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I’m the organized type and hate procrastination when things don’t go right but reality always goes
against what we expect, it was on August 1 st 2021 the day I was going to have my 18 th birthday , the day
that I really don’t want to celebrate it at home, I want it special and leave a memorable mark in my life
so this plan was conceived 5 months before my birthday, it was traveled to some famous tourist
destination in Vietnam like the city with a cool temperate climate is nicknamed the city of thousands of
pine or sub-paris is Da Lat city, but the Covid-19 came unexpectedly, the pandemic was not so serious at
first but later on, it became more and more worst as it spread around the world took billion lives, made
the government must issue anti-pandemic directives to the people and among them stop tourism
activities .at first I was quite disappointed when the pandemic happened so badly and after I thought it
couldn't get any worse, another unexpected incident happened it was directive 16 to be in a social
distance, people were only allowed to stay at home and go out when absolutely necessary suspending
service operations so I decided to celebrate it at home, I thought it gonna be boring because it’s just my
parents and me but for a moment my parents hugged me and wished me the best, i felt love as they
cooked my favorite food and sang happy birthday together from that i realized happiness Not only need
to go to a far away place, but simply at my home make me appreciate family happiness And to protect
my health, my plans made in the past will probably be postponed until the pandemic is under control

Key word :

Travel plan

Family happiness

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