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Struggles is normal part of school life that you face and needs to conquer so that
you can achieve what you wanted to achieve, Every one of us wants to have a progress in life
so despite having many challenges and struggles, you need to stand up and fight it. College life
was hard but I consider it as part of my long journey to achieve my goals so I don’t let
challenges brings me down.

Now, my first semester this 2 nd year level are going to end, there are a lot of school
works that needs to accomplish in order for us to end this semester with complete requirements,
but the problem is, we can’t do the assigned task that fast, because we have 11 subjects means
we have different task each of that subjects. And one of the activities that are assigned is
ETHICAL BEHAVIOR VLOG in our GEN 006 subject, we are given 1 month to finish that but it takes
many weeks for us to start this activity.

In this activity, we have been challenged by a lot of factors including our time doing this
activity because we have a lot of school works other than this that need to pass as soon as
possible, even though our professor in this subject gave us 1 month to accomplish this task, we
can’t do it right away. And another thing is, in our group, we have a lot of things to work so that
we can’t have a proper teamwork on this activity, no one wants to be a leader because each of
us have different schedule to work on and it’s understandable because I feel their side also. But
i stand as a leader because no one updates on group chat if we can start working on for this, we
doesn’t have a proper communication with each other so that it’s hard for us to start this activity
and that’s what I observed on my group mates.

We are all pressured because of overload activities since first semester are going to end
by the way. But because of this challenge and struggles, It makes me work harder and manage
my time properly so that I can end this semester properly without any hassle.

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