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Clarissa Jimenez

Mrs. Jewell period 3


March 16,2022


When one’s life is interrupted, it can ruin all the plans they have. When something is

taken away, it can take down everything else you had planned and make it hard for you to

continue. For the young Hamlet he has now experienced this ordeal. His father has been taken

away from him, stolen. Far most his mother has been consumed as well as she is remarried to his

uncle, Claudius. His uncle seems to be the center of his problem, and is skeptical about his

actions and intentions. As well Hamlet questions his mother‘s actions as they have gotten

married two months after King Hamlet's death, inappropriate timing to Hamlet. Young Hamlet is

lost and confused on how they show no remorse or push aside the fact King Hamlet has passed.

A display far more than young Hamlet can bear.

We see Gertrude (the queen) and king Claudius have moved onward and or seem to be

pleased, and complacent. They come to find Hamlet woebegone, and still grieving on his father‘s

death. While the Queen and King come upon meeting Hamlet as a dyad. The interaction from

them is almost provoking Hamlet. They question why he is still mourning for his father and give

off the characteristics of being judgemental to his sentiments for losing his father. While

conversing with one another Claudias goes on to say,

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“‘tis sweet and commendable in your nature, hamlet

To give these morning duties to your father.

But you must know your father lost a father,

That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bond

In Filial obligation for some term

To do obsequious sorrow. But to preserve

In abstinente stubbornness. ‘Tis unmanly grief.” (1.2.90-98).

As Shakespear presents this scene, he develops Hamlet being approached by them as a pair.

Furthermore told these words by his uncle with his mother beside him, showing reinforcementt.

The words bring irritation, and frustration. He is disgusted as well in the form that they speak

about his father’s death. Claudius adds onto undermining young Hamlet's pain by saying

everybody’s father dies or will and almost complaining to Hamlet that he shouldn’t be so hung

up on his father’s death. It is seen that Claudia is almost shaming the young Hamlet by telling

him it is unmanly to be sad. We see Claudius being insensitive and narcissistic by invalidating

how Hamlet feels. Leaving Hamlet flooded with emotions from frustration , irritation , and


Within the time period of it being a month after his father‘s death. Claudius and

Gertrude's Merajul ceremony approaches along with his father’s funeral. This makes young

Hamlet absurd and ballistic at the timing this is happening. We see how he feels and thinks about

the situation when he speaks a lot alone saying,

“ O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason

would have mourned longer! married with my uncle,

my father‘s brother, but no more like my father

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Then I to Hercules, within a month,”(1.2.155-158).

Hamlet's true belief on his mothers marriage to his uncle at this time is unveiled and his feelings

and thoughts to his mother are seen as well. Where he compares his father to Claudia‘s and

himself to Hercules, a Greek mythology of a hero. He refers to it this way to make clear Claudius

is not great, more or less a hero and upholds his father to this comparison. He greatly emphasizes

how his mother is to overcome his father‘s death in less than a month and was almost in disbelief

that she would remarry to his uncle. He is shown to be troubled by this.

Hamlet then is aware that a ghost has A resemblance with his father in appearance. Has

been seen by Horatio and Marcellus. With this information Hamlet is amazed and is to see for

himself immediately. He goes to stand watch that night and as he was told his father‘s ghost

appears to him. While Hamlet hopes for it to speak aloud. The ghost calls for him in private.

Although Hamlet is scared he follows his father. The ghost appears to him and goes on to say,

“ The serpent that did sting thy father‘s life

Now where’s his crown.”(1.5.46,47).

Hamlet is now aware that his father was murdered and by his own uncle. The present king.

While he’s full of anger and erotic emotions he is told to avenge his father‘s death. So while

hamlet was lost and alone he now has a purpose to avenge his father‘s murder. We come to see in

the end that Hamlet phrases, “ The time is out of joint. O cursed spite that ever I was born to set

it right!”(1.5.210,211). Here we see he is set to unmask his uncle's lies and misfortune that he

caused upon his father and himself.

Overall Claudia‘s shown at the root of all of Hamlet's problems, so when his father‘s

ghost and mask all he has done. Hamlet blames it all upon Claudius. This says Hamlet further on

into action, now that he knows his uncle is a murder, liar and manipulator. Hamlet is provoked to
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avenge his father and for all the pain and mischievous acts he has brought upon the kingdom,

Hamlet's father, Hamlet's own sanity including his mother. We can see how the awakening of

Hamlet is brought by Claudius and his actions towards Hamlet are what ultimately drives him to

his actions and thoughts. We see that Hamlet will stop at nothing now to avenge his father,

Claudius is now his only priority.

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Work cited:

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012.

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