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Manual (DK/UK) MaxiMem V2.0 - AmiTech 1991

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MaxiMem V2.0 - AmiTech 1991 Manual (DK/UK)

INDBYGNING.............................. 5
1Mb FASTMEM........................... 6
1.5Mb FASTMEM........................ 7
1.8Mb FASTMEM........................ 7
1 Mb CHIPMEM........................... 7
RAD DISK..................................12
AFBRYDEREN.......................... 12
UR FEJL?................................. 13
GARANTI................................... 14

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INSTALLATION......................... 16
1 MB FASTMEM........................17
1.5Mb FASTMEM...................... 18
1.8Mb FASTMEM...................... 18
1 Mb CHIPMEM......................... 19
RAD DISK..................................23
THE ON/OFF SWITCH.............. 24
REAL TIME CLOCK:................24
CLOCK ERROR? .....................25
WARRANTY.............................. 26
COPYRIGHTS........................... 27

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Inden indbygning påbegyndes, bør man læse hele afsnittet om
den pågældende konfiguration, samt afsnittet om garanti.

Ved denne konfiguration skal det lille print ("GARY" adatoren) IKKE
benyttes, hvis dette er købt med. Man sætter altså kun det store print i
maskinen, og en evt. garanti forbliver (Se figur 1).
Dipswitch 1 og 2 skal begge stå på OFF. (Se under DIPSWITCHE).
• Afmonter alle stik og ledninger fra Amiga’en og vend den med
tastaturet nedad.
• Aftag det lille låg med en skruetrækker, kniv eller lignende.
• Med et fast tryk isættes MaxiMem således at komponenterne vender
ind i Amiga’en (Se figur 1). Hvis stikket er vanskelig at isætte,
kontrollér da at stikbenene sidder lige ud for hullerne i MaxiMem.
Placér så Amiga’en på et fast underlag og pres til. Pas på at RAM’en
ikke smutter.
• Sæt låget på igen. Du skal muligvis fjerne de to tappe, der sidder i
låget, for at få det til at sidde rigtigt.

Figur 1. Isætning af 512Kbyte versionen

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For at få 1Mb FastMem skal du isætte 4 ekstra RAMkredse på kortet.
(Se "Isætning af RAMkredse"). Desuden isættes det lille print "gary
adaptoren" i GARY soklen inde i Amiga’en.
Proceduren er som følger:
Bemærk - Garantien på Amiga’en dækker ikke når den åbnes.
• Computeren slukkes, alle stik afmonteres og den åbnes. Der sidder
tre skruer for og tre bag. Bemærk at der sidder skruer under garanti
• Afmontér tastatur og metalskærmen.
• Udtag "GARY" kredsen med en skruetrækker el. lign (Se figur 2).
• Monter adaptorprintet på bundkortet og dernæst GARY oveni (Se
figur 3). Bemærk at soklen og GARY kredsen vender rigtigt (hakket
hen imod diskdrevet), og at alle ben på garykredsen er nede i soklen.
Tilslut kablet til MaxiMem kortet.
• Sæt dipswitchene til den nye konfiguration. Se under "DIP-SWIT-
• Herefter monteres keyboardet og kortet kan afprøves. RAM’en kan
testes med CLI kommandoen "avail" (Kun ved Workbench 1.3, læs
mere i 1.3 manualen). Har man Workbench 1.2 kan man se det
samlede ram lager øverst på Workbench skærmen.

Figur 2. Afmontering GARY kredsen.

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Udvidelse til 1.5Mb er ikke mulig under Kickstart 1.2. Yderligere 4
RAMkredse monteres på MaxiMem. Gary adapteren forbliver isat, (Se
evt. under 1Mb FASTMEM). Sæt dipswitchene til den nye konfiguration.
Se under "DIP-SWITCHE".

Udvidelse til 1.8Mb er mulig under både Kickstart 1.2, 1.3 og 2.0. Der
monteres nu RAMkredse så alle soklerne er fyldte. Gary adapteren
forbliver isat, eller isættes (Se evt. under 1Mb FASTMEM) Der sidder
nu 2Mb ram på MaxiMem, men uden CPU adapteren er det kun muligt
at benytte de 1.8Mb.

Det er med MaxiMem muligt at flytte 512Kb af FastMem, så det bliver
ChipMem. Det vil altid være de første 512Kb, som er monteret på
MaxiMem, der er mulighed for åt flytte. Den eventuelt resterende ram
på MaxiMem vil stadigvæk ligge som FastMem.
For at opnå ekstra ChipMem er det nødvendigt at din Amiga 500
er udstyret med en 8372A BIG FAT AGNUS.

Figur 3. Montering af GARY adaptor.

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Hvis dette ikke er tilfældet, er det muligt, på Amiga 500 Rev. 5 og højere
at opdatere Agnus fra 8371 til 8372. (Se afsnittet OPDATERING AF
AGNUS). Du skal i alle konfigurationer, hvor du ønsker at benytte 1Mb
ChipMem, både have Gary- og CPU adapteren monteret.
• CPU adapteren monteres på tilsvarende måde som Gary adapteren,
dog isættes den hvor 68000 processoren sidder. (Se figur 4). Be­
mærk at soklen og processoren vender rigtigt (hakket frem mod
forkanten af Amiga’en, under tastaturet.) Pas på at de mange ben
kommer i og ikke bukker.
• Ledningen fra CPU printet sættes i stikket på Gary adapteren.
For at kunne skifte de første 512Kb ram på MaxiMem mellem Fast- og
ChipMem er det nødvendigt, at du tilslutter den medfølgende omskifter
(Den med de lange ledninger). Du kan med fordel monterer den bag på
Amiga’en ved siden af mus/joystick portene. Hvis du ikke ønsker at
kunne skifte mellem ChipMem og FastMem, kan du nøjes med at
kortslutte de to ben, som omskifteren ellers tilsluttes. Du vil nu altid have
512Kb ekstra ChipMem, så længe udvidelsen ikke er afbrudt.
Når du samler Amiga’en igen, vil du opdage, at det kan knibe med plads
til metalskærmen, vi opfordrer dig derfor til at undlade at montere denne,
da den ikke har nogen betydning for Amiga’ens virkemåde.

Figur 4. Isætning af CPU adaptor.

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RAM kredsene skal vende med hak­
ket væk fra batteriet, som på de
tilstedeværende ramkredse (Se fi­
gur 8). Kredsene er af type 514256,
814256 eller 44256 (4 x 256Kbit),
hastigheden skal være min. 100ns
(120ns kan give guru fejl). De kan
købes hos din forhandler. Udbyg­
ning fra feks. 1/2 til 1Mbyte gøres
ved at isætte 4 kredse hvor der står
1Mb på kortet.
Husk at stille DIP-SWITCHENE.

Opdatering af Agnus er en meget Figur 8. Placering a f ramkredse
vanskelig opgave, da denne kreds
er en såkaldt PLCC Chip. Chip’en sidder i en special sokkel, og det
kræver derfor et stykke special værktøj for at tage den ud. Det er dog
muligt at tage den ud ved hjælp af to små skruetrækkere, men det
kræver stor forsigtighed da soklen let går ¡stykker.
Vi vil derfor opfordre dig til at få Agnus udskiftet hos et af
Commodores computerværksteder. (Kontakt eventuelt din for­
handler for det nærmeste værksted).
Foretrækker du alligevel selv at foretage opdateringen, skal du gøre
• Computeren slukkes, alle stik afmonteres og Amiga’en åbnes. Der
sidder tre skruer for og tre bag. Bemærk at der sidder skruer under
garanti mærkerne.
• Afmontér tastatur og metalskærmen.

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• Agnus kredsen (Se figur

5) udtages ved at stikke
en lille skruetrækker ned i
slidsen, i to af hjørnerne
på soklen og herefter vip­
pe forsigtigt indtil kredsen
er fri. (vær meget forsigtig
da soklen let knækker).
Der gælder generelt at du
ikke må røre ved benene
med fingerene. Hold der­
for midt på kredsen, eller
brug en pincet/tang.
• Tag nu den nye Agnus
(8372A) kreds og læg den
foran dig, så den ligger
som på figur 6.
• Find ben 33 (Nederste venstre hjørne) og tæl 8 ben frem, til du når
ben 41. Dette ben skal brækkes af, så det ikke kan få forbindelse til
soklen (pas på ikke at bøje de andre ben.
• Den nye Agnus kreds lægges nu ovenpå soklen, således at teksten
vender opad, men ikke nødvendigvis i samme retning som den

Figur 5. Fat Agnus udtages med største forsigtighed.

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gamle kreds. Det hjørne der er afskåret, (øverste venstre hjørne på

figur 6) skal passe til det tilsvarende hjørne i soklen. Sørg for at alle
ben ligger, så de kan komme ned i soklen. Giv nu Agnus et let tryk
med begge tommelfingre så den kommer ned i soklen. (Hvis du skal
trykke urimeligt hårdt, er det fordi du har vendt kredsen forkert, den
kan kun isættes uden vold, hvis den vender rigtigt). Check at alle ben
sidder rigtigt.
• Det vil i de fleste tilfælde være en god ide at lægge et stykke pap på
størrelse med en 50 øre, ned i soklen inden den nye Agnus isættes,
tag f.eks. et hjørne af pappet på en A4 blok. Dette giver kredsen
bedre forbindelse til soklen.
• Tilslut tastaturet og check at computeren virker inden du samler den

DIP-Switchene fortæller Amiga’en hvor meget ram, du har på din
MaxiMem. Det er derfor vigtigt, at du indstiller dem rigtigt hvergang, du
ændrer på antallet af RAMkredse. I den nedenstående oversigt (Figur
7) kan du se, hvordan switchene skal indstilles i hver enkelt konfigura­
tion. Hvis du har købt din MaxiMem uden CPU adapter, kan du se bort
fra nederste halvdel af skemaet.
RAM konfiguration Kick 1.2 Kick 1.3 Omskifter
FAST CHIP sw 1 sw 2 sw 1 sw 2 cpu maxi
0 Mb 0 Kb X X X X X on
0.5Mb 0 Kb off off off off off off
1.0Mb 0 Kb on off on off off off
1.5Mb 0 Kb - - off on off off
1.8Mb 0 Kb on on on on off off
0 Mb 0.5 Mb off off off off on off
0.5Mb 0.5 Mb on off on off on off
1.0Mb 0.5 Mb off on off on on off
1.5Mb 0.5 Mb - - on on on off
ii ii
X" = ligegyldigt. = Ikke muligt.
Figur 7. Indstilling a f DIP swltche

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Under Workbench 1.3 skal du tilføje kommandoen "Set-Patch -r" til
"s/startup-sequence". Hvis du ikke gør det vil data gemt i ramudvidelsen
forsvinde når du laver en tastatur-reset. For nærmere beskrivelse af
hvordan ændringer af "s/startup-sequence" foretages se "Commodore
AMIGA Enhancer Software" bogen, der fulgte med din Amiga.

Da nogle programmer ikke kan køre med ekstra 512Kbyte, er MaxiMem
udstyret med mekanisk afbryder. Ønsker
man ikke at benytte afbryderen kan den helt
afmonteres, og RAM’en er hele tiden slået
Ellers kan afbryderen med fordel monteres
bag på Amiga’en ved siden af mus/joystick
portene. Bemærk at garantien ikke gælder
hvis computeren åbnes.
H^3 Hvis omskifteren er i stilling "off", er
ramudvidelsen er slået til.
B^3 Hvis afbryderen vippes skal compute-
ren slukkes. Det er IKKE nok at reset- 0msklfter 0n/off stilling.

MaxiMem’s indbyggede Real-Time ur kan stilles på 2 måder:

Boot Workbench 1.3 op og gå ind i preferences (Har du kun Workbench
1.2 benyt da 2. metode). Lige under vinduet "Last Saved" i øverste
venstre hjørne, finder du klokken. Vælg på det ciffer du vil ændre og
tryk derefter enten pil op eller ned. Herefter vælges det næste ciffer osv.
Når dato og ur passer, afsluttes Preferences med "Save" for at gemme
tidspunktet i urkredsens ram.

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Ved Workbench 1.2 kan man kun stille uret fra CLI. Først skal syste­
muret I computerén stilles:
DATE 04-OCT-89 12:40
DA=Dag, MÅN=Måned, TI=Timer, MI=Mlnutter, SE=Sekunder.
Herefter skal systemuret gemmes I Real-Time urets RAM:
Uret kører nu hele tiden og skal kun småjusteres en gang imellem.


Der skelnes mellem computerens indbyggede ur og det lasertrimmede
Real-Time ur der sidder i MaxiMem.
Uret i computeren kaldes "system uret" og bruges af programmerne.
Det stilles med "DATE" kommandoen fra CLI, og går KUN når compu­
teren er tændt.
Real-Time uret i MaxiMem går hele tiden, men kan ikke aflæses fra
almindelige programmer. Man overfører derimod Real-Time urets ind­
stilling til system uret, feks under opstart. Se videre.


Indlæsning af Real-Time uret til system uret gøres fra CLI (Shell) på
følgende måde:
Denne kommando ligger normal i Startup-Sequence filen.

Når MaxiMem 512K. leveres til dig, er den gennemtestet fra producen­
tens side, også ur-kredsen. Dog kan UR-kredsen "glemme" sin eksis­
tens under transport, eller ved at programmer "kommer t ir at skrive i
ur-kredsens adresse område. Følgende fejlmeddelelser viser fejlen:
"Battery backed clock not found", eller

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Løsningen er som følger:

Fra CLI (Shell) gives følgende kommando:
Uret er nu resat og det er derfor nødvendigt at stille det igen. For at gøre
dette se afsnittet "INDSTILLING AF URET"

Producenten eller forhandleren kan ikke drages til ansvar for evt.
skader, der er opstået ved montering af MaxiMem, Gary adaptor, CPU
adaptor eller Big Fat Agnus. Følges monteringsvejledningen nøje, kan
der IKKE opstå skader på Amiga’en eller andet tilsluttet udstyr. Hvis
uheldet alligevel er ude, kan det KUN skyldes fejlmontering.

MaxiMem® og tilhørende manual er beskyttet under Copyright ©
1991 a f AmiTech Denmark. Alle rettigheder er reserveret.
Amiga er et registreret mærke a f Commodore-Amiga Inc. Commodore
er et registreret mærke a f Commodore Electronics Limited.

Der tages forbehold for trykfejl i denne manual. Eventuelle skader på

udstyr eller MaxiMem foresaget a f evt. fejlinformationer i denne manual,
er udenfor producentens ansvar.

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t ® ’ Before the installation begins, we recommend you to read the
passage about the configuration concerned and the passage
about the Warranty.


If you have bought your ram with a little print named "Gary adaptor",
you shall not use it in this particularly case. You only have to connect
the large print to your Amiga, which means that a possible warranty will
remain (pic. 1). Dipswitch 1 and 2 shall both be OFF. (look up under
• Turn off the power supply of your Amiga and all peripheral equip­
ment. Turn it around to downwards the keyboard.
• Open the protection cover of the expansion slot on the bottom of
your Amiga 500 with a screwdriver, knife or similarly.
• With a firm hand you connect the plug of the MaxiMem with the 56p
socket so that the component side of the expansion card face inside
the Amiga (pic.1 ). Push the expansion card to the bottom. If the plug
is difficult to push into the slot, you have to make sure that all pins of
the plug are connected correctly. Then place the Amiga on a steady

Fig 1. Installation of the 512Kbyte version

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foundation and push as hard as you can without breaking anything.

Be careful not to let the RAM slip away.
• Put the protection cover back again. You can if possible disconnect
the two sticks, which are on the back of the lid, so that you can place
it right.

To get 1 Mb FastMem you have to place 4 more Ram on the board.
(look up under "Inserting the Ram chips"). Besides you put the little
board "The Gary adaptor" in the GARY slot in the Amiga.
Use the following process:
K l3 Please note - The warranty on the Amiga do not cover when it
has been open.
• Turn your computer off and disconnect all plugs. To open your
Amiga release the 3 screws at the front and 3 behind. Please note
that there are screws placed under the warranty marks.
• Disconnect keyboard and the metal cover.
• Remove "The Gary" chip with a screwdriver or similarly (pic. 2).
• Connect the gary Apaptorboard on the motherboard and then press
the gary into the socket of the adaptorboard (pic. 3). Note that the
socket and the gary chip is placed in the same direction (The mark

Fig 2. Unplug the GARY chip.

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Manual (DK/UK) MaxiMem V2.0 - AmiTech 1991

toward the diskdrive), and that all pins on the gary chip is down in
the socket. Connect the cable to the MaxiMem card.
• Set the dipswitches so it match the new configuration. Look up under
• Hereafter the keyboard is installed and the card can be tested. The
RAMTEST can be made with the CLI command "avail" (only Work­
bench 1.3 and up, read further in the 1.3 introduction). If you have
Workbench 1.2, you can see the total RAM at the top of the Work­
bench screen.

The extension to 1.5 Mb is only possible under Kickstart 1.3. Further 4
RAM chips has to be installed on the MaxiMem. The Gary adapter
remain. (If necessary look up under 1Mb FASTMEM). Set the dipswit­
ches so it match the new configuration. Look up under "DIP-SWITCH".

The extension to 1.8Mb is possible under Kickstart 1.2, 1.3 and 2.0.
Install ram chips so that all the sockets are used. The Gary adaptor
remain or is connected. (If necessary look up under 1Mb FASTMEM).
There is now installed 2MB ram on the MaxiMem, but without the CPU
adapter it is only possible to use 1.8Mb.

Fig 3. Installation of the GARY adaptor.

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1 Mb CmPMEM.
It is with the MaxiMem possible to move 512Kb of the FastMem, so that
it become ChipMem. It will always be the first 512Kb, installed on the
MaxiMem, which are possible to move. The rest of the ram on the
maximem, if any, will still remain as FastMem.
[Sf3 To obtain further ChipMem your Amiga 500 has to be provided
with a 8372A BIG FAT AGNUS.
If this is not the case, it is possible, on Amiga 500 REV. 5 and higher,
to update Agnus from 8371 to 8372. (Look up under UPDATE YOUR
AGNUS). In all configurations where you want to use 1Mb ChipMem,
you have to install both Gary and CPU adaptors.
• Install the CPU adaptor in the same way as the Gary adapter, but
you have to install it where the 68000 processor is placed, (pic. 4).
Note that the socket and the processor is in the same direction (the
mark toward the front of the Amiga, under the keyboard). Be careful
that all pins are properly placed so they do not bend.
• Connect The cable from the CPU print to the plug on the Gary
To change the first 512Kb ram on the MaxiMem between Fast- and
ChipMem it is necessary that you connect the "change-over" switch

Figur 4. Installation of the CPU adaptor.

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include (The one with the long cables). You can with advantage install
it behind your Amiga beside the mouse/joystick ports. If you do not wish
to change between ChipMem and FastMem, you only have to short-cir­
cuit the two pins, where the change over switch normally is connected.
You will now always have 512Kb extra ChipMem, as long as the
MaxiMem is pot disconnected.
You may find that there is some difficulty in putting your Amiga back to
normal, because of missing space to the metal cover. In case, We
advise you to leave the metal cover, since it has no meaning for the
Amiga 500’s functions.


The RAM chip’s shall be placed with the mark away from the battery,
as the chip’s which are already placed (fig. 8). The chips are of the type
514256, 814256 or 44256 (4 x 256Kbit), the speed shall be at least
100ns (120ns may cause guru trou­
ble). Enlargement from for instance
1/2 to 1Mbyte is done be placing 4
chips on the board where there is
written 1Mb.
Remember to set the DIP-SWIT­

Fig 8. Inserting the RAM chips

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Updating Agnus is a very difficult job, as this chip is an so-called PLCC
Chip. The Chip is sitting on a special socket, which therefore demand
a special tool to take it out. Though, it is possible to take it out by using
2 small screwdriver, but you must be very careful, because the socket
is easy to ruin.
I d 3 We therefore recommend you let the Agnus change by a autori-
zised computer workshop. (Contact your dealer for further infor­
If you do it your self anyway, please follow this instruction:
• Turn off the power supply of your Amiga 500 and disconnect all
peripheral equipment. Then Open Your Amiga. There is 3 screws at
the front and 3 behind. Note that there are screws under the warranty
Disconnect the keyboard and the metal cover
Unplug your Agnus chip (pic. 5), by putting a little screwdriver down
in the slash of the two corners on the socket and here-after carefully
rock it until the chip is free, (be very careful, because the socket is
easy to ruin). Generally,
you may not touch the nnnnnnnnnr
pins with your fingers.
Hold instead on the
middle of the chip, or use
a pincer/tong.
Put the new Agnus MOS
(8372A) chip in front of
you, and place it in the 8372A
same way as fig. 6.
Find pin 33 (at the bottom
of the left corner) and co­
unt 8 pins to the right,
until you reach pin 41. Î B 8 S Si
U U U u U lJ lJ îJ L j l . -I J D U U L U U lJ J L
This pin you have to bra­
ke off, so that it can not Figur 6. Fat Agnus, pin 41

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reach the socket (Be very careful not to bent the other pins).
• Now place your new Agnus chip on the socket, so that the text turns
upwards, but not necessary in the same direction as the old chip.
The corner which are cut off (at the top of the left corner as shown
in fig. 6) shall fit to the corresponding corner on the socket. Be ware
that all pins are at the same position as the holes in the socket. Now
you ready to give the Agnus final push with your thumb, so that the
Agnus is right placed down in the socket. (If you have to push
unreasonable hard, it is because you have turned the chip wrong, it
can only be installed without violence, if it is turned right). Make sure
that all pins of the chip are connected correctly.
• In most cases, it will be a good idea to put a pice of cardboard of the
size of your tom nail, down in the socket, before your new Agnus is
connected, (you can use a corner of a paperblock). This will give the
chip a better connection to the socket.
• Connect the keyboard and make sure that the computer is okay
before you gather it again.

Fig 5. Be very careful while unplugging the Fat Agnus

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The DIP-Switches tells the Amiga how much ram, you have installed
on your MaxiMem. Therefore it is important that you adjust them right,
every time you change on the number of RAM chips. In the figure below
(fig.7) you can see, how the switches shall be adjust in every single
case. If you bought your MaxiMem without CPU adapter, you don’t have
to look at the lowest part af the diagram.

RAM configuration Kick 1.2 Kick 1.3 on/off switch

FAST CHIP sw 1 sw 2 sw 1 sw 2 cpu maxi
0 Mb 0 Kb X X X X X on
0.5Mb 0 Kb off off off off off off
1.0Mb 0 Kb on off on off off off
1.5Mb 0 Kb - - off on off off
1.8Mb 0 Kb on on on on off off
0 Mb 0.5 Mb off off off off on off
0.5Mb 0.5 Mb on off on off on off
1.0Mb 0.5 Mb off on off on on off
1.5Mb 0.5 Mb - - on on on off
ilX" = Don’t care. ii _
" = Not possible.

Figur 7. Configurations of the DIP switches.

If you use Workbench 1,3 you shall add the command "Setpatch -r" to
the "s/startup-sequence". If you don’t do this, the information saved in
the extension will disappear when you make a keyboard reset. For
further information how to change the "s/startup-sequence", please look
up in your "Commodore AMIGA Enhance Software" book, which was
enclosed your Amiga.

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As some programs can’t run with the
512Kbyte, is the MaxiMem equipped with a
mechanical switch. In case you do not wish
to use the switch you can freely disconnect
it, and the RAM will be connected all the
time. Otherwise you can with advantage
install it behind your Amiga beside the mou­
se/joystick ports. Please note that the war­
ranty of the Amiga do not cover when it has On/off switch.
been open.
If the switch is in "off" position, the extension is turned on.
If you move the switch the computer shall be turned off. You can not
just reset.


The built-in Real-Time clock of the MaxiMem can be set in following

Boot Workbench 1.3 and choose preferences (If you only have Work­
bench 1.2 then use method 2). Just under the window "Last Saved" in
the top of the left corner, you will find the clock. Choose the number you
want to change and then push up or down arrow. Thereafter choose
the next number and so on.
When the date and clock is set, finish Preferences with "Save" to save
the time in the clockchip on the MaxiMem.

At Workbench 1.2 you can only set the clock from CLI. First you have
to set the system clock of your computer:

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MaxiMem V2.0 - AmiTech 1991 Manual (DK/UK)


DATE 04-JUN-91 12:40
DA=Day, MON=Month, HO=Hours, MI=Minuets, SE= seconds.
Now the systemclock has to be saved in the RAM of the Real -Time
clock: SETCLOCK OPT SAVE Now the clock is running and you only
have to make small adjustments once in a while.

There has to be distinguish between the built-in watch of the computer
and the lasertrimed Real-Time clock which are on the MaxiMem. The
clock in the computer is called "system clock" and is used by the
software. It’s set with the "DATE" command from CLI, and it’s only
running when the computer is on. The Real-Time clock on the MaxiMem
is running all the time, but can’t be read from ordinary programs. But on
the other hand you can transfer the Real-Time clocks setting to the
system clock, for instance during booting. Look further.


The load of the Real-Time clock to the system clock is done from
CLI(Shell) the following way: SETCLOCK OPT LOAD This command
is normally in the startup-sequence file.

When the MaxiMem is delivered to you, it’s has been true several tests
including the clock-chip, from the side of the producer. But the clock-chip
can anyway "forget" it’s existents during the shipment, or if programs
by accident write in the area of the clock-chips address. Following error
informations indicate this:
"Battery backed clock not found", or
Use the following solution:
From CLI (Shell) you type in the following command:

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Manual (DK/UK) MaxiMem V2.0 - AmiTech 1991

Now the clock has been reset and it is therefore necessary to set it
again. Read the chapter "Setting the real-time clock"

Neither the manufacturer nor the dealer is responsible for damages, to
any of your equipment, caused by the connection of the MaxiMem, Gary
adaptor, CPU adaptor or Big Fat Agnus. If you follow the installation
description carefully, it’s impossible to damage any of your equipment.
If anything nevertheless gets damaged, it is only caused by your way
of connecting the thing mentioned. Please remember to turn off your
computer, whenever you connect any equipment to.

MaxiMem© and this manual is protected under Copyright © 1991 by
AmiTech in Denmark. A ll rights reserved.
Amiga is a registered trademark o f Commodore-Amiga Inc. Commodo­
re is a registered trademark o f Commodore Electronics Limited.

This manual is produced with reservation for print error. The manufac­
turer is not responsible o f any possible damage on MaxiMem or other
equipment caused wrong information in this manual.

This MaxiMem is a Danish quality product from AmiTech. The MaxiMem

Expansion Card increase the amount o f memory o f the Amiga 500 up
to 2Mb. 1 Mb CHIPmem is also possible with MaxiMem.

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MaxiMem V2.0 - AmiTech 1991 Manual (DK/UK)

A ll AmiTech products are of very high quality, developed in Denmark.
Futhermore we have:
• AmiTech Stereo Soundsampler - Amiga.
• AmiTech Joy Master - Amiga or Atari.
• Different computer cables.

AmiTech Denmark - DK-8520 Lystrup. Fax: +45 8 6 2 2 91 77.

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