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Bonding of SecretaryITreaeurer: Chris indicated the bonding would be for two officers and the

S Grange gave us a form to review. The bonding is based on bank account balance and it has
been baied on g10,000 in the past and our cost is around $100. This is usually handled by our
\_ insurance agent who is
Billie Hackworth
Mountain West lnsurance & Financial Services, LLC
1521 Oxbow Dr., Ste 145
Montrose, CO 8140L
(970) 765-7L34 direct
(e70) 24e-2222

Signatures on the bank card: Barry indicated he and Tammy would go to United Business
Bank in Hotchkiss and get this done

July bills: Chris listed several ltems that need to be paid and she will pay them as the bank
account has not been transferred yet.
Mountain West lnsurance yearly bill
Pre Buy JC Propane for 800 Gallons

Kids Pasta Proiect Results: We made $302 and it went off without a hitch. We will
provide a better mechanism for placing the orders as there were some issues on their part about
, orders getting lost.

Grounds Keeping: Barry indicated we got a message from our water supplier that we were
,\- using too much witer and that part of that may have been the Fire Department construction
process as they were using water as well as for us to water the trees. Barry wanted to upgrade
our capability to water the trees and thought a $100 budget would be more than enough. Jeri so
moved to authorize that amount, Andy seconded and all approved.

Hall Rental: Barry brought up the new Rental agreement which was developed by Chris and
Andy and finalized by Birry. lt can be fllled out in word and then printed for signatures. There
was discussion about have a central person in charge of all the hall rental and Barry said he
would do it for the time being. We have 2 rentals scheduled one on the 23'd with a setup the day
before and tear down tfre Oay after, Chris is managing a memorial service on the 31". Andy
indicated there was an interested party for September 12th family get together and this is through

BBQ Pavilionl Barry indicated the building plans were posted on the wall of the Grange-for_all
to rJview. There *u. ulro discussion about any additionalliability issues and we need to check
this out with our insurance agent. It was cnnfirrned that the pavilion would not have 3ny-glacp
for a charcoal grill due to fire hazards. There was some discussion about the potential of having
propane grill ihere people could use their own gas canister. All this discussion was tempeled by
ihe?act t[at no consiruction was planned until Cost comes back down to a reasonable level


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