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7.253 m3 TANK WIND EFFECT. CALC. PROJE NO Kİ/SA - 270422-01
D Tank diameter in (m) 21,00
0.6Mw + MPİ < MDL /1.5 + MDLR
Mw Wind Moment in (N-m) (see 5.11) Mw=Pws*(S.Total surface)* (H/2) + Pwr*( surface)*(D/2),N.m 14.117.084,48
Mw + Fp(MPi) < (MDL + MF)/2+ MDLR
MF Moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from liquid weight,(N.m),MF= - ( wa*3.14*D*D/2) -132.255.664,63
MPİ Moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from design internal pressure,Pint=1 kPa=> Mpi= (Pint*3,14*D^2/4)*D/2 * 1000 (N.m) 726.988,50
Moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from the nominal weight of the shell and roof structural supported by the
shell that is not attached to roof plate, MDL=(wshell)*H/2 + (wrafter)*D/2 (N.m) 15.080.617,75
Moment about the shell-to-bottom joint from the nominal weight of the roof plate plus any attached structural
.MDLR= - DLR*D/2 (N.m) -2.292.959,82
H Tank height, m 21,00
Wind pressure on shell, Vgust=Vdesign*1,2= 201,84 km/h =>
Pws 970,52
0,86*(Vgust/190)^2 = 0,97 KPA
Pwr Wind uplift pressure on roof,kpa 1,44*(Vgust/190)^2=1,625 KPA 1,625
V Wind designe velocity .km/h 168,00
Pİ 3,14
Pint İnternal pressure ( 2mbar=0,2 kPa) 0,20
wshell shell total weight (uncorroded) (N) 1.189.954,21
wrafterrafter total weight (uncorroded) (N) 246.295,10
wroofnozRoof nozzles total weight (uncorroded) (N) 34.335,00
wroofpltRoof plates total weight (uncorroded) (N) 184.042,13
Fp Pressure combination factor (From API 650 App R,R2) 0,40
wa Force resisting uplift in annular region, N/m wa= 99*ta*(Fy*H*Ge)^0,5 <201,1*H*D*Ge ( 66,875,65) 191.018,77
0.6Mw + MPİ (N.m) 9.197.239,19
Anch 0.6Mw + MPİ > MDL /1.5 + MDLR
MDL /1.5 + MDLR 7.760.785,34
Unanch3 Mw + Fp*(MPi) 14.407.879,88
Mw + Fp(MPi) > (MDL + MF)/2+ MDLR
Unanch4 (MDL + MF)/2+ MDLR -60.880.483,26
DLR Nominal weight of roof plate plus any attached structural (N). 218.377,13
Vw BASE SHEAR ,N Vw=Pws*D*H , N 428.000.536,92

E.A / 16.05.2022

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