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4 Th
Quarter – Week 2

Name: ___________________________________________
Section: _________________________________________

B. Development
Learning Task 1. Study the pictures and describe each picture by writing the letter of the
answer on the space provided.

_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

A.It is an example of D. The water is salty. G. Water source coming from a

freshwater that comes from higher point falling to the stream
the mountain. or river.
B.Some people wash their E. It is the home for H. Source of hydroelectric power.
clothes here. millions of species.
C.It serves as a source of F. Ships and motorboats I. An example of this water source is
irrigation for agricultural travel here. found in Pagsanjan.
Learning Task 2: Directions: Classify the sources of water. Write them in the proper
ocean water falls rivers stream
deep well lake pond sea


Learning Task 3. Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer.
______ 1. Which of the following is not a kind of water?
A. Freshwater B. seawater C. groundwater D. water vapor
______ 2. Which kind of water is found beneath the earth’s surface?
A. Freshwater B. seawater C. groundwater D. water vapor
______ 3. Which of the following sources of water contains a large amount of dissolved salt?
A. lake B. sea C. river D. falls
______ 4. What should you do to conserve water when brushing your teeth?
A. Let the water flow from the faucet while brushing.
B. Use a glass of water for rinsing your mouth.
C. Use plenty of toothpaste.
D. All of the above.
______ 5. Which of the following helps conserve water when taking a bath?
A. Take a shower for a long time to enjoy water.
B. Take a shower using much water in the storage drum.
C. Take a shower and leave the faucet running to clean the bathroom.
D. Take a shower for at least 5 minutes to cool down and clean your body.

PERFORMANCE TASK 1: Prepare the materials listed below. You may ask the help of your
parents/guardians of any adult members of the family if needed.
Pictures of different uses of water every day from old magazines/ Print out pictures
1/8 sized illustration board/ Old folder
Colored paper

1. Use the old magazines and cut out pictures that show how we use water every day.
2. Paste them on the illustration board to make a collage.
3. Tell something about your output and write it on a sheet of paper


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