lesson is meaningful to the students and connects to their lives. This lesson will be
set: meaningful to students because they are describing a personal experience that is near and dear to their
hearts and sharing it with their peers.
B. Learning and Teaching Activities (Teaching and Guided Practice):
I Do Students Do Differentiation
Your “I Do” instructional Your “Students Do” procedures should Describe methods of
procedures should include: describe exactly what students will do differentiation, including
The teaching strategy you will use to during the lesson that corresponds to accommodation or
teach each step that includes each step of the “I Do.” differentiation strategies for
modeling and formative assessment; academically, behaviorally and
transition statements you will make Please use a corresponding numbered motivationally challenged
throughout your lesson and essential list. students.
questions you will ask; and 1. Pre-write (plan). Ask: If you
academic language of vocabulary, were going to write a personal Please use a corresponding
function, and form. narrative about something that numbered list.
Script detailed, step-by-step once happened to you, what 1. ELLs- I will have them
instructions on how you will could you write about? Think draw their experience
implement the instructional plan. up three or four possible ideas. and label it . Then they
Use a numbered list of each step; 2. Whisper them to your neighbor. can dictate what they
bold every example of modeling; 3. Now choose one and go write drew to me as I write it
italicize every formative assessment. about it. for them. Students can
also write it in their
1. I will read an example of a native language. Once I
personal narrative. write their story read it
2. What do you notice? to them so they can
3. Photocopy in advance the hear it in English. And
attached personal then they can copy it for
narratives written by themselves as we focus
students in our school. on the key words of
Distribute to the students. what they described
4. Read aloud the stories. This from their experience. I
may take some time. would adjust this to
Teacher and student will match their proficiency
start creating a vocabulary level.
list for our word wall. 2. SWSN-My speech
5. Discuss what they think of students, I will reread
the stories. What do they the directions and
especially like about them? provide a graphic
During the discussion, we organizer to help them
will add words to the word gather their thoughts,
wall. frequent check-ins and
6. Ask: what kind of stories are support as needed.
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these? Introduce the term 3. SWGA-will go into their
“personal narrative.” Say event or memory in
that personal narratives are more detail and why it
true stories from just a day is important to them.
or so in your life.
7. Discuss some of the Also include extension activities:
features: paragraphing, What will students who finish
dialog, description, early do? Will pick a worksheet
introduction, conclusion, from the early finishers bin.
sequence of events, details,
etc. We will continue to add
our new vocabulary to our
word wall and discuss the
benefits of a word wall
when we are writing.

Summative Include details of any summative assessment as applicable and Differentiation:
Assessment attach a copy with an answer key. Explain how the summative Describe methods of
: assessment measures the learning target(s)/objectives. If you do differentiation for your
not include a summative assessment, identify how you will summative assessment, including
measure students’ mastery of the learning target(s)/objectives. accommodation or
We can measure their mastery by choosing from many memorable differentiation strategies for
details from a personal experience to shape a high-quality academically, behaviorally and
narrative. So, I will be looking for details that tells me as a reader motivationally challenged
the event that occurred and why it was memorable. students.
1. Graphic organizer
Goal: Students will be able to use at least three details in their 2. Quite space for students
writing to show mastery. to focus
ELLS will be able to create a picture story using images and word 3. Headphones to zone out
tiles to describe their personal experience. distractions
4. SWGA- will expand on
their personal
experience/event and
why it is important to
Closure: Explain how students will share what they have learned in the lesson. Identify questions that you can
ask students to begin the closure conversation. Identify how students will confirm transfer of the
learning target(s)/ objectives to application outside the classroom.
The class will close the writing block with a reflection on their experience writing about themselves.
1. What did we learn about personal narratives?
2. What can you add to your personal narrative?
3. How can you spice it up to intrigue your reader and audience?
4. Why is it important to add a lot of details to our writing?
The students will be able to transfer this skill outside the classroom when discussing themselves and
experience they have had with their family or peers in great detail.
Homework: Clearly identify any homework tasks as appropriate. Elaborate whether the homework is drill- or
skill-practice-based and explain how the homework assignment supports the learning targets /
objectives. Attach any copies of homework.

Skill- practice- based: Seesaw platform -writing prompt for personal narrative such as : Something I
do in the fall is….
Family traditions I celebrate or participate in are ….

This assignment will support the learning targets/objectives because they will practice discussing and
writing something personal to them.
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