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Important Shortcuts

Activity Shortcut

Navigation to the end of direction CTRL ▲ ▼ ◄ ►

Select to the end of direction SHIFT CTRL ▲ ▼ ◄ ►

First cell in the spreadsheet / table CTRL HOME

Last cell in the used range CTRL END

Edit a cell F2

Repeat last action F4

(When editing a formula) - Change cell reference style F4

Open go to F5 or CTRL G

Create a table CTRL T

Recalculate formulas F9

Add / remove Filters CTRL SHIFT L

Format cell as date (dd-mmm-yy) CTRL SHIFT 3

Format as currency (with 2 decimals) CTRL SHIFT 4

Format cells CTRL 1

Select everything CTRL A

Flash fill CTRL E

Format painter ALT E S T

Insert current date in a cell CTRL ;

Adds a new line in the cell ALT ENTER

Show / hide formulas CTRL `

Fill value / formula from above cell CTRL D

Shows filter options / data validation options / fill options ALT ▼

Copy selected items CTRL DRAG

Enter same value in multiple cells CTRL ENTER

Type an array formula CTRL SHIFT ENTER


Replace CTRL H

Create a pivot table ALT N V

Insert hyperlink CTRL K

Show emoji / symbol keypad WIN .

Autosum cells ALT =

Open paste special options ALT E S

Show ribbon shortcuts ALT

Show names F3

Show ribbon shortcuts ALT

Freeze panes ALT W F F

Collapse / Expand Ribbon CTRL F1

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