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Part 1.

"What are the differences that you can see?"

 There is / there are
There is a red parrot, but there is
a green parrot.
 Have got
This man has got a moustache, but that
man has got a beard.
 Be wearing
She is wearing a hat, but he is wearing a scarf.

We use Present Simple to describe people or things

The parrot is red. / The parrot is green.
We use Present Continuous to describe actions
The man is sitting. / The girl isn't sitting.
* Don`t forget to use BUT 
I can see .......    but       I can't see ......
There is / There are .......     but       There isn't / There aren't .......
In picture A .....    but     In picture B .

Part 2
Make a story
Во второй части историю достаточно рассказать в настоящем, используя два времени;
Present Simple и Present Continuous.
Описание первой картинке дает экзаменатор: Look at these pictures. They show the story. It’s called
‘The shark’. Just look at the pictures first. (Pause) Look at the first one.
The family is on the beach. The children are playing. Their mother is reading.
Now you tell the story.

Then father goes to swim.

He is swimming and sees a shark! He is afraid.
Then he sees that it is his son, not a shark. He is angry now.
1. Нужно дать короткое описание каждой картинке, пропускать картинки не следует.
2. Нужно использовать имена героев и следовать теме истории заявленной в названии
логически продолжая ее. (С названием истории и именами героев познакомит экзаменатор).
3. Нужно логически завершить историю одной из типовых фраз:
He(she/they) is (very) happy.
He(she/they) isn’t happy now.
He(she/they) is sad/angry.
It is funny/sad.


Для описания людей и предметов используйте Present Simple и выражение there is/are

There is a family on the beach.
There is a shark in the sea.
The weather is nice.
The father is angry.
The pirate has got straight hair. / The pirate hasn’t got a moustache.

Для описания действий используйте Present Continuous

The girl isn't swimming. / Her father is swimming.
The children are playing. / Their mother is reading a book.

Part 3

Для описания людей и предметов используйте Present Simple

The spider is under the bed, it is not on the bed. 
Для описания действий используйте Present Continuous
The bird isn't flying, it is sitting in the tree. The boy isn't writing, he is listening to music.
* Не забывайте использовать BUT или BECAUSE 
 These are vegetables     but       this is a watermelon, it's not a vegatable, it's a fruit.
This picture is different    because     this is not a face, this is a foot.

 Чаще всего используются следующие фразы:

 there is/are, this is/these are There is a bear on the sofa, there are toys under the sofa.
There are children, they are at school. There are children, they are in the garden.
 this is/these are This is a fish, these are birds. These are animals, this is a toy.
 has got/have got They have got blond hair, he has got dark hair.
 is wearing/are wearing They are wearing jeans, she is wearing a skirt.

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