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Pre-Primer/Level 1:

Student A automatically identified 16/17 words correctly on the Pre-Primer 1 words list

and almost did just as well on Pre-Primer 2 which means she can read on an Independent level

for both. She scored Instructional in both the Level 1 Primer and First lists. Some of the words

she missed I think were careless errors because she tends to rush through word lists and other

work. I reminded her before each list to take her time and really think about each word. She

would start at a good pace but then speed up about half way through. For example, Student A

has read the word, ‘father’ correctly but in this list she said, ‘feather’ These two words are only

different by one word so she could have just confused the two. The same thing happened with a

few other words.

Level 2/3:

The student scored a 45% on Level 2 and only a 5% on Level 3 so she is very clearly at

the Frustration level. Most of the words in these lists she gave up on when she first saw them

and either made up a nonsense word or said a similar word that resembles the one on the list.

Many of these words has letters and digraphs and trigraphs that she pronounced correctly when

they were isolated but when they are put together, she gets overwhelmed and does not know

where to start.

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