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I began by administering the WADE letter sounds because from my observations, I

suspected he had issues decoding. To decode, students need to know letter and letter combination

sounds. I told him I knew this would be so easy for him and that he was doing me a favor by

reading through the lists. He did well with the letters, but it was the word lists that he struggled

with. Sight words were not a struggle for him but when it got to List 1 A, he began to struggle. I

think the student just gets lazy and wants to be done so he rushes. For example, he said “tap”

instead of “tan”. If I were to ask the student what sound the letter ‘n’ makes and what sound the

letter ‘p’ makes, he would be able to answer correctly. I also think that when letters he knows are

all put together in one word, he gets confused. WADE told me that the student must learn to use

his knowledge of letter sounds as he decodes words.

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