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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Ed202

Student Name: Jonnel S. Gadingan

Learning Area: Ed204

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to learn about

1. To determine the legal sources of Philippine Education

2. To introduce the laws that gives every Filipino the freedom to learn and to be educated
3. To know the rights of student and teacher under the law provided by the state.

II. Subject Matter




Materials: Laptop, Cellphone

III. Procedure


A. Preparations

     1. Good afternoon class - Good afternoon, Sir!

          How are you today? - Doing Fine, sir.
B. Motivation

Okay, so this time let me ask you a question.

What if there is no Education? Or try to imagine, - (Answers may vary)
what if people do not have the right for

It’s nice to hear your ideas about these

matters. So now, we will proceed to our

C. Lesson Proper

Source of the Philippine Education

So, the importance of Education here in the
Philippines are being codified or being put into
the constitution and laws in our country.

When we say traditional Before the time the

Philippines suffered subjugation under the
powers of different sovereigns and during the
time when societies were not governed by laws
yet but by men still, children were provided
practical and vocational training by their parents,
relatives, tribal tutors and leaders. There were no
schools or academic activities. Everything was
basically and purely see-and-do, try-and fail. Even
before, education is very important to us Filipinos
and it became part of our culture.

One of the Source of The Philippine Education

Jurisprudence is the


So, when we say constitution, these are basic

principles and laws of a nation, state, or social
group that determine the powers and duties of
the government and guarantee certain rights to
the people in it. So, that’s very general, but in
here let’s just focus on the Education but no
doubt that one of the sources of the Philippine
Education Jurisprudence is the Constitution.

In the Constitution, actually if we just focus on

the present constitution which is the 1987
Constitution, we will just only tackle the different
sectors of Article 14 of the 1987 Constitution
sections 1 to 19

But since the other Constitutions are also

important, we will include them in our topic.

And these are the three major legal bases

The Philippine Constitution

1. 1935 CONST. Article 14 Section 5
2. 1973 CONST. Article 15 Section 8 (1-8)
3. 1987 CONST. Article 14 Sections 1-5(5)

So, we don’t need to tackle each section because

it will take some time in order to discuss all of
those. But one thing that I will assure you, those
sections contain all the rights of every Filipino to
Education, all of those laws are for the sake of
the Education of every student/citizen of the

Now, let’s move on to Statutes.

A statute is a formal written enactment of a

legislative authority that governs a country, state,
city, or county. Typically, statutes command or
prohibit something, or declare policy.


A police officer pulls you over, and you are given

a citation for violating the speed limit. You have
broken a vehicle and traffic law. This law is
established by legislature as a statute, or a law
that is formally written and enacted. As a result,
the law you broke was a statutory law.

the difference between statutes and laws

Statute law is written laws originating from

municipalities, states, or national legislatures;
laws are written or unwritten guidelines or rules
that are followed by communities. 2. Statutes are
not cumulative; each legislative session has a
separate volume.

The statute made to enhance basic education of

2013. Kindly read Ms. Abejaron. - (Ms. Abejaron will read the PPT regarding
  to the statute)
Thank you, Ms. Abejaron! 

Now, let’s proceed to

Republic Act 7877

• An act declaring sexual harassment ad

unlawfulness in the employment, education or
training environment and for other purposes.
Education Act of 1982
• An act providing for the establishment and
maintenance of an integrated system of
education. In accordance with Section 2, this act
shall apply to and govern both formal and non-
formal system in public and private schools in all
levels of the entire educational system.

4. Generalization

Did you understand the topic that has been

- Yes sir!
So, who can give a summarization or
generalization of the discussion? Yes, Ms. Petil.
- (Ms. Petil will share her generalization
and understanding about the topic)
Excellent Ms. Petil!

Now, since you understand the topic, let me

give you an assignment.

IV. Evaluation

1. Explain the Article 14 Section 1 of the 1987 Constitution.

2. What is a statute in your own opinion?
3. What are the 3 Legal Major bases of the Source of the Philippine Educational Jurisprudence?

V. Assignment

Research about the Source of Education Jurisprudence of USA and compare it to Philippines.

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