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Dear Staff,

On this last day of school in 2022, we are all no doubt carrying heavy hearts considering the
tragedy unfolding in Uvalde just eight hours away in a community not dissimilar from our own.
Students may come to school with many questions. They may have questions about their own
safety, questions about death, questions about why someone would commit such a horrific act
of violence.
I know you will be compassionate and present for them, even as you deal with your own
questions and grief. Some helpful actions we can take in support of our students and Uvalde:
 Answer questions if they come up as calmly and with as much fact-based information as
you can in an age-appropriate way. What we know is that a young adult committed a
terrible mass shooting that resulted in the deaths of at least 18 children and two adults.
Let your students be your guide. If they need to talk about it, create a safe space for
open conversation. If they do not want or need to talk about it, take that cue from them
as well.
 This event naturally creates fear. Could this happen in our schools? Every mass
shooting is preventable. There are warning signs. One thing we can do to keep
ourselves and each other safe is commit to, “If you see something, say
something.” Students can be encouraged to identify one or more trusted adults they
commit to telling if they hear or see something that would indicate to them someone may
be contemplating an act of harm to others. Knowing this may help students feel
empowered and identify their own locus of control in what can feel very much like a
powerless situation.
 Creating artwork, cards, letters, or any other tokens of our love and support to the
community of Uvalde is an actionable task students can engage in at school today.
 Committing to advocacy is also an actionable choice students can engage in. May is
mental health awareness month. Committing to destigmatizing mental health, help
seeking, and advocating for adequate funding for mental health in our state are all ideas
related to advocacy.
For students who may need extra support, please connect them with their school counselor or
social worker. We have some counselors and social workers on contract throughout the
summer, and if you need help connecting to one you can call 575-527-5851. KidsTalk is a
warmline open to youth from 10:00 am to midnight. They can be reached by phone or text at 1-
575-636-3636. The NM Crisis Access Line is available 24/7 at 1-855-NMCRISIS (662-
7474). Finally, the school-based health center at Mayfield High School will be open through the
summer and can be reached at 575-541-7323.
Thank you for your tireless efforts this school year, and we wish you peace, rest, and
rejuvenation this holiday weekend and over the summer.

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