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Mata kuliah : English Language Teaching Technique

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Semester : IV
Fakultas : Tarbiyah
Dosen : Dr. Darmayenti, M.Pd
SKS :2
Academic Year 2021/2022(Genap)
Kode :-


The students understand well the basic principles of English Language Teaching technique, analyze teaching technique
types, and conduct various simple teaching activities in English classroom.
Soft Skills/ Character: Emphatic, Confident, Independent, Cooperative, Creative

Weeks Learning Outcomes Learning Experience Topics/Materials Instructional Criteria Source
(Capaian Pembelajaran) (Pengalaman Belajar) (Pokok/bahasan) Strategy/Meth /Assessing
od technique
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Introduction to ELT technique
2 1. Comprehend the different 1. Discuss the different concept Introduction to Feedback on 2, 4
concept of approach, method, of approach, method, approach, method, Discussing the students
technique, strategies in technique, strategies in technique, strategies Questioning responds
teaching English. teaching English in teaching English individually
2. Differentiate the
characteristic of each
3. Give examples of each

3 Comprehend the concept of 1. Discuss the concept of 1. Grammar lecturing  Feedback on 2
grammar translation method grammar translation method Translation Discussing students’
and Comprehend the Direct and the Direct Method Method Questioning work and
Method 2. Analyze the principle of 2. the Direct respond
grammar translation method Method individually
and the Direct Method
3. Discuss various teaching
technique in grammar
translation method and the
Direct Method
4 Comprehend the concept of 1. Discuss the concept of 1. Audio Lingual lecturing  Feedback on 2
Audio Lingual Method and Audio Lingual Method and Method Discussing students’
Comprehend the concept of Silent Way 2. Silent Way Questioning work and
Silent Way 2. Analyze the principle of respond
Audio Lingual Method and
Silent Way
3. Discuss various teaching
technique in Audio Lingual
Method and Silent Way
5 Comprehend the concept of 1. Discuss the concept of 1. Suggestopedia Feedback on 2
Suggestopedia and Community Suggestopediaand 2. Community students’ work
Language Learning Community Language Language
Learning Learning
2. Analyze the principle of
Suggestopedia and
Community Language
3. Discuss various teaching
technique in suggestopedia
and Community Language

6 Comprehend the concept of 1. Discuss the concept of 1. Community lecturing  Observation: 2
Community Language Community Language Language Discussing Teacher
Learning and Total Physical Learning and Total Physical Learning Questioning assessment
response Method response Method 2. Total Physical  Feedback on
2. Analyze the principle of response Method students’
Community Language work
Learning and Total Physical
response Method
3. Discuss various teaching
technique in Community
Language Learning and
Total Physical response
7 Comprehend the concept of 1. Discuss the concept of 1. Communicative Lecturing Feedback on 2, 4
Communicative Approach Communicative Approach Approach Discussing students’
and Content- Based and Content- Based 2. Content- Based Questioning work
Instruction Instruction Instruction
2. Analyze the principle of
Communicative Approach
and Content- Based
3. Discuss various teaching
technique in Communicative
Approach and Content-
Based Instruction
8 Mid Term Test
9 Comprehend the concept of 1. Discuss the concept of Task Task Based Lecturing  Feedback on 4
Task Based Language Based Language teaching Language teaching Discussing students’
teaching 2. Analyze the principle of Searching work
Task Based Language 
1. Discuss various teaching
technique in Task Based
Language teaching
10 The students understand and the 1. Discuss the concept of Technique for Practice  Feedback on 1,4

concept of teaching Listening teaching listening skill Teaching listening teaching students’
skill and be able to teach it 2. Analyze the principle of skill performance
teaching listening skill
3. Practice teaching listening
11 The students understand the 1. Discuss the concept of Technique for Practice  Feedback on 1,4
concept of teaching reading teaching reading skill Teaching reading teaching students’
comprehension and be able to 2. Analyze the principle of skills performance
teach it teaching reading skill
Practice teaching reading skill
12 The students understand the 1. Discuss the concept of Technique for Practice  Feedback on 1,4
concept of teaching speaking teaching speaking skill Teaching speaking teaching students’
skill and be able to teach it 2. Analyze the principle of skills performance
teaching speaking skill
3. Practice teaching speaking
13 The students understand the 4. Discuss the concept of Technique for Practice  Feedback on 1,4
concept of teaching writing teaching writing skill Teaching writing teaching students’
skill be able to teach it and be 5. Analyze the principle of skill performance
able to teach it teaching writing skill 
Practice teaching writing skill
14-15 The students understand the 1. Discuss the concept of Technique for Lecturing  Feedback on 1,4
concept of integrating teaching Integrating language Integrating teaching Practice students’
four English skills teaching four English skills teaching performance
2. Analyze the principle of
Integrating language
3. Practice Integrating
language teaching
16 Final test

2. Harmer, Jeremy.2001. The Practice of English Teaching. Pearson Education Limited. England
3. Freeman, D. & Marti Anderson. 2011. Technique and Principle in Language Teaching. USA. Oxford University Press.
4. Brown D.H. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Interaction Approach to Language Teaching Pedagogy. San Fransisco State University.
5. Richard JC. 2002. Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press.

1. Mahasiswa harus membekali diri sebelum masuk kelas dengan membaca materi dan meringkasnya
2. Mahasiswa dituntut untuk aktif secara individu di dalam belajar
3. Pembelajaran dilakukan dengan presentasi, tugas individu, diskusi


Penilaian dilakukan berdasarkan aspek berikut:
1. Aktifitas mahasiswa secara individu selama belajar
2. Tugas individu setiap minggu
3. Ujian Tengah Semester
4. Ujian Akhir Semester

No Aspek Penilaian Marks (%)

1 Partisipasi kelas dan kehadiran 40
2 Tugas Mingguan 20
3 Nilai Tengah Semester 20
4 Nilai Akhir Semester 20
Nilai Total 100

Selama perkuliahan ET Technique mahasiswa harus mentaati peraturan yang telah disepakati bersama sebagai berikut di bawah ini:

1. Mahasiswa harus mengenakan pakaian yang sopan dan rapi. Khusus mahasiswi harus mengenakan busana muslimah yang sopan dan sesuai syariah
agama Islam yaitu memakai baju kurung sedalam lutut dan jilbab sebatas pusar dan memakai kaus kaki yang panjang dan tidak transparan.
2. Membaca Alqur’an sebelum perkuliahan dimulai
3. Selama 1 semester mahasiswa harus hapal Alqur’an dengan surat yang telah disepakati dan setiap minggu harus menyetor hapalan ayat.

4. Sebelum perkuliahan dimulai, semua mahasiswa sudah membaca dan membuat laporan bacaan dalam bentuk mapping.
5. Setiap mahasiswa harus menyampaikan apa yang telah dibaca dengan berbagai referensi di kelas
6. Tugas mingguan dibuat dalam bentuk power point
7. Mahasiswa yang tidak membuat tugas harus membaca referensi lebih banyak dan membuat laporan bacaan dalam bentuk ringkasan
8. Penilaian berbasis proses. Oleh karena itu, semua mahasiswa harus aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.

Ketua Jurusan/Program Studi, Konsorsium Dosen Pengampu Mata Kuliah

Hidayat Al Azmi, M.Pd _______________________ Dr. Darmayenti, M.Pd

NIP. NIP. 197307111999032002

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