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Pros of nuclear energy

Nuclear energy produces low greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear energy produces 62 percent
of all emissions free energy

Nuclear energy is highly efficient, it can power a city with just one reactor

While it’s expensive to build the reactor the energy is cheaper in the long run than energy from
coal, or oil, or solar

Nuclear energy is way more sustainable, oil prices are unpredictable because oil is becoming
more and more rare whereas nuclear resources are bountiful

Nuclear reactors can create hundreds of new jobs, 400 to 700 people for the reactor and many
more for the construction of the reactor whereas coal power plants employ 90 and 50 for a gas

Right now we have enough uranium to produce 80 years worth of nuclear energy, and if we run
out of uranium an alternate power source called thorium can be used as well

As of now it is not fully sustainable but if we were able to figure out how to control atomic fusion
we can have a unlimited supply of uranium in the future

The amount of energy released in a nuclear power plant is ten times what coal and oil plants

Nuclear power plants can consistently produce more energy than any other power plant, only
stopping production once and a while for maintenance, whereas solar energy the sun doesn’t
always shine, hydro energy the water doesn’t always flow, and wind turbines the wind doesn’t
always blow

Many storage centers for nuclear waste are being developed like the one in finland off the island
of Olkiluoto that is being carved out of bedrock and will begin storage in 2023, giving us enough
time to build and develop more nuclear power plants until then

Coal power plants produce more radiation into the environment than nuclear energy currently, coal contains radioactive material
like uranium and thorium and when burned it turns these into gas and concentrates the mineral components into fly ash. The U.S.
considered using fly ash as a way to produce nuclear weapons in case they ran out of uranium

The disastors that have happened at places like fukushima and cherenopyl aren’t even comparable to other industrial disasters at
other power plants. In Bhopal india 3,800 people were killed instantly and many others were sickened from the 40 tons of gas
that leaked following the disaster from the pesticide plant, comparing this to the incident at cherenopyl were only about 30
people died immediatly it’s night and day. Not to mention the people in henan province in china were 26,000 people were killed
after a failure of a hydroelectirc plant after a typhoon.

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