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Redlands Mesa Grange #487

a Minutes for September 15, 2021

Present: Barry Willets Vice President, Jeri MacTaggart Secretary Tammy Marty, Treasurer, Andy
Pilkington Grange Master, Janet Quinn
The meeting was called to order by Andy Pilkington at 6:40.
Minutes from the August 25 meeting were reviewed, Barry moved to accept the minutes and
Janet seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.
The Treasurer's report was reviewed. (See attached treasurer's report.)Janet moved the
Treasure’s report be approved. Jeri seconded the motion. The motion was passed

Committee Reports:
The audit committee reported they had reviewed the Secretary records for the period of
January, 2019 through July, 202L and found them to be in satisfactory condition. They
recommended they be approved. Andy moved the Secretary records be approved. Tammy
seconded the motion. lt was passed unanimously.
The membership committee reported they have begun working as a committee and they are
continuing to review and revise the membership rolls. They recommended the secretary
contact Cindy Greer at the State Grange and find out if two specific members are still listed as
members. Andy directed the secretary to contact Cindy and ask for the updated membership
rolls as well as to find out if the quarterly reports can be submitted electronically.

Old Business:
Redlands Mesa Road Cleanup:
The second weekend of October, October 9,2021., was discussed as to the date of the cleanup
Discussion was had including times, what sections, what the county would provide, and what
the Grange would provide for meals or snacks. Barry will contact the County Road Department
to finalize plans with them and will then contact Andy with details. (Barry subsequently did
send a detailed report to Andy and cc'd to everyone else present at the September t5,202L,
meeting.) As of the end of the meeting, no plans had been finalized and approved.

Petty Cash:
Tammy recommended a petty cash protocol be established where the Treasurer could pay
incidentals up to $100 without having to get Board approval through a regular monthly
meeting. Andy so moved and Tammy seconded. The motion was passed unanimously.

Discussion was held concerning bringing lnternet service to the Grange building. Barry has been
researching options and said T-Mobile would provide service for S50 monthly. He will continue
to research options including Elevate through DMEA. Some concern was voiced about funding
for the service. No decision was reached.
There was continuing discussion concerning the Redlands Mesa Grange sign. Andy will research
options with Chris and report back to the membership meeting next month.

Research will continue on materials to repair the merry-go-round. The suggestion was made to
add low risk activities such as pickle ball, horseshoes, and corn hole. No decision was reached.
Discussion was also had about the Overland Ditch File Cabinet. The question remains "will they
move it?" Barry will research if they will move it so we would have a place for our pavilion.

New Business
Community Business Support:
The idea was presented to develop and distribute a Directory of Redlands Mesa Businesses.
Quite a few businesses are operating from Redlands Mesa and the Grange would be interested
in developing a directory for both advertising for the businesses and as a resource for
community residents. Janet mentioned this has been done before and we should see what was
done in the past and the success of the efforts. No decision was made but we will keep this as
an open item in Old Business and continue the discussion.

Social Opportunities:
There was discussion about social opportunities presented by the Grange for the community.
These activities include meals and dances. These present a dual purpose as they are also fund
raising activities for the Grange. lf we don't continue to have fund raisers, we will not be able to
operate. Membership dues do not cover all our expenses. Covid still presents a challenge to
having gatherings so work- arounds were discussed. The Lasagna Dinner was a success but that
format presents challenges for options like the ever popular Soup Dinner. Discussion will
continue as to fund raising and social opportunities.
Hall rental was discussed as an ongoing fund raiser. lt was noted that Hall rentals are soft
money and can't be counted on in a budget. A new protocol was established for Hall rentals.
Barry will be the contact person for the rentals. He will obtain a signed rental contract and send
it to Jeri with the money. After the paperwork is filed, the money will be sent to Tam to be
deposited. The cleaning deposit will be collected separately and not be deposited until after the
event. lf it is not needed, it will be returned to the rentee.
No other business being presented, Janet moved we adjourn and Tammy seconded. lt was
passed and Andy adjourned the meeting at 8:07pm.
The next monthly meeting of the Redlands Mesa Grange #487 will be October 20,2021

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