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I scored the student as a 1 for expression, volume, and phrasing because he tends to

mumble when he reads. Multiple times I had to prompt him to speak with the same volume he

uses when he is in conversation but no matter how many times, I prompted him I had to strain to

hear him. He reads in a monotone, but this could be because he is trying to decode each word.

Once he develops automaticity in decoding words, he will be able to focus more on expression

and phrasing. I scored him a 2 for smoothness because he does get to rough spots where he needs

prompting to finish the sentence. However, there are sections where he does not need any help

and is able to maintain an appropriate pace. For this reason, I scored him a 2 for pacing. He does

not read laboriously until he comes across unfamiliar words. I do think he is capable of working

on expression and phrasing and volume all at once but because the decoding deficit is so severe,

it is overwhelming for him to focus on anything else at this time.

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