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Introducción a la Traducción Asistida por Computadoras

Por Dante T. Domínguez C.


Familiarizar a los participantes con los entornos de traducción, la traducción automatizada, las memorias
de traducción y las bases terminológicas.


 Generalidades de las tecnologías de traducción

 Texto fuente y meta
 Segmentos
 Glosario y bases terminológicas
 Memorias de traducción
 Herramientas de traducción asistida
 Traducción automática
 Diferencias entre la traducción asistida y la traducción automática
 Flujo de traducción
 Traducción vs. Localización
 Pre- traducción
 Fuzzy matches
 Traducción
 Control de calidad
 Proofreading
 Estilo
 Tags
 Herramientas de traducción asistida
 SmartCAT
 MemSource
 MemoQ
 Traducción Automática
 Google Translator
 Microsoft Neural Translator
 DeepL
 Bases terminológicas en línea
 Linguee
 Proz/glosaries
 Wordreference
Introduction to Translation Tools
Definition of Terms
• CAT Tools: Products used for Computer Aided Translation
• Translation: Converting content in a document/product from one language to another
• Localization (Localisation): Adapting a product to meet the language, cultural, and other
requirements of a specific target market
• Linguistic Asset: A Translation Memory (TM), glossary, or review package used to store
bilingual or multilingual content that can be accessed and edited during the translation
• Translation Memory (TM): A database used to store text strings in matched source and
target language pairs, for reuse during translation
• Glossary: A database used to store terminology in matched source and target language
pairs, for reference during translation

What are CAT Tools?

Computer Aided Translation (CAT) Tools facilitate improved quality and productivity
of translation and localization projects:
 TM and Glossary based CAT tools result in best quality translations. A human translator
reuses and references content from TMs and Glossaries to complete translations. TMs
and Glossaries start out empty. The content is populated over time using actual
translations or via an import.
 Machine Translation (MT) is an automated translation tool that draws on pre-populated
translation and terminology databases. Translations are completed based on grammatical
rules, frequency statistics, or a combination of the two. MT results in below native-level
translation quality, however, it can be integrated into the overall translation process to
accelerate time to market and reduce costs.

CAT Tools provide several advantages when used during translation. Because they
allow the translator to reuse previously translated content, there is an opportunity for:
• Reduced costs
• Improved final quality
• Faster delivery of final materials
CAT Tools add efficiency to the translation process by:
- Separating content into working "chunks" of text called Segments
• Storing segments in matched pairs (source and target text) called Translation
Units (TUs) in a TM database for reuse
• Storing terminology in matched pairs (source and target) in a term database, or
Glossary, for reference
• Providing statistical reusability reports and word counts

Why use a TM?

• TMs store previously translated source and target segments in a database, allowing
translators to reference it during translation
• Content stored in TMs can be used to pre-translate new files, so translators have less new
material to translate
• TMs can be used to analyze files, to understand the scope of work

Previously translated segments are presented during translations as a "match

percentage" from the TM.
• 100% match (significantly reduced effort): The source segment is exactly the same as a
previously translated segment stored in the TM, including all text and formatting.
• Fuzzy match (partially reduced effort): Portions of the source segment match a previously
translated segment stored in the TM. The percentage (1%-99%) indicates how closely the
segments match. For example, if "The house is red." is already stored in the TM, "The
house is blue." would return a 75% match.
• No matches (full effort): No similar segments exist in the TM, or the percentage match is
so low (usually less than 50%) that reuse causes more rework rather than less. Also
known as "new words".

Why Use a Glossary?

• Glossaries store terminology in a database, allowing the translator to reference the source
term and find the related target term.
• Glossaries ensure adherence to company-specific terminology and "voice", and improve
translation consistency.
The Translation process

During pre-processing:
• Files are converted into a translatable format
• TMs provide information about how to segment files
• Files are analyzed against a TM to identify the scope of work
• TMs can be used to pre-translate files
The main translation process is often divided into three distinct quality control
• Translation: A translator refers to a TM and Glossary to reuse segments and terms
that have already been translated.
• Edit: An editor refers to a TM and Glossary to harmonize style and correct errors
in meaning or form
• Proof: A proof-reader refers to a TM and Glossary to finalize the target text
During post-processing:
• Source and target text is stored into the TM
• TMs are used to "clean" files into target language text only
• Files are back converted into the original file format

Explanation of Software/Tools
- Will be done online, during the presentation.

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