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The title must be specific, effective and informative as measured by the oral acuity, not exceed-

ing 12 words in Indonesian and 10 words in English, so that with quick read can capture the
meaning comprehensively (2016 Version)  14pt, Candara, Bold

Nama Lengkap Tanpa Gelar1, Nama Lengkap Tanpa Gelar2 ← 12pt, Candara, Regular
Instansi Penulis, Alamat Penulis, Kota, Kode Pos, Provinsi, Negara ← 10pt, Candara, Italic
Instansi Penulis, Alamat Penulis, Kota, Kode Pos, Provinsi, Negara ← 10pt, Candara, Italic
Email correspondence:

Abstract should include the research topic or problem, purpose of the research, method of the research, results, and implication.
In one paragraph between 150 – 200 word. Above the article, justify, Candara 9. Written in sound English and Indo-nesian. Ab -
stract should include the research topic or problem, purpose of the re-search, method of the research, results, and implication. In
one paragraph between 150 – 200 word. Above the article, justify, Candara 9. Written in sound English and Indonesian. Abstract
should include the research topic or problem, purpose of the research, method of the research, results, and implication. In one
paragraph be-tween 150 – 200 word. Above the article, justify, Candara 9. Written in sound English and Indonesian. Abstract
should include the research topic or problem, purpose of the research, method of the research, results, and implication. In one
paragraph between 150 – 200 word. Above the article, justify, Candara 9. Written in sound English and Indonesian. ← 9pt, Can-
dara, Italic..

Keywords must be chosen carefully and be able to reflect the concepts / variables contained in the article, with a total of between three and six
keywords. Written in alphabetical order and between keywords separated by ”(;)”
Cakupan minimal yang termuat dalam abstraksi adalah: permasalahan, tujuan penelitian, metode, temuan dan implikasi.
Disusun dalam 1 (satu) paragraph. Disajikan di bagian awal artikel, justify, Candara 9. Jumlah kata antara 150 - 200 kata. Ditulis
dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia yang benar. Cakupan minimal yang termuat dalam abstraksi adalah:
permasalahan, tujuan penelitian, metode, temuan dan implikasi. Disusun dalam 1 (satu) paragraph. Disajikan di bagian awal
artikel, justify, Candara 9. Jumlah kata antara 150 - 200 kata. Ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia yang benar.
Cakupan minimal yang termuat dalam abstraksi adalah: permasalahan, tujuan penelitian, metode, temuan dan implikasi.
Disusun dalam 1 (satu) paragraph. Disajikan di bagian awal artikel, justify, Candara 9. Jumlah kata antara 150 - 200 kata. Ditulis
dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia yang benar. Cakupan minimal yang termuat dalam abstraksi adalah:
permasalahan, tujuan penelitian, metode, temuan dan implikasi. Disusun dalam 1 (satu) paragraph. Disajikan di bagian awal
artikel, justify, Candara 9. Jumlah kata antara 150 - 200 kata. Ditulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia yang benar..

Kata Kunci:
Kata kunci harus dipilih dengan cermat dan mampu mencerminkan konsep/variabel yang dikandung dalam artikel, dengan
jumlah antara tiga sampai enam kata kunci. Ditulis sesuai urutan abjad dan antara kata kunci dipisahkan oleh titik koma (;).

Contains background problems, research motivation, theory, research objectives written in flowing
paragraphs and avoiding sub-sections in the introduction. References are indicated by writing the author's
surname / last name and year of publication, without page numbers. The theoretical basis is presented in
complete, concise sentences
and truly relevant to the purpose of writing scientific articles. Example: Febrian and Herwany (2009) found
that the best forecasting volatility models for JKSE, KLSE, and IMS are GARCH (2,1), GARCH (3,1), and GARCH
(1,1), respectively. also cannot benefit from the diversification between these three equity markets as they are

Table 1. Format
No. Status Kepemilikan Bank Jumlah
1 Bank Milik Pemerintah (BUMN/Persero) 4
2 Bank Milik Swasta Nasional (BUMS) 31
3 Bank Milik Asing (BUMA) 0
4 Bank Milik Campuran (BUMC) 1
  Jumlah 36
Source: Bursa Efek Indonesia (2015)

Picture 1. Format
Source: Sumarsono and Sugeng Hadi Utomo (2009) with modification of control variables following the study of Aji
Tony (2009).

Contains the research design used (methods, types of data, data sources, data collection techniques, data
analysis techniques, variable measurement) written in flowing paragraphs (no numbering).


Contains the results of empirical research or theoretical studies written in a systematic, critical, and
informative analysis. The use of tables, pictures, etc. is only a supporter that clarifies the discussion and is
limited to really substantial supporters, for example tables of statistical test results, pictures of model test
results, etc.
The discussion of the results is argumentative regarding the relevance of the results, theory, previous research
and empirical facts found, and shows the novelty of the findings.

Contains conclusions with broad generalizations from the discussion of research results that are written
briefly and clearly, showing the clarity of the contribution of findings, the formation of new theories and the
possibility of developing research that can be done in the future Theoretical and practical implications

The degree of material sophistication referred to in the last 5 years. The list of reference numbers is expected
to be 80% of primary sources from national and international research articles. The higher the primary
literature referred to, the more quality articles written with a note that the author often refers to himself (self-
citation) can reduce the assessment. Bibliography using APA Style. Bibliography that is written only really is
referred to in the article and arranged alphabetically

For scientific books / essays:
Achmad, Suryana. (2003). Kapita Selekta Evolusi Pemikiran Kebijakan Ketahanan Pangan. Yogyakarta: FE UGM.
Kuncoro, Mudrajad. (2010). Ekonomika Pembangunan: Masalah, Kebijakan, dan Politik (Edisi.5). Jakarta: Penerbit

For scientific journals:

Akcay, Selcuk. (2011). Causality Relationship Between Total R&D Investment and Economic Growth: Evi-dence
From United States. The Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences,16(1), 79–92.
Atmadja, Adwin S. (1999). Inflasi di Indonesia: Sumber – sumber Penyebab dan Pengendaliannya. Jurnal Akun-
tansi dan Keuangan, 1(1), 54-57.
Endaryati. et al. (2000). Aplikasi fungsi Cobb-Douglas: studi kasus Industri Besi dan Baja dasar Indonesia 1976-
1995, Jurnal Bisnis dan Ekonomi Kinerja, Vol 4 No 2 Th 2000.
Febrian, Erie and Aldrin Herwany. (2009). Volatility Forecasting Models And Market Co-Integration: A Study On
South-East Asian Markets. Indonesian Capital Market Review, 1(1), 27-42.
Gunardi, Ardi, Erie Febrian, and Aldrin Herwany. (2016). The implication of firm-specific characteristics on disclo-
sure: the case of Indonesia. International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance, 9 (4), 379-387.
Gómez, Jose Ignacio González., and S. Morini. (2009). A model for cost calculation and management in a multi -
product agricultural framework. The case for ornamental plants, Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research
2009 7(1), 12-23 ISSN: 1695-971-X

Unpublished thesis, thesis, dissertation:

Sukarman, W. (2003). Liberalisasi: Ekonomi Politik Perbankan Masa Orde Baru [Liberalisation: Banking Economy-
Politic in Orde Baru Area]. Unpublished Dissertation. Post-Graduate Programme. Yogyakar-ta: UGM.
Untuk sumber internet dengan nama penulis:
Chain, P. (1997). Same or Different?: A Comparison of the Beliefs Australian and Chinese University Stu-dents Hold
about Learning's Proceedings of AARE conference, Swisburne University. Available at: http://www.swin.e- Diunduh pada 3 Juni 2003.

For internet sources without author's name:

Write the name of the organization / company as below:
StatSoft, inc. (1997). Electronic Statistic Textbook, Tulsa OK., StatSoft Online. Available at: http://www.statsoft. -
comitextbook/stathome.Html. Diunduh pada 27 Mei 2000.
Dokumen resmi pemerintah Undang-undang Republik Indonesia. Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perubahan atas
Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1992 tentang Perbankan. 1998 diperbanyak oleh Negara Kesatuan Republik

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