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Year 2 Month 3: Ethics

Instructions: As you develop as a professional during your time in Work-Based Learning, one hope is that you will
develop into a successful, ethical employee who can thrive in the workplace. Ethics are an integral part of success in
the workplace and in your personal life. For this assignment, you will follow the steps below to reflect on what ethics
means to you and how you will implement ethics in your future. Type your responses in the space provided:

Step 1: Take time to research ethics. In 3-5 sentences, describe what ethics means to you and how you could show
ethical behavior in your personal and professional life.

The definition of ethics on google is simply the morals of a person that affects their behavior or how they conduct their
day-to-day activity. To me, ethics is the basis on which each person lives. Based on everyone’s background, family, and
experiences our ethics are formed. In my personal life some of the ethics I live off is to always tell the truth or to never
be a hypocrite. There is also the golden rule of “treat others how you would like to be treated.” In my professional life
there are ethics I follow like the customer is always right, everyone in the workplace should be treated equally, and to
follow your employer's instructions with a positive attitude.

Step 2: What the YouTube Video Why Not Cheat? How Our Ethics Alters Our Happiness using the link on the WBL blog.
Watch the entire video and summarize Jennifer’s Ted Talk in 3-5 sentences. Then, give your personal feedback to her
opinion on ethics and happiness in an additional 3-5 sentences.

In the Ted Talk Jennifer compared ethics to many things like cheating, stealing, and junk food. She explained how with
cheating and stealing there is a sense of anxiety that follows, and with eating junk food there is a sense of feeling slowed
down after. Jennifer was leading up to how we should encourage others to be ethical, and that is to let them know there
is nothing to be ashamed of. I liked Jennifer’s examples because I feel that at least one of them could relate to someone
and they all fit perfectly. If someone wants to cheat, they shouldn’t feel ashamed of not knowing the material, or if a
person wants to steal they shouldn’t be ashamed of what they do or do not have, and lastly if a person wants to eat junk
food they shouldn’t be ashamed of missing out because, in the end, the grass is not greener on the other side. These
examples show that without the anxiety or the weight of junk holding us back, by following our ethics, we will be happier
in the end.

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